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These levels were created in 2001 and first released on: http://www.zerker.ca/zzone/category/levels/ut/

Beta Grove
A recreation of Beta Grove, from System Shock. The groves were simulated earth-like environments so that the inhabitants of Citadel Station could relax in a comfortable setting after a stressful day at work. Shodan, however, had other uses for this particular Grove…

This is a direct port of the Unreal level, with the addition of a Domination version.
« Last Edit: 03. August 2013, 09:54:12 by Kolya »


Maintenance Level
A remake of the much feared third deck of Citadel station, from System Shock. In the original there were “invisible mutants” roaming the corridors, looking for a hacker to feed on. They weren’t completely invisible, but they were hard enough to see that they often caught you by surprise. Not to mention they hurt a lot and were difficult to kill.
Thankfully, no mutants here, just some bots or friends to go kill.

This is a direct port of the Unreal map, with a Domination version added.
« Last Edit: 02. August 2013, 23:36:47 by Kolya »


Hospital Level
The Classic first level of System Shock, remade for Unreal Tournament. Now you can explore the claustrophobic halls of Citadel Station and blast your friends! The map stays pretty true to the original, except for one minor thing: The grating in the room beside the regeneration bay room has been removed for greater connectivity. As this is the first release, it is entirely possible that some bug has slipped past me. Let me know if you discover any issues.

This map includes a mod conversion of the original System Shock level 1 midi. If someone wants to do a better job of it, please do!
« Last Edit: 02. August 2013, 23:39:21 by Kolya »


Security Level
Easily the tallest game level of its day, and definitely the most vertigo-inducing. The Security level is a massive vertical shaft leading from the main part of Citadel Station to the Bridge. Snipers were a real problem in the original, and knowing some people, could be here too. Watch yourself on some of those high areas, System Shock had no fall damage, but UT certainly does :).

This map can also be great fun with the Matrix Moves mutator.

Update: June 14, 2001
The map has been repackage with a mod conversion of the original music! If anyone feels like doing an even better conversion, please do!
« Last Edit: 03. August 2013, 09:52:56 by Kolya »


Thanks  for sharing, I'm writing here for all of the three threads.


I always have been a fan of Unreal Tournament but I never could afford System Shock. Maybe this can give me a clue! :)

Besides, I would like to map for it too...


Can't afford it? System Shock is $5 on Steam right now. FIVE DOLLARS.
Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF
UT is a classic game, it never ages (in my opinion), and the fan-made mods and levels make it even better. UT2004 was great, but not as good as the original, if you ask me. I didn't like UT2003, UT3 was OK but far behind UT99 (the original) and UT2004. I haven't tried any of the betas of Unreal Tournament (don't you hate the way 'reboot' games have the same name as the original game) as I'd rather play the finished game from cold, but even if it's rubbish (as reboots tend to be) then I still have UT and UT2004.

By the way, any fan of the UT games should really play the almost-superlative game Unreal Championship 2, on the original XBox (sadly it was never ported to any other machine). In some ways it's the best UT game ever; it deviates from the original UT formulae in a few ways, such as being able to switch between first and third person view at will, melee weapons as well as long/medium range, by far the best adrenaline abilities I've seen (and that change according to the in-game character you control), by far the best jumping and height (as in the height from the ground) mechanics I've seen in a FPS, and the game basically does what it does very well. Plus it further changes the UT formulae by not having weapons spawn in the arenas, only ammunition, and you choose two weapons before playing each match, one explosive (select from the Ripjack, Flack Cannon, Rocket Launcher, or Grenade Launcher), and one energy based weapon (Shock-Rifle, the Stinger, Bio- rifle, or Sniper Rifle). You also get one character based weapon, and one character based melee weapon, be it a staff, a sword, or even just a (strong!) character's fists or claws.

Sadly, I think the game, though great and fairly unique, falls short of being superb because of a few flaws, such as two of the six game modes are (to me) not very enjoyable, there aren't as many options/mutators as I'd have liked, and the weapons don't feel too powerful at times. Also, the game is hard for beginners, which would be far less of a problem if you could choose the game speed and perhaps adjust the starting health for your character.

Still, it's a very good game, and it really should have been ported to the PC.

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