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Topic: ASUS laptop color calibration issues
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Thanks so much. was searching frantically for a solution (tried all permutations) till I found this.
i couldn't find asus splendid utility in my asus laptop? where it is located please guide mw
thanks for your help.. it worked well.
you can find it as " ASUS splendid vide enhancement..." in add/remove programs section... so you can remove it there
Thanks, kolya, for the Splendid fix.  Removing Splendid helped a bit, there is still a brownish/greenish tint on everything.  Black & white photos & videos are strongly tinted.  Colors are also affected;  true reds look a bit brownish/orange.

We put the Asus next to our old computers -- with the same black & white photos on both monitors -- & the difference was very clear.  The older computers showed true black & white.  Using HDMI to our calibrated TV gave the same result.

Likewise, browser tabs, & other things that were a neutral grey on other computers  & the TV are brownish on the Asus.

8.1 color calibration removes the brown hue, but dims the image & washes out all the colors.

We tried a friend's new HP -- and it looks the same as the Asus!  Have all brands changed the color properties because they think users want a softer, more "golden" experience?

Thanks for any suggestions.

67d4f0d1041cfRicardo Saraiva

Oh God! You helped me!!! :D

Thank you so much sir!

Warm regards from Portugal,
Ricardo Saraiva


Thanks a lot, the tool is just to be uninstalled straight away, it's completely useless. It worked for me by just uninstalling, I used to think that the laptop had a hardware issue.

67d4f0d1045c9Hector's Shop

DUDE YOU ARE DA MAN!!!! I just updated to Windows 10 and shortly after that is when I started getting the yellowish dull tint.
I thought the issue was with windows 10. Got rid of that Splendid piece of crap and problem solved!! THANK YOU!!!
Dude, you saved my life! I have boughts my new Asus netbook a week ago, and since then was fighting with the colors issue. I uinstalled that Asus utility software and finally the problem is solved. Beer 4 you! THANK YOU!


Thank you SO MUCH! It has been driving me insane for months how my laptop screen was slightly purple.

67d4f0d104b23bowing down to you now

HOLY BALLS! Thank you!! been wondering why this was happening for a good long time even took apart my laptop to fix it!
Don't have to uninstall it, just open the application then there's an option there to get back to normal color calibration.
Yeah, pgpuro mentioned this in the third post and it works as well. Then again, why keep it?
If you like "vibrant" colours go into your graphics card settings and turn up contrast and saturation a bit - same result.
Thanks, uninstalling it was the way for me.
Thank you so much! It helped me too eventhouh I am not with Intel but still had the same issue and now it's gone!
Hi guys! I've read through this whole thread and I've recently updated my asus windows system to windows 10 and somehow that screwed up with my color calibration and turned it to a really ugly blue. I had a probably with the MSVCP100.dll missing kind of thing and I fixed that but then it messed up my color calibration. I tried calibrating it myself but the color still isn't normal like it used to be so I looked for the Asus Spendid Utility in my programs and I don't even have it. Any other solutions?


Great ! I'd just downloaded the lastest "Splendid" Utility from ASUS (in case where your trick wouldn't work for me) and desinstalled this really frustating soft, reboot, and, it worked ! Thanks a lot ! The "Spendid" Utility is a real bullshit when we work with pictures, drawings or photos. :D


Finally !!! Thank you so much! it was driving me nuts!
thank you , i was going to be very sad if i couldn't fix the screen .
 I knew it was something wrong make it look like this but where to go was like a puzzle
thank you again thank you thank you


Bloody marvelous, thanks so much - that was driving my wife nutty. :thumb:
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