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I can't for the life of me (I'm probably blind) find the tutorial on cycling bulkheads.Basically, we want to close a door behind the player, and open a door in front of the player, and allow vice versa.Anybody know how to do this or where to begin?
I don’t believe you can make a door close in shocked using the default scripts
A sliding door is just a highly specialized elevator, so it might be easier to implement the airlock doors as elevators.
Alright...Issue #1 - Need to make it sound like an airlock.... not like an elevator.I'm working up a working demo with a few changes to show this, but the sound is off and awful
I took a door and changed its script and removed its translating property aaaaaaaaaand it wasn't happy. At all. It actually disappeared...
Anyway, yes the sound thing doesn't change, but I think MAYBESOMEHOWKINDOF we can figure out a work around for that. I'll work on it and get back
Make sure the translating property is gone. Mine worked also to open but not close but then I found out it was just the translating property that was still set.
EDIT-I got a door to open and close properly using an elevator path. Door on left was originally a door, now is an elevatorDoor on right was originally a lift now with door shapeHad to change some properties on door to make it not fall away. I'll note them in a moment.Last problem is no sound...Download ->
//HEAVY DOORschema door2openingarchetype DEVICE_DOORSvolume -500door2openv_tag (Event StateChange) (DoorType BlastDoor) (OpenState Opening Closing) (OldOpenState Open Opening Closing Closed) schema door2slamarchetype DEVICE_DOORSvolume -500door2slmenv_tag (Event StateChange) (DoorType BlastDoor) (OpenState Open Closed) (OldOpenState Opening Closing)
// MrTrips Airlockschema airlock_looparchetype DEVICE_GIZMOSvolume -500mono_loop 0 0door2openv_tag (Event Activate) (VehicleType AirLock) schema airlock_stoparchetype DEVICE_GIZMOSvolume -500door2slmenv_tag (Event Deactivate) (VehicleType AirLock)
Okay, so I have a new Schema added...-snipy mc snip-
-snipy mc snip-
EDIT: Got it attached is the level and related files bit simpler then I thought
Do you want to do a full write up or shall I? If you do, I'll edit my first post to be a tutorial.