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this is not a model upgrade topic, this is a fix broken model topic.


Oh, I already had something nice up my mind about the worms but never bothered to do it since we didn't have any texture artist.
I'll report back when I have something.
uhh.. bump? pun intended.
I think I played around a bit with my idea but wasn't really satisfied. Wanted to get back to it later and totally forgot about it.
Again I'm quite busy at the moment (deadline in february and a shit ton of stuff to do).
I'll try to revisit my idea when I have the time. Feel free to bump me again.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


I would like to state for the record that the top half of the replicator model is one of the most awful modeling jobs in the entire game. I just recreated a high-res texture for it, and it actually looks worse now that you can see how sloppy the UV mapping is. The model itself is asymmetrical in places it clearly isn't supposed to be, and has weird concave bits. Just... ugh.
Getting back to replicator talk, I just noticed (or re-noticed, it's hard to remember anymore) an even worse glitch in the replicator frame model. There's a stray shape in the air above it, that sometimes causes visual artifacts, but mostly causes the targeting brackets in-game to be WAY higher than they should be. Here's the back of the model in view.exe:

I've added this to the first post.

EDIT: I've been considering the possibility that this "stray" shape was added intentionally, to force the model's centerpoint to a particular location that worked better for the mappers. Removing it entirely might cause problems.

Well, either way this model is the lowest priority of all current requests. Most people don't notice anything wrong with it, after all.
« Last Edit: 27. May 2023, 21:06:48 by ZylonBane »
Is that from the replicator model I did, or is that from the game? I don't remember anymore. Have I touched it already?


That's the vanilla model. I don't think you've touched this one.


I've added another minor model fix request to the first post. This is for an unused model called compx.bin:

It looks pretty cool, but it has some technical issues.
- The front panel has a z-fighting issue where it will change to a wrong texture from certain angles and distances.
- The screen assembly isn't physically connected to the console. It just needs to be moved down to connect.
- The screen itself displays its texture (which is missing) backwards on the front.

I've attached a placeholder for the missing screen texture.
« Last Edit: 16. August 2023, 19:23:41 by ZylonBane »


@Olfred can you take a quick look at the attached vase object please? supposedly causing lag, anything odd going on at the first glance? thanks as always.
[Vile4.bin expired]
At a first glance I can't see anything wrong with it, seems to be have been build with the lgs tools.
Maybe it's in the texture? That's a custom object, right?

@ZylonBane hopefully I can get to your things in a week or two.


yes. I was thinking maybe the original modder did something not too recommended that would make the object have way too many polys - that actually can bring Dark to its knees fairly easily (the super hipoly security door from our favorite random SS2 modder would be a good example).

anyway, if you don't see anything suspicious, I'll write it off as single user issue. thanks for checking.


@Olfred how are things going? Let me know if you could use a placeholder texture for the compx.bin screen.


I've added a SCP/broken objects request to the first post. It's for chairs #1 and #3. The original modeler did that thing Looking Glass loved to do where they stretched a texture into a non-rectangular shape, which Dark hates.

Normally this only causes rendering glitches when a model is partially offscreen, but somehow this model's texturing looks distorted  at all times, which is even more apparent when a higher-res texture is applied to it. I'm not sure if this is even possible to fix without using a custom texture, but... worth a shot? Maybe it could be split up more. The bottom part of the chair would be fine to leave alone since the distortion is less noticeable there.

And as long as I'm looking at models that use this texture, there's this bench:

It has a couple of issues. First, the seat texture being too stretched so it doesn't meet the back correctly, and second, the arm rest geometry on one side intersecting the seat back. It looks like there's some extra space between the arm rest and the seat on the other side, so probably the seats just need to be shifted over a bit.
I'm sorry for going radio silent.
There have been some shedule changes at work (and in life) so I didn't manage to get anything done. One deadline is next week and I hope I'll get everything done until then. After that I should get some time to work on the models.
Acknowledged by 2 members: ZylonBane, voodoo47


I assure you, at SCP/SHTUP's current rate of progress, you have plenty of time.


Another fix, hopefully an easy one. The broken duct objects (ductf/ductfo) have their side textures rotated 90 degrees from how they're oriented on the base model. Details added to first post.

I finally managed to find a time window to work on some of the issues. If I missed anything just point me to it.

As for the chairs. I didn't eliminate the problem. Actually I have no idea how one would properly adress this without touching the texture. So I just increased the polygone count to kind of distribute the distortion to make it less obvious.

For the rest of the models it should be just what you asked for.
« Last Edit: 27. August 2023, 14:57:00 by Moderator »


Okay, reviewed the models, everything good except for...

chair01 and chair03, on the indicated side faces (both sides of chair), the vertex lighting goes shimmery when this part of the model crosses a screen boundary, in a way that the vanilla model does not.

On the vein model, there's still some polygons sticking "through" the side.

EDIT: And if you have time, on the compx model, could you please add a RED.PCX stripe in the empty square above where the green light is? Something like this:

Seems like they had planned to put a light there but never got around to it.
« Last Edit: 28. August 2023, 02:24:20 by ZylonBane »
I haven't touched that part of the chair, but with a new export (especially not using the original tools) all kind of things can happen.
I tried to reproduce what you described but wasn't able to do it. Maybe it's only in certain areas with light coming from a specific direction?
Can you maybe create a short video demonstrating the problem and tell me which map and location it is? (Best so I can jump there in editor, I don't know the game inside out like you).

About the nerve, I checked the model I've send and don't see anything sticking out of it, are you sure you got the right one loaded?

I've attached a new compx with the red light.
[compx v1.1.zip expired]
« Last Edit: 30. August 2023, 20:42:37 by Moderator »


Argh, I forgot that SHTUP uses a customized version of vein.bin that was overriding SCP's version. Okay, vein is good.

Regarding the chairs, here's some footage I shot in medsci1.mis, in the far upper-left corner of the map.

Here's with the updated chair model:

And here's with the vanilla model:

Note how on the vanilla model the texturing warps around when that side piece crosses the top of the screen, but the lighting is mostly consistent, so it's not very noticeable. On the updated model, the Gouraud shading is shimmering around similar to what the roof of the tram model was doing before you fixed it.
Check if this is better
« Last Edit: 30. August 2023, 20:42:22 by Moderator »


It's fixed! Though now I've noticed that while the top cushion distortion was fixed on chair01, it's still happening on chair03.

And I hate that the more I look at these dumb chairs, the more things I notice that I'd never noticed before, like the fact that the back bar doesn't even attach to the chair.

Not sure this is even worth fixing, since nobody has noticed it after 20 years. And fixing it without altering the chair's internal and external dimensions would be tricky. Best compromise I could think of would be to leave the back bar where it is, but stretch the top cushion and the seat back to meet it.
Yeah it really comes down to what use to create the bin files.
Everyone comes with its own flaws. I changed nothing on the model and just used bsp.exe to create the bin this time. While it fixed it for the one chair it brought back the disortion on the other.

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