
19 Guests are here.


It's the future, dagnabbit, and I'm pretty sure we have self-sanitizing towels already... Probably in Japan.
More specifically it's the future as imagined in the late 90s.
So paper towels it is.
I would say, go with one of these dry blower thingies.
You can make them interactive with just playing a sound and they could be acceptable at any time.


I really don't want people thinking SCP has a bathroom obsession. We've put a disproportionate amount of effort into them already. And so far we've refrained from creating entirely new props, just embellishing existing detail instead.
Acknowledged by: Marvin
So time for a standalone mod.
"Toiletries obsession"
But seriously. One could make a standalone mod which just adds props and stuff to the game to make everything more lively.
Acknowledged by: Vegoraptor


Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, Colonel SFF
Sounds like I won't run out of work on here.
Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF
A game that features toilet bowls groaning when approaching them with a fiery diarrhoea is more deserving of a bathroom obsession than any other.
Acknowledged by: System Shocked


Sounds like I won't run out of work on here.
no, not really. any xmas models idling around, btw? still got a few archetypes free in the xmas mod..
« Last Edit: 19. December 2016, 23:24:01 by voodoo47 »
Ah sorry, no. Haven't made any new x-mas models.


well, if you are up to a few quick fixes that would make my life easier, I've found an usable wreath and xmas tree, the tree needs to be shrunk by half, the wreath edited to match the dimensions and orientation of ringbuoy.bin (all models are in the archive).
[xmas_stuff.7z expired]
tann_sta.gif was missing from the texture files.

This should do it for the models.
[tree and wreath.zip expired]
« Last Edit: 22. December 2016, 23:09:59 by Olfred »


well that was fast. anyway, the wreath needs one more 180 degree flip around the X axis, and both models need to be alpha transparency friendly (the origs are), as I needs to add just a bit of that to get rid of the hard edges.

also, will be christmas treeing more plants, so might as well ask for more sizes - (the orig model) *0.41, *0.59, and *0.12/0.12/0.095 (it's a bit unwieldy to reshape them via NVscript and stims, if it's just a handful of sizes, having properly sized models is more practical).
« Last Edit: 22. December 2016, 07:18:48 by voodoo47 »
alpha transparency friendly (the origs are)
oh, that takes a bit longer as I have to use bsp.
And then I need the missing texture
be alpha transparency friendly (the origs are), as I needs to add just a bit of that to get rid of the hard edges.
What about converting the gif files to png and make the pink part transparent? Shouldn't that work as well to get rid of the hard edges?


Why would the graphics file format affect how hard or soft the edges are?

There's nothing wrong with hard edges on foliage in SS2... it's how most game engines do that sort of thing, precisely because the alternative is slow, error-prone z-sorting.
Oh, so I misunderstood something. I thought there would possibly a problem with the transparency of the textures and alpha transparency would maybe add a bit of smoothing or bleeding. Something which could be done on the texture when you use some file format that is alpha layer able.
How does alpha transparency remove hard edges on the model?


no, this is not a problem afaik - objects that are (either partially or fully) just textures with transparent parts simply tend to look very sharp at the edges. giving the model just a small bit of transparency fixes this, providing the model itself can take it without looking turned inside out.

I'm not aware of any other way of getting rid of hard edges, tried to play around with mtls a while ago, but didn't manage to improve things.
[sharpvssoft.png expired]
« Last Edit: 22. December 2016, 20:24:09 by voodoo47 »


Per-pixel transparency looks different depending on whether alpha test is being used. Alpha test in NewDark is what gives transparency hard edges (it "tests" whether a pixel's alpha is sufficiently opaque to render), but allows perfect depth rendering. On the other hand, vanilla Dark blends the interpolated transparent texture directly into the frame buffer. This looks smoother, but also requires z-sorting the model's polygons into the scene, which doesn't always work correctly.

So for example most wall lettering in SCP has been set up to allow blending (because a texture flat against a wall will almost never be subject to sort errors), while most plants are set up to use alpha test.

Regarding the image above, the fix would be to remove the white feathering from the texture edges. Where did that texture come from?


T2 FM resources. I'm aware that it's not too great, but it illustrates the soft vs hard situation nicely. and even if the feathering wouldn't be there, the difference would still be noticeable.
I've editied the textures a bit like I meantioned before.
Basically just smoothed out the edges.
Not a perfect work, I'm still no good with texture editing. But it should show another possible way(?).

And I hope I have the orientation right this time?
[wreath with modified textures.zip expired]
« Last Edit: 22. December 2016, 23:10:14 by Olfred »


It's always an option to entirely replace the wreath texture with one that's been correctly masked before being downscaled.


And I hope I have the orientation right this time?
err.. no. looks like it's been flipped along Y, or at least that's what the editor is telling me (hoping I'm not being stupid here). so the latest one needs +180 degrees on both X and Y now.

the texture is looking pretty ok and I wouldn't mind leaving it as is, not messing with the transparency at all.

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