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Topic: [Obsolete] SS2 Vurt's Mods
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looks decent, could use some blue hue coming off (atmosphere). what are those stars, looks like it uses a particle effect, they're on the window too, looks odd.

edit: statione.pcx?? where did you find that one, i have shtup and most of the original .crf's unpacked into a folder so i can search for textures easily.. it doesnt find a texture called that.
I'm not a modder, I have no idea how to do that. those green stars are a forcefield in the window.. the texture is ADAOB-exclusive, if I'm not mistaken.
That explains it, im using secmod myself so for me there's no change, just my normal space textures it seems.


use station.mis from ADAOB, and the game will use the new textures:


they correspond to:

« Last Edit: 06. October 2011, 19:04:54 by voodoo47 »
I'm not sure i think it's improving the game / graphics in such a way that its worth spending any time on to be completely honest. And i thought secmod used ADAOB as a "base", think i recall reading that when i installed it, maybe it doesnt include the graphics, just the fixes..


that is, of course, entirely upon you. taking a strictly logical approach, it's more than clear that it's not worth doing-first half of the players won't even notice, the second half will barely look at it. not mentioning there is no real reward in this-no money, no publicity, no entry for your CV, nothing.

but sometimes, you have to put logic aside-especially when doing pro-level work for free.. ;)

secmod has the fixes, but from an older version of ADAOB, and the new textures were included just in the latest.
aha, i thought it was based on the latest, maybe its preferable to run ADAOB then if there's a lot of new fixes in the latest version?

I dont mind doing requests once in a while, but often they wont have very high priority. i'm just modding my own game to satisfaction and then sharing it.


0.3.0 has a lot of new stuff, SHEMP for example. I would recommend using ADAOB+SHEMP, that way you should be able to avoid redundant work (remaking textures that were already remade). note that the new SHEMP textures work only on unstripped levels (the rest will have to load them via ddfix or other means, but this has not been done yet).

anyway, after a bit of fiddling around (I now know what a transparency layer is, woot!), I have made the horrible hackjob, well, a bit less horrible. attaching to this post, in case someone would want to use it.
« Last Edit: 07. October 2011, 21:10:26 by voodoo47, Reason: removed obsolete attachment »
Not bad at all, voodoo47. Just like vurt said though, a halo effect would really improve things.
To make a halo effect all you need to do is to go to layer, layer style, outer glow and choose an appropriate color, size and thickness of the glow. This can only be done if you have the earth image on a separate, transparent layer.


easy for you to say. took me three hours 'till I figured things out-I better stick with the screwdriver.

anyway, it's done, and while there is still room for improvement, this is as far as I go..

Image: http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/479/bluehue.jpg
« Last Edit: 07. October 2011, 14:00:50 by voodoo47 »
Looks really good :) and yes, it takes time to learn new things.
Good work, voodoo. Maybe this can be integrated with the space mod 1.0. It doesn't quite justify an extra mod but I wouldn't want to miss it either.


guys, feel free to use the texture in any way you see fit-I did not make any part of it, the only thing that can be considered my work are those ugly jaggies between the surface of the planet and the blue corona (had to be a bit more aggressive with cropping to avoid some ugliness). background is vurt's, and the photo of the planet is from wikipedia.

to get it fully working, you also need the rest of vurt's space textures (replace all occurrences of "sky" with "station" in all filenames), and station.mis from ADAOB 0.3.0.. enjoy.

btw, you know what would be really nice? a dds that would slowly turn the planet around, completing the animation in 24 ingame hours. >:D
haha, that would be cool. not sure it would be worth the trouble though, it would be different if this was done in a place that you visit frequently in the game.


99% of things I do in my life are entirely pointless, one less or one more won't make a difference.


That's friggin' hilarious Kolya. :D
Oh that looks almost blasphemous, Kolya! :)

Seriously, good job voodoo47. I also hope that this will become part of Vurt's space mod.

What do you say, Vurt? Is there space in your mod for another pizz... planet? :)
Good one Kolya  XD

I guess i could include voodoo's texture with the next update i do to the space textures mod (there will be a new thread), as optional for those who uses ADAOB.

I'll have a few different sets of textures for space that people can choose from.
:D Haha, at first I was like ?? an then I laughed out loud :)


how can I insert or activate this glow effect ?

can I have the blood mod ?  :)
The blood mod will be out together with a few other mods, but not right now, sorry.

Post processing can be activated through the .ini.

In that picture i think i used Xenoneo's settings, here they are:

Code: [Select]
;Sample initialization file for ddfix. The settings are the defaults and
;intentionally commented out. (Uncomment a setting only if you need to change
;the value.)


;Set all options to safe values and ignore the rest of this file. In safe
;mode widescreen is not available. Set one of the originally supported
;display modes in cam.cfg. Boolean.

;Enable per-mission ini files. Boolean.
;For .mis, the per-mission ini file name is .ddfix.ini.
;A per-mission ini file may contain [PostProcessing] and [Fog] sections.

;Prevent multicore related crash. Boolean.

;Register lgvid.ax every time game is started. Boolean.

;Disable the Windows key. Boolean.

