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version 1.08:general;-the tram ride is now a small separate level so that the FM would be multiplayer ready (each player will have to go through the ride alone, once the ride ends for everybody, the players will synchronize and the original full level will load)-closed the door on the destroyed turret near the end of the ride. its placement is nonsense, this is supposed to be where the tram would go, not a random turret alcove-changed the nonsensicaly textured tunnel walls-the first level, originally earth.mis, is now titus.mis-deleted the dangerous leftover player object 588 and relinked the start point properly-fixed an improper apostrophe in level02.str that would break the text in two emails-an extra wrench has been added for multiplayer purposes (882)-fixed physdims on all wormpiles and floored them-floored and repositioned turrets where necessary-FM specific movie posters moved from the missing archetype under commercial-relit all levels to 32bit, a few fixes to textures and room brushes here and there-protocol droid Xerxes bark has been replaced by a generic droid bleep, as Xerxex should not be referenced in this FM-the fuel storage area code now logged properly in the pda
It's boring to play with myself using two computers at once. [...]We can play together and check it out if you wish.