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Topic: ASUS laptop color calibration issues
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Wow... thank you for that bit of advice (changing the "splendid" utililty).  I changed it to normal and it works!  Thanks!


It worked! Your awesomeness is truly appreciated!


Thank you! I had the same problem here with my Asus. Your post helped me. Cheers
We have the orange screen and cannot get to a start panel to un-install programs.  We can see the arrow move with the mouse but all orange. Any ideas?
I don't think that's the same problem. Try googling windows safe mode.
Thanks Kolya, my son must have been shutting down in sleep mode, all is well now!
I've uninstalled the Asus Utility but after restart I still had to recalibrate. Hopefully it won't lose calibration anymore. Cheers.
I am having the same problem with the Splendid Utility but with external monitors. The normal setting looks great on the laptop but makes any monitor I plug my laptop into have a real bad yellow tinge. Anybody have an idea on how to separate the settings from my external monitor and laptop so none have this yellow screen. Thanks
I would suggest to disable "Splendid" anyway. You can approximate the effect quite easily via the colour correction settings in your graphics card driver software (Slightly increase saturation and contrast). If you're running the monitors on different cards you can also individualise the settings for each monitor.

However if you're doing any kind of graphics work (photoshop, video editing, etc) I would strongly suggest to uninstall "Splendid", leave graphics card colour correction at defaults and use a standard colour profile in windows monitor calibration (sRGB or manufacturer profile for your monitor).
Otherwise your work results may look great to you, but not to anyone else, because of your skewed display colours.
« Last Edit: 18. September 2013, 12:02:17 by Kolya »

I have Asus G74S laptop, I have installed 'Splendid Utility' and chosen 'Normal' but it's not reflected anything. My screen color is same (Orange).

I only started this thread to describe the problems this utility gave me. If you didn't have "Splendid" installed in the first place, your colour problem has a different cause. I would look into windows colour correction (enter "change advanced color management settings" into the windows 7 search box).
THANK YOU. I was considering breaking the damn thing but now maybe I'll keep it as it is no longer F****ing pink.

67d4396f3dad4Doc Blut

YUSH!! This was it. A week of inconvenience is over :'D
You saved a lot of my days and a lot of stress!! Thanx a lot! I owe you a beer at least
It seems like there is a constant flood of people getting here just for this. Kolya, maybe you should make an individual website just for this and put some advertisement there, you'll be rich in a half year :D

Unfortunately getting rich is against my principles.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Colonel SFF, Join usss!
You are my hero thank you. This has been pissing me off since I bought this laptop and you have saved me. Thank You

67d4396f3e14cMartin Pecina

Same problem with Windows 8. Thanks a LOT for this help.


omfg I <3 you.  I've not gotten to actually utilize my laptop much myself until my mobo took a shit on my desktop the other day.  Typically, my better half uses the AsusPro as an HTPC, and we've both been incredibly annoyed with desktop settings changing randomly and the really crap orange hue.  I've been using it in place of my desktop the last couple days banging my head against the wall trying to figure out what malware she must have downloaded.  I will uninstall this at once when I get home tonight.  Thanks for this!!!


OMG! Thank you so much for this help! I have been going to the calibrate colour option every single day on my asus K55V! I was bloody annoyed! Now that I found this website, no more dreadful orange tint! Yay! Thank you!


Thanks a lot bro!!
i was ripping my mind off coz of this issue for nearly 5 months and was about to take my K55V to a service center when i found your post and amazingly it solved the issue of my yellow tint screen!!  :thumb: :thumb:
Glad it worked. I have sent a message to ASUS a few days ago, pointing them at this thread. I asked them to forward it to the developers of the ASUS Splendid Utility.
We will see if anything comes from this.


Oh yes! Thank you so much! I couldn't believe how simple it is to fix this thing. I almost literally take my laptop to the computer shop and get it fix. I've been in this situation for about 3 to 4 days and it is very annoying thing to re-calibrate the colour. I thought it was something wrong with the graphic chip or anything with the hardware. Luckily I found this site and fix the not-so-critical problem with my Asus. Thank you very much.
Well it did not work for me... I uninstalled the Asus Splendid Utility, calibrated the display and color in the Control Panel, re-started my laptop and... nothing :/ nothing works.
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