;Refresh rate. Integer. (0 = driver default.)

;Use vsync. Boolean.

;Number of vsyncs per flip. Increase this number to decrease frame rate. 1-4.

;Frame rate limit in frames per second. Float. (0 = unlimited.)

;Menu screen update delay in milliseconds. This is needed only if vsync is off.
;(0 = no delay.)

;Menu/video screen aspect ratio. Float. (0 = fullscreen.)

;Anisotropic filtering for the first texture stage. Boolean.

;Triple buffering. Boolean.

;Number of bits for the Z buffer. 16 or 24.

;Enable gamma correction. Boolean.

;Field of view (FOV) in percent. Integer.

;On-screen size (in percent of the screen size) of the selected item and weapon
;in Thief.

;Fix the variable water transparency problem in T2 by forcing opaque alpha.

;Multiply levels by 2**ModulateShift.

;Fix the T2 limb rendering bug. Boolean.
;Turn this off for T2X and other FMs with custom reverse-Z limb models.
;Default for T2:
;Default for others:

;Place some surfaces in system memory instead of video memory. 0, 1 or 2.
;0 = all surfaces in video memory.
;1 = menu in system memory. In case of any menu screen corruption.
;2 = menu and overlay in system memory. In case of any in-game UI corruption.

;Any 16-bit color that is _not_ used by the in-game overlay.

;Blit the overlay to the backbuffer with each Unlock() call. Together with
;UseSysMemOverlay=2 this can result in a poor frame rate. Boolean.

;Turns on the 32 bit texture loader and some other things such as global fog
;autodetection. Boolean.

;Replacement texture path. Must include the trailing backslash. Relative paths
;are relative to the game main directory.

;When TextureReplacement=1, the MemAddr section can be used to set the memory
;addresses to patch. The following executables are currently detected and memory
;patches applied:
;TG v1.37, T2 v1.18, SS2 v2.3, Dromed v1.37, Dromed2 v1.18, ShockEd v2.12.



;Enable fog fix. Fog must also be enabled in the game options. Boolean.

;Global fog. 0 = no, 1 = autodetect (requires TextureReplacement=1), 2 = force.


;Enable postprocessing. Boolean.

;Modulation for the unbloomed frame buffer. 0xrrggbb.

;Overall saturation. 0-255. (255 = full saturation, 0 = grayscale.)

;Bloom intensity. 0-255. (0 = disable all bloom processing.)

;Bloom also the user interface. BloomUI=0 only works with the game executables,
;not the editors. Boolean.

;Gain from bloom level to the next. 0xrrggbb. (0x404040 = zero gain.)

;Bloom saturation. 0-255. (255 = full saturation, 0 = grayscale.)

;A per-level zoom-in factor. Integer. (0 = no spread.)
;This makes the bloom spread out (positive values) or in (negative values).

;Colors below this will cause no bloom. 0xrrggbb.

;Trailing and afterimages. 0xaarrggbb. (0 = no trailing.)
;The rgb components modulate the trail color, while the alpha component governs
;how much of the bloom from the last frame is blended into the current frame.

;Shift left for the bloom source. Integer 0-8.
;The result of applying threshold (which is actually a subtraction), is
;multiplied by 2**BloomShift.

;After applying BloomShift, modulate the result with the original frame buffer.

;Adjust gamma dynamically based on average intensity. EnableGamma must be 1.
;Float. Resulting gamma is DynamicGamma*(ln(averageIntensity)-3)+userGamma,
;clamped to [0.5, 1.5], where averageIntensity is sampled from the screen
;(range [0, 255]) and userGamma is set by the user from the keyboard or menu.
;The reasonable range for DynamicGamma is something like [0, 0.5].

;Adjust BloomThreshold dynamically based on average intensity. Boolean.

;The rate of decay per second for average intensity. Affects both dynamic
;gamma and dynamic threshold. Float 0 - 0.99.

;Resulting threshold is DynamicMult*averageIntensity+DynamicAdd. Float.


I'm glad you like my settings. :)
I spent nearly all day, every day for a week balancing everything for the look I was wanting.
Modulateshift=1 was the last thing I added though, to smooth out the textures, which brightened everything quite a bit.
The balance is still good, but bringing down the saturations to darken everything results in a less vivid environment, so I bring the gamma down a little bit from the default now.
Until another form of AA is added to ddfix as an alternative to modulate 2x, it's the best I can do for now.
The only nitpicky problems I have with it atm is with large glowing areas like Xerxes, where the brightness blows out the texture detail.

Anyways, I've been painting the inside of a house all week and I'm about to get back to that for a few more days.

Seems nothing has been posted here recently, so I'm just checking in to see how the goo, blood, light dust, explosions, muzzle flash, and clutter mods were coming.
I've been putting off trying out Secmod till some of those come out, and it would be nice to try them out when I have time to play again soon.
Keep up the awesome work Vert; you inspire me to mod SS2 myself sometime soon.  :awesome:
« Last Edit: 16. October 2011, 20:20:14 by Xenoneo »
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Certainly it constitutes bad news when the people who agree with you are buggier than batshit.
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