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Topic: SS2 - New audio log pictures
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nice. we may grab the guy for SCP - alright to do this, I'd assume? thanks.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


I'd like to see a dozen or more new ones. Variety is good.


I'd like to see a dozen or more new ones. Variety is good.
It's infinitely less effort to wish for a thing than to actually make the thing. Or dozen things, as the case may be.


Yeah I knew I was going to get that response. I suck at art so yeah, that's not happening. I was more thinking of the Shadowrun Returns community where there is full portrait replacement stuff.

Eg a quick google search brought up:

Image: http://i.cubeupload.com/cZiAiM.png
There should be more black/asian/other-non-white people in the pictures/game, as we're now mostly past the time when a predominately white county or corporation would deliberately discriminate by skin colour and hopefully by the time the game is set, we'll (in real life) be almost free of racism, with skin colour being almost of no matter anywhere on Earth or where humans gather.

Though I suspect that even if we were all the same colour, physically identical in every way in fact, all had the same religion and place of birth, then we'd still find otherwise unimportant things to be prejudiced about. The 'tribal' instincts that served us so well when we didn't have weapons powerful enough to individually kill the predictors of the day, and so we banded together with those like us to give us strength in numbers, is still a controlling part of out psyches today, even though morally and practically, it's mostly obsolete and even harmful now.


Here are some more:

I am not gonna lie, this might be it for a while, like 6 years or so :headshot:.
« Last Edit: 21. October 2018, 15:09:21 by Grosnus »


Let's not allow that mistake linger:

I hope someone will find use for this more than anything ;)


Acknowledged by 4 members: Kolya, JML, unn_atropos, icemann
Amazing. Now all we need is a Nostromo FM. :)
Acknowledged by: JML


One that's better than the Alien Isolation DLC of that. In theory that was an awesome DLC, but in practice it was very average. The Audio logs in it were cool though.
One that's better than the Alien Isolation DLC of that. In theory that was an awesome DLC, but in practice it was very average. The Audio logs in it were cool though.

I never played the DLC of the game, I thought the base game was good, but to me it lacked replayability. What was wrong with the DLC, please (without spoilers, obviously, in case I we do ever want to play it)?


Well for one thing it's super short (you'll be through all of it in an hour), and it's only 2 missions / levels. On paper it's a great idea, but in execution not so much.

The main game is fantastic. Best Aliens game I've played.


So, the reason voodoo was revisiting this thread was because there are a couple of crewmen in SS2 that have no log portraits, Myers and Malone. In the vanilla game they used duplicates of other crewmen's portraits. We were hoping to maybe use a couple of the portraits from this thread, but unfortunately they're far too recognizable. Maybe a couple of the log portrait-style photos from the credits video could be turned into real portraits?

Let's see... which one of these guys looks like a creepy OSA spook who Sanger totally would not get with?

For reference, this is what we're currently doing about this in SCP, which isn't that great--
Okay, this is what I'm doing with the log portraits. There were two problems:
- Wood and Myers are using literally the same portrait.
- McKay and Malone use versions of the same portrait.

Fortunately the uniform colors made my decision-making easier. Myers is Command crew, and the Wood portrait has a blue Command shirt, so Myers gets the Wood portrait. As for Wood, he's Operations. There's the unused Morris portrait, who's wearing a purple Operations shirt, so Wood gets the Morris portrait.

Next is McKay and Malone. McKay is Command crew, the McKay portrait has a blue Command shirt, so McKay gets to keep his portrait. Malone (Rickenbacker crew) has no spare portrait to switch to. So I took the McKay portrait, mirrored it, and changed it to a Rickenbacker uniform. It's still a dupe but at least he's in the correct uniform now. Let's just assume they're twins separated at birth.

I'm not a fan of the unused Morris portrait. It looks like a transgender Bill Cosby.


Uh... you realize OSA are military, right?


Gareth Hinds please - that smirk has OSA written all over it ("yes, I can read your mind").


Uh... you realize OSA are military, right?

Fine. First one on second row then.

I was just going by the weirdest looking one of the bunch.


Fine. First one on second row then.
Uh... you realize OSA are military, right?


To me Malone picture always worked so well with the "creepy OSA spook" look, that I'd rather change McKay's portrait to something else, might as well be someone from the credits.

I might do something on the weekend if I will have the time.

Wood seems ok to me as he is now, would be shame not to utilise the unused portrait.


yeah, but I have to agree on that Cosby thing.


Ken Levine is probably the only somewhat well-known face on there. Would be a bit immersion-breaking to see his face on a log portrait, though also hilarious.

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