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Topic: LGC TERRA NOVA Strike Force Centauri Read 77852 times  



This game is available for sale from cdaccess.com, and GOG.

For information on the game check http://terranova.110mb.com/ which holds valuable tools and editors for Terra Nova.
The official Terra Nova Battle Guide is attached.
And there's a Terra Nova forum at TTLG.com.
« Last Edit: 06. October 2015, 21:41:05 by Kolya »
Terra Nova SFC Manual
The complete English manual as PNGs, includes the reference card. All cleaned up for better reading.
« Last Edit: 19. December 2010, 02:43:09 by Kolya »
Re: TERRA NOVA Strike Force Centauri
Terra Nova Height maps by Drat
Re: TERRA NOVA Strike Force Centauri
Paz from TTLG did an interview with Dan Schmidt who was the project lead for Terra Nova and now works for Harmonix (Guitar Hero). (As discussed on TTLG)
Paz' article is here.
« Last Edit: 26. February 2009, 17:39:26 by Kolya »
Are you aware this game is still sold by the well-regarded and internationally-shipping CD Access?
No, thanks for pointing it out. I removed the torrent accordingly.


On the topic of CDAccess - Abandonia have actually ignored sales from here in the past because some members of the site staff bought a game off there to find that it was either an OEM copy or a pirated version. Just as a note -


Note the words 'Only documentation' and 'Xerox copy'. :P


The youtube video linked in the first post no longer works.
Just letting you know.
Thank you. I replaced the promo for the official trailer.


This game is fucking great, I wasted like a whole year on this as a kid in combination with System Shock and Duke Nukem 3D.

I spent years waiting for the multiplayer patch!!!! It never came...

It never came!


I remeber I played the demo one night in 1996...one of my first cd-rom games I played  :stroke: good stuff!


Terranova has just been released on GOG.com, runs stably, FMVs and CD music work fine. No new graphical support, and there is a delay between menus, FMVs, and gameplay.
Where is that guy who created http://terranova.110mb.com ??
If you still have the goods we'll host it here as it was.

67d3df9b6d2f3Broken Pencil

So I'm going to be buying a physical CD copy of this game soon, and I played the demo. As a person who loves Map editors and game editors, I was wondering if anyone still had any of the tools. I know they exist, and I've tried finding them, but this is the only other thing I found - http://www.ttlg.com/tnova/
Any help?
Go to the resource directory from that page and the you should be able to get the world editor.  I don't know if it's the very latest but it's worth a shot.
You might need a page refresh (and the top level link doesn't work atm).  Direct link: http://www.ttlg.com/tnova/archive/tnedit.zip

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