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Well, but most of the work is already done. So I don't see why it shouldn't be finished. Or are there more models to be changed as well?


If you really want to take a whack at it, here are my notes on what it would take to do a full overhaul of the texture alignments in that area. Note that they are not 100% guaranteed to be correct, since I could only make educated guesses at what needs changed.
[Polito wall alignment fix.7z expired]
« Last Edit: 04. February 2021, 00:32:38 by Moderator »
Gonna take some time for me to take a proper look at it. Some work just came in.
Just wanted to ask, would it be okay to create new models and then you dml replace them? I guess that would be the easiest way? Or would it better to rotate them in the dml? I rotated a model once for testing and then it went in the wrong direction. I'm not that familiar with ShockEd so I don't know what would be the best approach.


That's fine, this is low-priority.

This would be for SCP, so there would be no need to use DMLs. Why would you need new models though? They're all just squares and rectangles.
new model with different UV mapping to match the textures correctly.


Decided to play around with Olfred's grenade launcher sights and found the the improved version of the fixed/vanilla sight (the one with the transparent texture) is missing the drum portion of the model. The flipped down version is completely functional on the other hand.
[Screenshot (13).png expired]
[Screenshot (14).png expired]
[Screenshot (15).png expired]
[Screenshot (16).png expired]


realized a fixed pipe hybrid model would be really helpful if I want to finish up the pistol hybrid mod properly.
I had problems with the shotgun so I ended up just remodelling and retexturing it.  Don't worry it's still vanilla.  You might actually prefer the way I did it because the shotgun is a separate entity now.  In any case, the hand is closed just in case.
same deal, attaching the vanilla pipe hybrid model. @RocketMan any chance?
[GRUNT_P.7z expired]
« Last Edit: 10. March 2021, 09:34:37 by voodoo47 »


It's been so long I totally forgot what this was about.  Was this related to dropping weapons on death or something?  You'll have to refresh my memory, sorry.


basically, we want to make the pipe (the hybrid shotgun stub, previously) a separate entity (whatever that means), so the hand would be closed - with this, we can then hide the pipe by making the appropriate bit of the texture transparent, without having a hole in the hand where the pipe would normally be connected as result.


Oh right.  And how did you accomplish that before?  How did you manage to make the shotgun disappear... technically?  Because somehow I doubt this has to do with me making the shotgun a separate entity.  That sounds like something I did because I had problems with the model.


once the model has been fixed, I just deleted the shotgun part of the texture, making it invisible/transparent. and as the hand (sg hybrid) is now closed/not connected to the shotgun bit, everything looks ok.

basically, we want to prevent the situation below.
[hey_xmodule_its_a_hole.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 10. March 2021, 22:38:31 by voodoo47 »


Ok so if I understand correctly this reduces to a texture cycling operation whereby if the hybrid is alive, it's a pipe hybrid using the standard texture.  If it dies, then it's a pipe hybrid that swaps in a different texture where the pipe is transparent but the physical pipe is still there, but invisible?  If that's true then the only problem is the hole in the end of the hybrid's hand, which means I'd need to pretty much delete the pipe, close off the hole and texture it, then put the pipe back so that it intersects the hand (thus 2 textures would technically overlap at that point).  This way when you make the pipe transparent, the intersecting  hand texture, which was always visible but covered up is now not covered up and looks like the piece of his hand where the pipe used to be?


pretty much. to make it simple, whatever has been done with the vanilla shotgun hybrid (still attached to the quoted post) should be applied to the pipe hybrid as well.

attaching the shotgun hybrid with its shotgun stub made invisible by modifying the texture. it's still there, but invisible/transparent, and the fist has no hole, making the model ready for any kind of potential attachment (fusion cannon, chopsticks, you name it).
[SGMESH.7z expired]


Ok I think I get it.  In the case of the shotgun it may have been ok to just delete the shotgun entirely and then you can physattach it back in so it would always be a separate entity with no texture editing needed, but as the pipe is not a weapon the player can use, there's no pipe object to physattach so I guess the texture method is the only way to do it.


*scratches head*

well, all I can say that whatever you did with the sg hybrid model back then is perfect, and exactly what the pipe hybrid needs (I have very little experience with AI models, but if I understand this correctly, you disconnected the shotgun stub, closed the hole on the hand, and reconnected the stub as a subobject of some sort. no change to the texture, so the modified mesh is looking the same, until I modify the texture). and no need to concern yourself with the texture or the attachments, that I can handle perfectly fine.

also, no change to the joint positions would be great.


Ok.  Give me a couple of days on this and I think I should have a moment to fix it. 
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Just to re-iterate what we discussed by PM, I'm having an embarrassing technical issue that I haven't had before where I can't get a .3ds file which actually opens in my Max program.  I keep getting an Invalid File Type error, even though the same file opens in Anim8or, so...

If anybody is willing to make a 3ds file for me using some other 3d program I don't have, which might have a better chance of opening in Max7, I will continue working on this. 

Attached is the file I was able to make which doesn't open.
[grunt_p.3ds expired]


That file opens in a similar way to when I saved as OBJ and imported.  The mesh imports but the texture mapping is lost (model is black and untextured).  Did you try to re-save it or did you convert it around a few times between different formats?  Whenever I converted it away from 3ds I lost the textures but that was also the only way I could get it to load without an error.
I imported it into Blender and then just exported it again. The model is not unsalvagable in this state. The black is because the diffuse and specular settings are set to black on import. You can just go into these settings and change it to white again.
About the texture, the UV mapping still exists, so all you need to do is just reapply the texture to it.
That's about all you need to do to get it working again. It's a small hassle, but nothing to wild.

If you can't get it to work just tell me the name of the texture and I'll prepare it for you.


If I understand you correctly, you mean I can select all polygons, go to my material editor, add the texture to one of the slots and just "apply to polygons" ?  Normally after I do that I would then apply a UV map but you're saying it should just show up perfect without doing that?  If so I can give that a try.
Well I don't know about 3dmax, but sounds about right.
Acknowledged by: RocketMan


Unfortunately it did not work.

However, using your trick, I took my original file and converted to OBJ as before and then applied the texture to that and THAT worked.

We'll see how long it remains un-fucked.


[og_pipe0.gif expired]
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