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Topic: ASUS laptop color calibration issues
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67d47a551919fJuan Goico

Thank you are the man, I did not Uninstall, I just placed on normal, It was driving me crazy!!!!
Thanks very much Kolya and the rest. I have being struggling with this since I upgraded my windows to 8.1 and then to windows 10. I always thought that it was the upgrade that resulted in all this problems. I made up my mind to reverse my upgrade today but thanks this post. I'm no longer going to do so. Thanks
Thank you so much man!
its been a week since  i purchased my new asus laptop and i already sent it back to the retailer cause the screen was yellow. Even with the replaced laptop i still got that yellowish tint and had to manually calibrate it every single time i opened the laptop from sleep. Then i came across this.. thanks alot
Thank GOD for this nugget of wisdom. You rule!
Thank you,

Although I learned how to configure color management in Windows 10, my display color profile was not loading automatically on ASUS laptop N551VW.
Clicking Reload current calibration button loads the profile, but after reboot it is not loaded.
Uninstalling ASUS splendid utility solved the issue.


THANK YOU! It took me a while to find it since I just loaded Windows 10, but finally clicked on the Windows icon in the left corner, chose "All Apps" , clicked on ASUS (oddly, listed under "A") and there the little bugger was! I was going cross-eyed and blind with the screen set to "vivid". You are indeed a God.
Thank you a zillion times finally saved from heartaches


hey guys ! I just bought a new Asus laptop, when I watch a movie without full screen it's color is fine but when I do, the color turns yellow-ish. Even though I change the splendid Utility to normal it still yellow-ish when I full screen !! please help guys :(
Thank you so much. I almost lost my mind figuring this out after i bought brand new laptop.


Thanks!!!! After months of suffering this and trying updating drivers, uninstalling graphic card, windows configuration, etc. 2016, and this still happens...
Hi guys, I upgraded to WINDOWS 10 a month ago and had the same YELLOW-ish tint. Clicked on this ASUS Splendid Technology, and chose Manual then cranked the color temperature all the way to the RIGHT making it appear cooler, I use photoshop and I feel like it might interfere with color calibrations and stuff. SHOULD I JUST UNINSTALL ASUS Splendid Technology? Or would putting it in NORMAL mode be better for COLOR ACCURACY? Please respond. Thank you and God bless.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much indeed !!
Can someone please tell me where to find this splendid utility thing? Sorry i'm not really that techy. Thanks in advance!
i know this is an old thread but i just had to write in my thanks for this info. I was going krazy (!) bc all of a sudden last week, I had to re-calibrate the color for my Asus laptop and connected monitor EVERY TIME  I started my computer :rolleyes:  I uninstalled and it seems to be working normally again. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
hi there - click the Windows icon in bottom left corner to pull up the Start Menu, then in the field that says  "search programs and files" type "splendid utility."
to uninstall - type uninstall in that field - find "uninstall a program" in the list that comes up - once in the uninstall a program window, type "splendid utility" in the field at upper right corner.
hope that helps :)
Thank YOU!

Asus Zenbook UX305LA here. I am a traveling photographer, and I had to buy a calibrator on the road as the calibration I performed a few weeks ago just completely failed.  Te new calibrations were lasting a day or two before being mysteriously reset.

It seems so far that uninstalling the (Very less than) Splendid Utility has soved the calibration failures. THANKS
Thank you very much!
I've sufferd from this annoing problem for almost a year! couldn't find a solotion!
Thank you so much!


Thanks man! Worked perfectly!
I greatly appreciate that you solved this problem with the yellow tone to my Asus ultra book.  And also greatly appreciate my tech savvy friends:  Fred who found this site and Scott who fixed it for me.   For well over a year I have clicked through the color calibration tabs to correct the coloring each time I started Windows. 

Curious to know why Asus has not made this fix known on their website--through a forum, support, or troubleshooting link?   
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