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Topic: [Obsolete] SS2 Vurt's Mods
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Re: SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul
You could split up your project into two .ss2mod files, one for the more experimental and "out of place" stuff and one for SHTUP-like plants like the water lilies (which are just a 3D interpretation of the flat 2D plant), so the user can quickly switch (or enable both) via the mod manager.

Oh, and great work btw.
Re: SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul
I was really stoked to see your name as the creator of this topic, big follower of your Morrowind work. Great to see you giving this game some love, too. Thanks a ton.
Re: SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul

Might use for a few selected places, i'm thinking of doing a clutter addon, but it needs more stuff than plants. A small fountain for the garden maybe, could be cool with the pink sakura tree maybe. Let me know if you've got any ideas.. the gayness of doing pink trees and flowers is getting on my nerves! j/k

« Last Edit: 15. September 2011, 11:34:50 by vurt »


Re: SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Y'know, the Thief community would love love love to have access to these tree models. Thief's default trees suck.


Re: SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul
To be honest, I support the idea of adding trees to the street area.  It seems a little more realistic that way. 

It is pretty interesting how adding new plants and retexturing old ones gives the game more life.  I saw somewhat an example of this when playing Polaris (those poor, genetically-altered plants -w-; )
Re: SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Zylon: yes that's why i added the "flora resource" to the first post.. I made post in a thread on TTLG (about Resources for Thief).

orchid http://piclair.com/data/073nc.jpg

« Last Edit: 18. September 2011, 23:51:22 by vurt »
Re: SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul
More clutter, some clothing racks in the mall. http://piclair.com/data/7b2lw.jpg

Is there a way to "reload" added objects into an ongoing game? Kind of sucks to have to restart to see the changes (yes i know i can see my changes in-game through the editor's "game mode"). Maybe there's a console command or something..

« Last Edit: 18. September 2011, 23:54:25 by vurt »

67cfc3870438cNu Zalem

Re: SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Now that is some good stuff there Vurt. This is inspiring me to learn Blender some 3D modeling even quicker.
Nu Zalem: Do that, the more modders the better  :thumbwink:

New water: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku1MMakiBcM

I've only made the "blin" water so far, i've not even seen the "blout"-water anywhere, where is that used?


If memory serves, it's used for the "underneath" of water surfaces, when the player is underwater looking up.
ok cool, didnt even know there were places where you could be underneath it.


There's only a couple of places in the Body of the Many where it's possible; it's more of a Thief thing. The two textures are always identical anyway. Probably one of those features that sounded useful when they were programming the engine, but turned out to be not so much.
New water: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku1MMakiBcM

I've only made the "blin" water so far, i've not even seen the "blout"-water anywhere, where is that used?
Looks great in principal but the texture does not seem to tile very well, the water looks a little bit too symmetrical and ordered.
yeah it's always a compromise, either you can make it like shtup, with very subtle coloring, no hilights that you can easily spot etc and you'll have a rather boring but also less noticeable tiling texture. I dont like the tiling but it's really only noticeable when you see a long stretch of water, looking down onto it.. 
« Last Edit: 20. September 2011, 05:05:22 by vurt »


definitely work in progress (maybe it could be a little calmer), but I like it a lot-fits way better than t2 water (it was not meant for ss2, so no surprise here).


Making a perfect water animation is almost impossible for SS2 and Thief, because they use exactly the same texture for all water. A nice turbulent animation looks great most places but pretty silly in shallow pools or in sinks.

67cfc387052b2Nu Zalem

Water looks splendid. Nice job. I wonder if you'll up the ante with many more textures of the game. If so then I'm all for it. I love to see creativity at work. Keep up the pace Vurt. :thumbwink:
it will improve ;)

made some water caustics with this utility.

looks alright, the animation is quite smooth (19 frames), might use on top of the other texture.

« Last Edit: 20. September 2011, 01:28:54 by vurt »


 :thumbwink: Want!!! Vurt, you´re a god. Thanx.
five billion filters later: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDnekJt4kqk

thank god/shodan its possible to automate photoshop  :cyborg:
Impressive job with the water!

Keep it up!


it might be really hard and long-lasting to find the sweet spot between performance hit and eye-candy... keep on rolling.. I can see you are going make ultimate water  :thumbwink:


that's what I've been babblin about :D makes me wanna taste it!
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