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Topic: ASUS laptop color calibration issues
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Didn't someone mentioned that he had basically the same tool from asus but with a different name?
Just check under Software anything which begins with Asus and has some name with color or something in it.

If not, then what Kolya said.
thanks, I can't find anything with ASUS in it, all a bit odd I thought. I will try the other method.
This thread was giving me enough power to push this damn issue through, even tho my solution was not explained here so I decided to put down my own workaround.

After deleting all Asus bloatware the issue still persisted. It's worth to mention that I spent enough time with pre-finding all my N750 drivers, with the Intel HD graphics included. Believe it or not, after Uninstalling that driver from my Device Manager menu (under Display Adapters) I did use the slacker way of righ click, update driver automatically - thingy and it did find a driver for this bastard which provides blade sharp image without any orange and eye-burning colours.

Fear not, after uninstalling the graphical driver first your screen will go back to 640*480 resolution that might look scary but you do nothing wrong. Then you can let the auto driver search to do its job and voila.

I hope this may be useful for someone.
Hey Guys....

I'm not sure if this thread is dead or if someone wrote this, but I had the yellow screen for a couple of days now, uninstalled the splendid utility, deleted other weird stuff... and still had the yellow screen. I have found the solution to my problem: Windows10 has a display setting called "nightlight". Go into display settings and check if nightlight is on... it sounds stupid but i think there may have been a keyboard short cut or sometjing that i accidentally triggered... anywho, I hope this helps someone!!
If you can't find "splendid utility" it probably isn't the cause of your display miscoloration. Try using Windows colour calibration.

It's also a possibility ASUS has just renamed it/merged it with some other shitty stock bloatware program in recent models. Much like Microsoft did with their abhorrent integrated spyware shite on the horrid, awful curse that is known as Win 10.  Although the reason if any for doing that with Splendid Utility would not be entirely clear to me, but the reason for bloatware existing in general isn't anyway. I mean it's in the name, bloat to make the customer think they are getting more than their money's worth presumably, but you'd think pissing off users would be seen as counter-productive. Not in the modern world (in general)! I guess 95% of customers simply don't realise the bloatware is not a good thing. Except in this case where it seems to be driving many nuts because it's so immediately intrusive.
Who in the world thought a stupid color filter on by default would be a good idea? Just boggles the mind. I guess they've got to make these programs actually do something otherwise it'd be grounds for a lawsuit...despite potential bloatware that in reality does absolutely nothing being better for customers than the status quo.
« Last Edit: 19. May 2017, 12:04:26 by Join usss! »
Bloatware is often trial software that manufacturers get paid for to place on the machine. And sometimes it's the manufacturer themselves  trying to get into the software market.

The Asus "splendid utility" is supposed to work only on videos, but it has a bug that makes it colourise everything after a while (possibly after the next reboot).

67d3ba32d2a5dNigel Forder

Came up against this issue yesterday. Thankfully I found this posting fairly quickly which has resolved the issue. I saw the 'splendid software' popup but shut it straight down again. I guess I must of caught a button somewhere to start it up, didn't do it on purpose. I know my mouse slide over my laptop at the time but hadn't realized that I had change a setting before I closed it down, there is no 'save' button. Also this problem was only seen after a wake up of the laptop, rebooting cleared up the problem, but it came back each time after a wake up, so I knew it wasn't a hardware error.  This was on a Windows 10 O/S. Hope this helps others.


Thanks Koyla for the post. Your Solution really worked!

67d3ba32d2cc7some guy

Run the Color Calibration in the control panel, you can find it by typing Color Calibration into cortana, running that fixes my color issues.
Thank you very much dude. I've been trying to get rid of this menace for months....
I faced this problem and solved it when I couldn't find the 'splendid utility' app there on my notebook. So, in the settings panel go to display and simply turn off the "Night light". It worked for me. Good luck.
Ah yes, Night Light is a Windows 10 feature that recently dropped with the "Creators Update". It's not turned on by default.
As a photographer who needs color accuracy and has been fighting calibration issues for weeks, THANK YOU. Instantly solved the problem.
Thank you so much, Kolya. I have been searching for the issue for years. There is no information about this very problem on Russian language((
Oh gosh, thank you for creating this post! I was losing my mind when my Repbulic of Gamers Asus began getting this incredibly washed out appearance after 5 years of no trouble.  Don't know when that splendid utility decided to start making changes, but I was convinced my screen or some other hardware was dying.  Now if I can only figure out why I've got no audio all of a sudden.  You rock my friend.
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