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Topic: ASUS laptop color calibration issues
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Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
The goobers at Asus tech support sent new driver, but said if that didn't work I'd need to send it in.
Now, my friend YOU HAVE SAVED THE DAY.
Thank you for taking the time to share the answer!!!

67d4c3e71f269Happy Hamed

Hi Kolya, I had the same problem since I connected my Laptop to my Dell monitor at the first time. I searched over the internet several months ago and couldn't find a good solution. Today I decided to search again and came across your post here.
Thanks to you, now I restarted my computer and find out the nasty yellowish color is gone and I have the right color setting from startup.
Very useful tip.
Hey did you find a solution for your problem? I have the same with my rog laptop. The blue tinted screen...it`s so annoying...
If you are referring to Happy Hamed, he found the solution for his problem in the first post of this thread. But yours seems to be a different problem.
I'm still having issues with my Republic of Gamers laptop. The blue hue is up way too high and my greys only look grey if I turn the blue down to 50%. It will last through sleep mode, but it eventually reverts back. I tried uninstalling the splendid utility, didn't work. I've unchecked "Persistence" in msconfig as well. It's getting annoying considering I rely on my colors to be correct for art purposes.
i refer to this, how can this be solved :( do you know any color calibration program beside windows? i cant seem to figure out the exact colors.
I wish I could be one of those people screaming "THANKS IT WORKED!!!!"

Thanks to the freaking genius who devised this "splendid" utility... all my games are blue.  If I set Splendid to Normal, it will fix the problem... until I start a game again, and its back to Smurf-ville.  When I uninstalled this ridiculous program... all it did was take away my ability to change it to normal- now its blue and stays blue.  Not just games, but everything.

So now to at least use the freaking internet without staring through a blueberry, I had to reinstall this crap program.  I can't figure out why an uninstall works for so many people but not me.  Ugh.

Also to this matter i refer. If anyone found solution to this "blue tinted" screen i would appreciate it :)
Check your video card driver settings. For some cards those contain a colour calibration tool specifically for the card. However I suggest to merely set it to the defaults and do actual calibration in windows. Other than that I don't have specific advice for a blue tinted screen. Hardware error is a possible cause but there may be others. Good luck.
Thank you Kolya....your solution worked for me. Thanks Arun


I can't believe I dealt with this issue for 8 month before finding this post.
All previous searches have not turned up anything. And I virtually mean hours of searching the net and not coming across this. Still baffles me how that could have happened... Well. I found it and my ASUS is back to "normal".
Thank you so much for this easy fix.


Also wish to express my thanks to the OP; I've had this problem for months. Changing the resolution or screen orientation always set my colours back to normal, so that's been a daily ritual for me. Damn Asus and their stupid bloatware :/

67d4c3e7200edMark Tayar


This issue is still a problem on my new Asus F550C running Windows 8.1. Changing to Normal mode still keeps the yellow tint but uninstalling ASUS Splendid worked!

Thank you so much for sharing this! Who would have thought that to remove a yellow tint, we would have to uninstall something 'splendid'!

Get your shit together ASUS, this thread has been going since 2012 because of your awful bloatware.

67d4c3e7201f3MR Smurf

 :smurf: Singing:I'm blue dabadeedabiedaaaaaaaa I'm looking at a blue monitor  8), my world is so blue  :paranoid: once again all together: I'm blue dabadeedabiedaaaaaaaa  :smurf:
Some time ago I used this adivce and it helped, but now..
No I have a problem, I refreshend my Win8.1., by the way a great tool, because you don't have to reinstall your machine completely.
After refreshing I unistalled splendid and deleted all the files in Programfiles(x86). But it didn't help. Ok over all colors look better but darker images still looks messy.
Could someone pls help, with some advice!?
Thank you in advance.


I refreshend my Win8.1
no idea what that is, but it sounds messy and evil. and, judging by the result, it is.
It is similar to reinstal, but by "refreshing" you don't loose any files on your computer. YOu just are removing all the settings and programms you have on your pc.
MY HERO!!!!! Thank you so much!! :)
Dude...u got my brand new laptop saved from being murder by the technicians :D


Thanks a lot man. This post finally solved my issue after a month of struggling with it.
Great job.
Thank you so much. It was so weird, When i turned the laptop on at first the color was good, then after 10 seconds a purple tint appeared. You solved this annoying issue.
my laptop din't have ASUS SPLENDID UTILITY . and then i DOWNLOAD it and install and uninstall same problem .
PLSS . help
Thank you so much, been trying to figure this one out for several days


Another happy ASUS Notebook owner.
That yellowish tint is horrid.
First searched for Microsnot solutions (no help there), then tried display drivers, Intel graphics drivers and settings, Nvidia drivers... and finally on the outside chance that it's an ASUS issue, found my way here.

"Normal" didn't fix it, but an uninstall did.
The only thing splendid about that program is getting it out of my machine!
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