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Topic: SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul Read 184390 times  

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Vurt's SS2 Flora Overhaul


* Replaces most plant models with more detailed versions.
* Requires a decent graphics card to run without FPS drops.
« Last Edit: 29. October 2015, 20:07:15 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: Pedruh47
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Nice update vurt! It worked fine, except these plants:

Image: http://i.imgur.com/xcfZv.jpg

Maybe there's another compatibility issiue with SHTUP, i don't know.

Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
ah thanks for reporting that, i know what that issue is.. i'll make a fix.

Edit: Fixed (untested, but should work now).
« Last Edit: 01. October 2011, 20:20:57 by vurt »
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Mmh, it doesn't work, this time the plants had yellow and purple "leaves" or squares in this case.
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Haha ok, try now.
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Almost! The leaves are ok but the stems are missing

Image: http://i.imgur.com/nGm6e.jpg
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Hmm can't figure that one out i'm afraid. The texture is 256x256 TGA and the file name is correct (i just checked the .bin with View.exe). I was in hydroponics with this version and didnt see any missing stems.


Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
I just wondered: could the texture of this flower boxes be changed, or the flowers be repositioned?

Some stems almost fit the holes, but some seem to grow out the solid metal.
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
I'm not sure how well the original stem fits in to the holes, i don't think it does, would take a lot of time to position them perfectly.. Sometimes i don't get why they've separated the meshes in the first place, for example those pots and plants, just a lot more work to position two meshes instead of 1.

One way would be to make the leaves go lower (or make them bigger) to cover this error.
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Is this still in development? I sometimes get strange bugs like floating plants:

Flora OVerhaul was installed on top of SHTUP and ADaoB if that matters. Will collect additional screenshots as I continue with the game.


Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
might be an obj placement issue, will check the map.
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
I've played up to Recreations now and haven''t encountered another problem with this mod. Must be an error in earth.mis.


Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Overwrite SHTUP .bins? Excuse abruptness. On-screen keyboard. Long story. Thx.
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
If you want others to understand you, consider using full sentences.

Dou you want to know if there's a conflict with SHTUP? There is, both look fine but Flora Overhaul replaces a lot more models. For the sake of consistency, I'd advise to overwrite the SHTUP content.


Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
My apologies for the incoherence last night, the post does say why, though... I had to post it or I'd forget.

Having problems with a few of Vurt's mods. As he doesn't test installing the proper (sorry Vurt!) way, he doesn't put instructions about file overwrites in his posts, as he doesn't experience them himself probably.

Maybe Vurt could sort these mods out in the correct folder structure for placing in DataPermMods.

Thanks very much, Marvin :-)

PS: Vurt - loving the latest Skyrim overhaul, just downloaded it!! Posting here cause I don't really post on the nexus.
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul

v0.4 Changelog:

* all textures are now in .dds format
* new reeds and lilypad textures
* new pot that fits better with the sci-fi theme
* upped the resolution on a few textures


Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Neat... I just installed the old one. Typical Lol.

downloading :D
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Beautiful, thanks!


Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Looks great but the very first plant you see (next to the reception robot) is floating. I imagine it's going to be a recurring issue for that type of plant.
Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
yes unfortunately, though it's just only really noticeable at that one place. You can delete it by removing plantt.bin. Though the original plant is very buggy, the pot is somehow inverted and turns itself inside out as you move closer to the plant, it looks really weird. Maybe it's fixed with shtup though.


Re: Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Yeah it looked fine with SHTUP. I put this mod in the Temp folder which acts like it overwrites the stuff in Perm to test it so I could delete it without re-downloading the stuff it overwrite if it's problematic. I'll go ahead and just delete that file then.


So if we already have an older version installed, how does one go about updating?  Because . . .

* all textures are now in .dds format

. . . suggests that it's not as simple as just dropping the new files in the DataPermMods folder and overwriting what's there.  There will be duplicate versions of every texture, due to the change of texture format.

Does one format take higher priority over the other?  Or does it matter?

I'm manually going to delete the older duplicate textures in other formats.  But I thought I'd ask, on behalf of others who might have the same questions.


Do some of these only look right with certain alpha settings in the .ini? In the latest upload, that same problem plant in the screenshots above has transparency issues for me around the leaves. Otherwise, the plants are looking good.

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