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Topic: SS2 Christine FM3: UNN Polaris v3 Read 100665 times  


Tags: °FM °SS2 °polaris
This is the third fan mission campaign by Christine who already won the community's favours with her previous high quality campaigns Ponterbee Station and UNN Nightwalker. Thanks for putting the fun back in, Christine. :)
(As discussed on TTLG here and then here.)

More screenshots can be found at Christine's site.
The audio logs for this mission are collected here: https://www.systemshock.org/shocklogs/fm/polaris/
« Last Edit: 29. May 2020, 13:19:24 by Moderator »


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
I installed the FM with SS2MM and it works fine, but why every Christine FM is marked with a "trash" icon instead of RtUNN's "FM" icon?
Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
I used an icon code in the mod.ini. Actually it should refer to the FM icon...

EDIT: Wait a second. You didn't download Polaris from the torrent, right? :)
I added the mod.ini for the torrent version. I have no influence on the others.
If there's no mod.ini then Modmanager defaults to the trashcan icon and displays no information about the mod.

The FM will run without this file, but if you want you can download it separately below and add it to the UNN-Polaris.zip archive.
« Last Edit: 13. August 2007, 18:23:42 by Kolya »


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
Thanks so much for your hard work Christine...(and others, dinksmallwood, object makers, and voice actors!)



Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
Yeah, Christine's FMs are all nicely done. Not only Polaris. But Polaris, though, has a few leaks.
Hmm, take absolutely no pleasure in it, but okay, I'll post a few drawbacks I've noticed by now:
1) Remember that suspended building outside the facility? There's one nasty ladder there, that one, the highest. It's a mere trap! If you leap onto it then it becomes harder than hell to get off it alive! The player can easily jump into the elevator doorway from the previous piece of ladder, so the last one is actually obsolete. I know, that will look unlogical to have ladders not covering all the shaft, but oh well. Save more often ;).
2) Now remember that square passage above some water near the tram station? I'm still there and I simply can't get there even from the box on the swim! Maybe that's me being so stupid, but my soldier just won't climb there like he usually does! As I understand it's some maintenance shaft to place a battery to restore power, is it? I. Don't. Get. It. How. To. Do. It. STUCK <sigh>...

As such, cannot state anything else by now. If someone knows how to bypass the problem in point 2, let me know, please.

67983ec1a2277Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
You don't need to go up there at all.
I don't think you even can.


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
You don't need to go up there at all.
I don't think you even can.

yes, you can't enter it from this side. It's just a way back for those player who jumped from the tramp in the water...


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
OK, than where's the battery plug? Am I so blind, or it isn't in this level?  :weird:

67983ec1a26bfNameless Voice

Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
Go back to the room where you met the rumbler. It should be straight ahead on your way back, if you're coming from the direction of the tram.


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
Uh... Thanks, I'll try it now! Was playing RttUNN all these days. But I like Polaris better.


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
That wasn't a room, I've met him in the corridor... never mind  ;). I thought I would find the 3rd activation card there, on the next tram stop. Oh, sure, I was wrong. Now I can even guess where it really is. In athletics sector, right? The only sector I don't have a card for :(.


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
I love the Christine FMs, great mods.

Question on UNN Polaris though...  When I get back to my shuttle and find it's been busted up by ice beasts, the game just returns to the main screen.  Is that it or am I missing an ending movie?

67983ec1a2b0fNameless Voice

Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
You're missing an ending movie.
Those movies are encoded with DivX IIRC; make sure you have the DivX and XviD codecs installed, and lgvid.ax correctly registered. (You shouldn't need the DivX codec itself, as I think the XviD one should be able to handle both.)


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
The Codecs did the trick, thanks.  Pretty cold ending to this one (pun intended). :bluegrin:


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris

I found two activation cards but I can't find the last one! Need a little help. Forgive me my ignorance but I think I've been everywhere and it's not there.

P.S. Snow creatures - just wonderful  :bluegrin:


OK found it finally!


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
Uh, this FM crashes my game.  I'm using the Mod Manager (and prepped the game using the Tool), and the game runs just fine with no mods active, but if I activate this mod and run the game, it crashes.  The main menu loads just fine, but as soon as I've selected a difficulty and clicked 'start game', it crashes to desktop.  Oddly, after doing that, the game refuses to even start until I completely restart my computer.  Anyone know what might be causing this?


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
Your direct download link, this one, seems to be broken.


I'll give the torrent a try to see if I have any better luck.


Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
Thanks.  That one seems to be working.  :thumbwink:
« Last Edit: 04. April 2008, 06:18:26 by Silencer150 »
Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
How do i copy my system shock 2 file so i can keep the origernol system shock 2 maps as well as UNN Polaris map. :questen
Re: SS2 Christine UNN Polaris
Read more and post less Liam. At least for a while.

67983ec1a33c3Robbie Lyons

Re: SS2 Christine FM3: UNN Polaris
Can somebody tell me where the activation cards & codes are? I've been all over the planet looking for them. I wonder why there's no guides for these FM's, they seem pretty popular.
Also, the whole outdoors setup with snow and everything is great!:D It totally changed the way I look at System Shock2.


Re: SS2 Christine FM3: UNN Polaris
You know, it's pretty amazing how many people are having trouble finding those cards and codes. I didn't think they were that hard to find and I'm certainly not the best Shock player around here. The only time I asked for the location of a card was in Ponterbee Station, and I now regret it, because it was so damn easy to find it.

I suggest you keep searching by yourself and try improving your detective skills. Search every room, corpse, crate, drawer and corner until you find what you've been looking for.

Asking for help will just ruin the overall experience in the end... much like reading a walkthrough while playing a game.

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