
7 Guests are here.
It does not only require registration to be able to attach files here, but also a special permission that can only be given by admins.
Now why don't we allow ALL registered members to attach files? Because the bulk of files that someone wants to relay are one-time use. Some are good for a while. And few files (usually mods) are forever.

Since no one remembers to remove files that have become useless and there is no good way of doing this automatically this means the server is slowly but surely accumulating huge amounts of useless data, which gets backed up etc.
For one-time or short-time files I hope even the people who already have upload rights will use other services.

The second point is that just because you managed to register here you're not automatically trustworthy. This is nothing personal. But if every registered member could attach files it would be pretty simple to attach viruses, useless data, unrelated files (porn), etc.
So it's a security measure as well. 
Even if a newbie claims he/she has created a great mod I will usually ask them to upload this somewhere else first, so I can inspect it. And usually that is not a problem and upload permissions are given later on.


I personally would not mind at all if posting on this site would require registration.

That can be true, but I wouldn't have posted these errors, since most players won't notice them. 


zipping the files and uploading them onto some storage site is a one minute procedure. if you want to help out, this should pose no problem.
This bulkhead door - the southern exit from the 'garden' and food prep area of deck 5 back to the central area that includes the crew-quarters block - doesn't fill the frame; instead of the other half of the deck, I see open space / skybox on the other side of it. Probably a placement/map file issue rather than a texture one?

Image: http://i50.tinypic.com/2r6gyz9.jpg


confirming the issue. but next time, try sharing that savegame as well - remember, every second I spend running around the level is a second I could have spent fixing stuff.
« Last Edit: 26. March 2013, 12:22:30 by voodoo47 »


Don't forget the new "log_player_pos" command. Just bring up the console and type, for example:
Code: [Select]
log_player_pos bulkhead door
...which will cause something like this to be written in shock2.log:
Code: [Select]
: PLAYER POS: -132.508 -555.77 2.03628 ; bulkhead door
That with my screenshots will be? You said somewhere that you have the ability to edit files without affecting the area "mis". Why not just make corrections without touching files "mis"??????


if you mean dmls, they are great for some fixes, but cannot fully replace proper, "hard" map patching. also, they would be useless for you anyway, as you are running secmod, which has different obj locations etc, so if you tried to use the ADaoB dmls, they would actually break your game.

again, it's not like I can't fix the secmod maps, it's just that I don't have the time. if you really want a fix so badly, this is an excellent opportunity to get into SS2 modding and fix it yourself - if you put your mind into it, you should be able to do simple object and texture fixes in just a few months.
« Last Edit: 14. March 2013, 07:42:47 by voodoo47 »
I would love to, but I do not know how to



You're getting there, but for screens it's better to upload them to some image hosting service, like imgur.com, and use sendspace for other stuff.


I would love to, but I do not know how to
one year ago, I was not even able to open Shocked properly. everybody had to start from the beginning - you are no different.



That will and must do as is. I wonder(ed), if I could have put the link in image tags to
display them anyway, but beeing no registered user I couldn't edit the post after sending.

These, who want to look into the topic will find the necessary information.


Picture of mirrored texture:

supply the location. the elevator is a known issue (soon to be fixed).


No, here we are :-)

The texture bug can be encountered at least at two positions.

The second encounter was in the Rickenbacker sickbay:

-492.108.0.370601 291.02

The first is where you jettison the nuclear waste into space,
but no cords are available, due to acute player laziness.



I guess, there is a "w" missing.



(screenshots, saves, seriously)


Quote from voodoo47: supply the location. the elevator is a known issue (soon to be fixed).

Actually this is about time, after 13 years :-)

quote from voodoo47: (screenshots, saves, seriously)

screenshots - check!

saves - not, necessary Check!

seriously - Check!


ok, after reading all your previous posts, smoking a pipe and wearing a funny hat, I've deducted that you are talking about that mirrored texture, and that you have found it on two places so far, somewhere in the sickbay and somewhere near the radioactive torpedoes.

while I do appreciate the willingness to help, I don't really like when I'm forced to do the detective work.
« Last Edit: 20. March 2013, 21:29:16 by voodoo47 »


to do the detective work.

Well, you are in the System Shock 2 forum :-)


ok, I'll make it really simple - next time you find an issue;

-press the printscreen key
-press the quicksave key
-take the screenshot, and the save_14 folder, zip them
-upload to sendspace
-post the link together with a short description

this is actually easier even for you, as you won't have to make five posts trying to describe what is wrong.


Actually this is about time, after 13 years :-)
I think you have something mixed up and don't realize where you are. This is not an official support, where you can request fixes because you are a customer who paid for the product and is entitled to have demands - because that's what your post implies. This is a fan forum where people are maintaining the game in their free time, improving it to today's standards so it won't go into oblivion. Keeping that in mind you might want to reconsider the tone of your statements.
7 Guests are here.
It's just imagination, your face in the fire
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