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Topic: Orion Prime Read 3364 times  


°orion prime
game:  http://www.cpc-power.com/index.php?page=detail&onglet=dsk&num=4025
emulator:  http://www.winape.net/downloads.jsp

also discussed here: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132590&p=2000341

This point-and-click adventure, made in 2009 by Targhan of Arkos and Supersly of Les Sucres en Morceaux for the Amstrad CPC, takes place on an Space Station. After landing there with your ship you find the whole place abandoned. Something terrible has happened here and you are on your own to find out...

If you have a look at the pictures you will certainly get a feeling of familiarity. Thats because the graphics of the game were made by using ShockEd. And our favourite elements are there; uncannily atmosphere, impulsive music and this certain feeling of isolation, hacking etc.

There are four language versions: French, English, Spanish and German
Start up the emulator (winape), click the save symbol or F12 and uncheck "Fast Disc Emulation"
loading the game: file-->drive A-->insert disk image-->choose the game file (I would go for the double size Version ).
On the screen (in the line under "Ready"), type in run"orion, enter and you are set.
Note: you can the skip the intro sequence by pressing the space bar. There may be a black screen for a longer time, so bring a bit of patience.
If it doesn't work for you, there is also a online version of the game at http://java.cpc-live.com/applet/cpc.php?game=orionprimeuk

« Last Edit: 13. February 2013, 15:51:11 by unn_atropos, Reason: added manuals »
I've attached the relevant files to your post (all languages, normal and double size) to make sure they never get lost.


I remember seeing a video of this on youtube and not knowing it was a ShockEd game , and thinking 'But these are SS2 textures! What is this?!' Made a forum thread about it if I recall.

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