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After tweaking for a while with the Cam configuration, these are the results. I'm not sure what half of these configurations mean so if someone could give some guidance I'll gladly appreciate some. Here's my current configuration if someone wants to have some cool effects in game, just copy paste these contents into Cam file and save. Be advised it might be taxing in some graphic cards but I really have no idea. Here's some pics:

Image: http://i47.tinypic.com/6qwl6x.png

Image: http://i49.tinypic.com/2czukau.png

Image: http://i47.tinypic.com/a32uc4.png

Image: http://i47.tinypic.com/2ihqudc.png

Image: http://i45.tinypic.com/2kmsmq.png

Here's the config:

sfx_vol_music -1000
sfx_vol_2d 0
sfx_channels 48
game_hardware 1
sfx_device 4
sfx_eax 1
game_screen_depth 32
d3d_driver_index 0
enhanced_sky 1
use_d3d_display 1
single_display_mode 3
ui_scale_mode 2
master_volume -1000
game_screen_flags 45
game_screen_size 1024 768
gamma 1.
sfx_vol_3d 0
game_full_screen 1
d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1 1
fov 80
movie_sw_scale_quality 4
gamma_movie 1.5
force_32bit_textures 1
mipmap_mode 2
lm_init_texmem 2
lm_filter_margin 1
tex_filter_mode 16
mipmap_bias -5.0
fixed_star_size 0.5
pixel_parts_as_disks 1
multisampletype 8
d3d_disp_enable_hdr 32
d3d_disp_sw_cc 1
postprocess 1
bloom_saturation 0.9
bloom_range 3
bloomscale 1.5
bloom_threshold 0.1
d3d_disp_enable_distortionfx 1
d3d_disp_enable_atoc 2
default_alphatest_ref 1
d3d_disp_2d_overlay_alpha 0.7

Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong or if there's something that could be improved since I'm not familiar with graphic customization.  :D
Hey Marcelo! So this is were you have been instead of testing my mod  O_o

Nevermind it's almost complete now.

Is it wrong that I like all that bloom? Yes, yes it is. 5mins in the game with it will probably change my mind though.


Hey sorry about that. I just made myself finish the game and now I'm pretty exited about it. Unfortunately I was a bit late and the forum seems kind of dead now.  :(  And yes I got tired of the bloom as well, had to tone it down cause I wasn't able to see Xerxes face. BTW Do you have a changelog of your mod? Maybe you could pm me with the specific changes and locations so I know what to look for.
Hey sorry about that. I just made myself finish the game and now I'm pretty exited about it. Unfortunately I was a bit late and the forum seems kind of dead now.
SS2? Shouldn't be no making yourself finish anything. It's a fucking masterpiece.
I'll be replaying this game once a year for a while to come I think.
It's so good i'd rather you replay it again instead of test my mod.

It should be widely known and cherished. It's objectively better than Alien or any other sci-fi works by far because it's just as smart as the best, yet longer than & more in-depth (than films at least), is cleverly designed as a simulation in all design elements and survival horror just combines so well with all that. Most importantly it is extremely fun and interactive.

Unnecessary, uninformed (I've never read any sci-fi book series, but hey, non-interactive and not so immersive) fan wank over. Maybe I should try ShockED again.

About testing: It's not really neccessary as myself and other testers are almost done and any remaining bugs (if any) can be picked up after a public release. But I will do that for you if you want. You can never have too many testers.

Acknowledged by: Shinobi
I use the smoke to tweak the bloom settings, when it glows like in your screen you know it's too much ;)


You know ShockEd? Maybe you could make a Revision Mod for System Shock just as the one For Deus Ex. I have a few ideas for the opening map. Btw Revision is coming very soon. I've made a bunch of textures for that mod and hopefully they will implement some to give it a more Bladerunner (My favorite Movie) feel to the city. The bad part is that it will be incompatible with your mod.

Btw I tried looking for mods of System Shock in Moddb and found nothing. Is there a particular reason for that? There should be some of this mods here in that site. Usually these type of Old Classic games get easy spotlight for anything, just like Deus Ex.


@the OP: Personally a little dark and bloomy. Kolya has posted recommended bloom settings: bloom_scale 4 and bloom_threshold 0.85 btw.


For some reason I can't edit the above post of mine, but it's not too dark, my gamma was set incorrectly. All hail windows 7 built in display calibration - never knew it existed!
You can't edit it because it was written as a guest, ie while you were logged out.
Acknowledged by: Shinobi

67b510d1d77cfBriareos H

For a moment I thought that Windows had mangled completely my monitor's color profile...


It's colourful, but... definitely not undertweaked, shall we say :D

I am quite curious as to what most would recommend as optimal. I've left everything the same as GOG default (which, I assume, was NewDark default when I played on my non-GOG 2.4) except the bloom settings, for which I used Kolya's recommendations on the Newbie Modding Guide. Which I think are optimal.

I did notice saturation and other settings, and I've read something about new lightmaps being made for certain things, but I don't actually know what that means for me as someone who has fired up ShockEd only twice in his lifetime, both time to immediately quit thinking "fuck that, nope, I'm not THAT patient". I have however played Christine's FMs with LarkSS' add-ons, and they look better, but I can't put my finger on how. I just know it involves lighting somehow.


If ya want I can help ya to make your game like this?
no, thanks.
Games that were developed with bloom and HDR in mind can usually be configured to look quite well. SS2 is not one of those games, I never enable these things. Stixsmaster's screens remind me of this. It can always get worse, of course.
« Last Edit: 18. February 2013, 19:07:47 by Marvin »


Games that were developed with bloom and HDR in mind can usually configure to look quite well. SS2 is not one of those games, I never enable these things. Stixsmaster's screens remind me of this. It can always get worse, of course.

Naw the screens in the OP's first post here remind me of this more so than mine do. Actually OP's first post's screens remind me more so along the lines of this.

IMHO my pics give bloom respectively where youd expect it. Not where you wouldnt.


SS2 manga style!

Image: http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/5317/ss2mangastyle.jpg

Code: [Select]
bloomscale 500
bloom_range 0.01
bloom_saturation 0
bloom_threshold 0.05
Now THAT's an artistic statement.  :D


To those curious this is what I use:

Code: [Select]
tex_filter_mode 16
mipmap_bias -16.0
multisampletype 16
d3d_disp_enable_hdr 32
d3d_disp_sw_cc_sat 1.5
bloomscale 2.5
bloom_range 2
bloom_saturation 1.5
bloom_threshold 0.50

Bring the hate cause thats what I anticipate from this community.
SS2 manga style!

Image: http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/5317/ss2mangastyle.jpg

Code: [Select]
bloomscale 500
bloom_range 0.01
bloom_saturation 0
bloom_threshold 0.05

Damn, I have to try the SHODAN reveal sequence with this. :D
Acknowledged by: Shinobi
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