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yep, that's the stuff. I'll post requests for the wrench and shard soon.


ok, crystal shard (shard_w):

Heading: +45°
Pitch: +326.25° (or -33.75°)

X: -1.15
Y: +0.7
Z: +0.55

and wrench (wrench_w):

Pitch: +45°

X: +0.15
Y: +0.05
Z: +0.85
« Last Edit: 13. December 2018, 22:16:22 by voodoo47 »

Let me see if I got it right.

[wrench_w.bin expired]


nope - again, the rotation is ok, but the position is a bit off, had to add extra X: +0.045, Y: +0.015, and Z: +0.255 to make it fit again. I'm guessing you will have to increase the offset of the model by those values as well.

so weird - pretty sure I've got the values right, but I'm guessing it's somehow my fault anyway. but no matter I suppose, having a working model on the second try is still pretty good.
« Last Edit: 21. December 2018, 16:08:26 by voodoo47 »
Strange, I used two different methods to change the position and it seems both don't work like wanted. How do you get the values?


I get the the original values by manually offsetting an additional vanilla model from the original object via a detailattach link, modifying the position until it fits, then copy pasting the final values here. doing the same thing with the first stage fixed models as well, tweaking the values until the fixed model ends up directly on top of the original offset model, then seeing the difference between the values, and again copy pasting them here.

pretty sure there is a smarter way of doing this, but as mentioned, if the result can be achieved in two attempts per model, then we are still pretty alright.
« Last Edit: 21. December 2018, 16:07:49 by voodoo47 »
Mhm, I couldn't figure out how to use the detailattachment.
But when you have the other model, is the State property different than the original one?


not sure to which prop you are referring to.

detailattachment is easy, you just take obj1 (must NOT have physics - fakevatar wrench in this case) and link it via detailattachment to obj2 (can have physics, avatar wrench). obj1 is now attached to obj2, and by modifying the link data, you can offset it, change the angle of the attachment etc.

a fake wrench attached to the real wrench and offset to look good (by making the lower real wrench invisible later, the result of not looking stupid is achieved. the idea of the properly offset/edited model is to do this without the extra attachment shenanigans):
[wrenchattach.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 21. December 2018, 17:02:46 by voodoo47 »
Can you give me an edited map like that?


it's an edited gamesys/save combo, actually - attaching.

either replace the vanilla gamesys or load the modified one as a mod and extract the save to your SS2 folder, then run the editor, type set game_mode_backup 0 into the command window and hit enter, go Game and click persistent player position, then Game/game mode, hit escape to get to the main menu, then load the first save, hit alt+e to go editor mode, hit F3, type player and hit enter, press F8 and you are there. the fakevatar wrench obj id is 2125, the real wrench is 2124 (currently set to not visible, change Renderer/Render type prop to normal to change). the detailattachment link is editable from both.
[shock2.gam expired]
[save_0.7z expired]
I guess the problem is the involvement of the scale attribute.


I doubt that, the rapier wasn't scaled.
[wrench_w.bin expired]
« Last Edit: 22. December 2018, 08:50:48 by Moderator »


wrench much closer now, but still needs X: +0.014, Y: +0.003, and Z: +0.095. the shard is spot on, so whatever you did with it, that's the right thing to do.
the shard is spot on, so whatever you did with it, that's the right thing to do.
I did the same I did to the wrench
[wrench_w.bin expired]


getting really close, X: +0.004, Y: +0.002, and Z: +0.031

no idea why the wrench is being so stubborn.
« Last Edit: 22. December 2018, 13:56:22 by Moderator »


still not 100% on point (Z:+0.01), but for all practical purposes, this works ok - thanks.

still puzzled by the wrench taking so many attempts for reasons unknown.


forgot about the one melee weapon nobody really cares about - the psi sword (psword_w):

Bank: +45°

X: +0.02
Y: -0.96
Z: -0.4
still puzzled by the wrench taking so many attempts for reasons unknown.
beats me
[rapier_w.bin expired]
« Last Edit: 24. December 2018, 08:15:06 by Moderator »


ok, wrench is there now (thanks), but you grabbed the rapier model again by mistake - the psi sword is psword_w.
oh, haha, my mistake. I was kind of tired and just wanted to get it to you...

[psword_w.bin expired]

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