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Topic: Shocked- Music in levels Read 1446 times  


Anyone know how this works? I’ve been looking in the unstriped levels for an explanation but have not had any luck

All I found was a marker? Called music theme with ambienthacked 4;0;music;begin with no links

I can’t copy it into my level and I failed to find anything on web (i could be searching for the wrong terms)

Anyone got an idea?
« Last Edit: 02. June 2013, 00:03:08 by lostone1993 »
You set the music theme in, uh, mission parameters-> song*, iirc. The marker you found tells it when and where to start but if you do not have a song chosen it won't play anything.

*The song names are the .snc files found in song.crf, minus the file extension.


You set the music theme in, uh, mission parameters-> song*, iirc. The marker you found tells it when and where to start but if you do not have a song chosen it won't play anything.

*The song names are the .snc files found in song.crf, minus the file extension.

Thank you very much, I thought I was missing something *tips hat*
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