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Ah, thanks you.
I knew it's something with "lighting" just couldn't remember what exactly.

From what I could check now, the new model seems to be good on the lighting part.


Agreed, looks perfect!

Regarding the other grate model, I'm unsure what the best thing is to do about the black parts of the model. I always thought they looked strange, like maybe Irrational forgot to paint those parts as transparent. But maybe... not?

Put it to a vote, I suppose. Keep solid black or cut out.
[Cw001_zoom.png expired]


I'm guessing those would be some sort of notches where a tool of some kind would be jammed to pry the grate open. maybe.
Acknowledged by: JML
I agree, I could make them a little indent for the model and keep the black.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Would indented blackness even be visible?


lets make it simple - while changing the transparency holes of the 2d object into real holes on a 3d object will not change the general aesthetics of the object, cutting away those four black parts (whatever they are) would. I don't think we want to do that unless we have a really, really good reason* to do so, so I'd go with leaving them, maybe making them indented, as the general looks of the texture suggests they probably are.

*ex the soda cans, changing the top texture that suggest the can is open into an unopened texture, as the can is full and can be drunk, and also thrown around without spilling.
« Last Edit: 17. August 2018, 18:59:30 by voodoo47 »
Would indented blackness even be visible?
From an angle, yes.
Also depends on the lighting.
For SHTUP you could maybe change the black to a darker grey then?


Possibly. I'll have to play around with it.
Here's the second grate.
[CW001.BIN expired]


Looks good. Only issue is that it has the same smoothing thing going that the other grate model did at first.

Also, I just realized there's a third grate model, CW002.BIN. It's exactly the same as CW001, but it's 6 x 6 instead of 8 x 8.
Duh, forgetful me again.

[CW002.BIN expired]
[CW001.BIN expired]
For archiving sake
« Last Edit: 26. August 2018, 06:29:42 by Moderator »
Acknowledged by: ZylonBane


SCP request. I'd like the model ESCPOD.BIN modified so the engine texture OMS.PCX is mapped normally across the back, instead of the sloppy tiling in the vanilla model. Attached is the replacement texture that requires this change.

Intent is to place a visible door between the two engines to explain how the hell people actually get inside these escape pods.
[oms.png expired]
Can you guys  do me a favor and clean up the first post and put any unfinished request in there. Possibly with a link to a post like yours now.
I'm busy at the moment but will have enough free time later this year. But by now I just lost track of all that's been requested and is still unfinished.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
Intent is to place a visible door between the two engines to explain how the hell people actually get inside these escape pods.
Doesn't seem to be the safest of places, but ok.
The model does have some other issues, but for now I put on the texture. You might want to mingle with the texture a bit more, I just made the uvmap fit.
[escpod.zip expired]


Thanks. Yeah, it's a really dumb design, but there are multiple level layouts and a cutscene that all put the entrance at the back of that shuttle, so all we can do is make things visually consistent.


ok, this might be really easy or quite annoying depending on whether I get the values right - can you please try to offset the laser rapier model (rapier_w.bin) by:

X: +1
Z: +0.2

Heading: +90°
Bank: +45°
[lasrotate.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 10. November 2018, 15:48:35 by voodoo47 »
Could you re-upload the picture? I just found some time but kind of forgot how it was wanted.
Please check if this is correct.
[rapier_w.bin expired]


the rotations are ok, however the offset is not. I was really hoping for a first attempt fit here, but no such luck I guess. no idea what could be wrong, so all I can do is explain what I want to achieve and hope you'll figure it out.

basically, the melee weapons attached to the player character in MP look terrible. after some experimentation, I've attached a fake rapier to the already existing avatar rapier, changed the rotation (heading +90, bank +45) and offset it (X +1, Z +0.2) via a detailattach link to the original model. this made it fit perfectly.

the fixed model that is meant to emulate this however doesn't seem to be offset correctly - it's just a bit off. no idea what went wrong, so I'm open to suggestions - I can provide a step-by-step guide of what I have done if that's of any help.

//tried to figure out the offset of the fixed model, it seems to correspond to X: 1.125, Y: -0.06, Z: 0.19 (so extra +0.125 on X, extra -0.06 on Y, and extra -0.01 on Z, so my guess-suggestion would be trying to shave those off again from the current fixed model).
[offset_model.jpg expired]
[fixed_model.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 13. December 2018, 19:18:03 by voodoo47 »
« Last Edit: 13. December 2018, 21:27:22 by Moderator »

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