
144 Guests are here.


Here you can find a list of SS2 objects and meshes that could use a fixed version (and, if available, the already fixed version of the object), if you want to try doing some SS2 models, feel free to take a shot at these.

Dark Animation Tools
RocketMan's video tutorial
How to make new BIPED Meshes
Shocked Basic Toolkit (conversion tools included)
Shadowspawn's tools (more tools)
Dark Engine model exporter for Blender
The Brain's export script for Blender

Some more maybe useful stuff:
Jointed Objects: a new tutorial
Blender Toolkit
Rebuilding the motion database, adding motions, 1, 2
Converted Rebirth meshes

Models that need a fix:
  • recwall.bin [no archetype, used only in rec2.mis for Kool-Aid bot wall; could use subdividing to reduce obvious Gouraud lighting] link
  • repframe.bin - RepBase (-463) [stray polygons floating in air above, and some wrinkling on the front] link
  • brl_exp.bin - Explode Barrel (-498) [top texture repeated on bottom]

Custom model requests:
  • worm1.bin - WormGoo (-105) [original wormpile could use a bit of depth]

Completed custom models:
  • ramen/noodle bowl //done
  • shooting range target model with hinge at the bottom
  • Hydro bulkhead ramps //done
  • sg_h.bin - Shotgun (-19) [missing vhot for muzzle flash] (link)
  • atek_H.bin - Pistol (-17) [missing vhot for eject casings] (link)
  • Tacticool shotgun [missing vhot for muzzle flash] //done, included in Tacticool complete
  • Tacticool ADaoB pistol [missing vhot for eject casings] //done, included in Tacticool complete
  • Bb_brain- ManyBossBrain (-3470) [Body of the Many boss brain; could look better by insetting the organs from the bone struts] //done
  • shohead.bin - Shodan Head (-3494) [updated model needs some fixes, see this post]
  • hat.bin [just the hat from mesh/corpmal1.bin; texture mesh/corpse.gif]

Models that have been fixed:
models re-exported using the latest version of exporter, these should take precedence over whatever is found in older posts.
  • truck.bin - (no archetype) [the truck on Earth; z-fighting on right side above rear wheel] (fixed versions available: StaticZ's, Olfred's)
  • railp4.bin - Purple Railing 4 (-2928) [z-fighting diagonal artifacts] (fixed versions available: Olfred's, includes ALL the railings)
  • railp8.bin - Purple Railing 8 (-2929) [ditto]
  • railp12.bin - Purple Railing 12 (-2930) [ditto]
  • railp24.bin - Purple Railing 24 (-2931) [ditto]
  • railp62r.bin - Railing_for_Ramp (-3657) [ditto]
  • railw4.bin - Purple Wood Rail 4 (-3042) [ditto]
  • railw8.bin - Purple Wood Rail 8 (-3043) [ditto]
  • railw12.bin - Purple Wood Rail 12 (-3044) [ditto]
  • railw24.bin - Purple Wood Rail 24 (-3045) [ditto]
  • rrail4-.bin - Red Railing 4x4 (-2592) [ditto]
  • rrail48.bin - Red Railing 4x8 (-1153) [ditto]
  • rrail12.bin - Red Railing 4x12 (-2598) [ditto]
  • rrail16.bin - Red Railing 4x16 (-3062) [ditto]
  • rrail20.bin - Red Railing 4x20 (-3127) [ditto]
  • rrail24.bin - Red Railing 4x24 (-3063) [ditto]
  • rrail28.bin - Red Railing 4x28 (-3064) [ditto]
  • rrail32.bin - Red Railing 4x32 (-3065) [ditto]
  • rrail36.bin - Red Railing 4x36 (-2599) [ditto]
  • rrail40.bin - Red Railing 4x40 (-3066) [ditto]
  • rrail52.bin - Red Railing 4x52 (-3067) [ditto]
  • rrails42.bin - Red Ang Railing 4x2 (-3515) [ditto] (model not loading ingame, rrails42.bin not in obj.crf)
  • rrails12.bin - Red Ang Railing 4x12 (-3077) [ditto]
  • rrails82.bin - Red Ang Railing 4x8 (-3078) [ditto]
  • rrails83.bin - Red Ang Railing 3x8 (-3079) [ditto] (unfinished model, not textured properly. texturing fixed in Olfred's pack)
  • lite_f0.bin - Fluor. Light (-488) [missing back polys] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • gurney.bin - Gurney (-3000) [z-fighting on sides] (fixed versions available: StaticZ's, Olfred's)
  • sarclose.bin - Closed Protocol Box (-2545) [backward warped texture on back; back transparent when looking from front; protocol droid obviously only half there. anyone trying to fix this will probably need the full droid model, it's protonew.bin (-174)] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • nanocan.bin - 20 Nanites (-89) [no bottom; wires render backwards from one side] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • wpodopen.bin - (no archetype) [z-fighting on dripping goo] (fixed versions available: StaticZ's)
  • brl_expg.bin - Four_Explosive_Barrels (-2301) [this is the "Bulk Hazmat Containment" obstacle on the Rickenbacker; needs the warning sign UV mapping cleaned up] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • fsn_w.bin - Fusion Cannon (-26) [this is the obj/world model that can be found laying on the ground ingame. has missing polys on the bottom side of the barrel, also the wires on the side are screwed up, and the fusion barrel is not connected to the rest of the gun] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • crate01.bin - Crate #1(-122) [visible line at the top of the crate] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • poddoor.bin - Cryo Tube door (-462) [z-fighting on the lower right edge when viewed from inside] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • Rick001.bin - RD_Door_1 (-2682) [slight z-fighting where the glass meets the metal] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • botleju.bin - Juice bottle (-966) [when looking through the transparent bottom of the bottle, the sticker on the bottle is invisible/see through] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • botleli.bin - Liquor bottle (-967) [when looking through the transparent bottom of the bottle, the sticker on the bottle is invisible/see through] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • botlevo.bin - Vodka bottle (-964) [when looking through the transparent top of the bottle, the sticker on the bottle is invisible/see through. also the neck does not look quite right when alpha 1 is enabled, which is required to avoid even worse transparency issues] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • botlech.bin - Champagne bottle (-965) [when looking through the transparent top of the bottle, the sticker on the bottle is invisible/see through. also the neck does not look quite right when alpha 1 is enabled, which is required to avoid even worse transparency issues] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • tu_sdam.bin - Slug Turret Corpse (-380) [broken parts of the turret not connected to the base of the turret] (fixed versions available: Olfred's)
  • tu_ldam.bin - Laser Turret Corpse (-1419) [broken parts of the turret not connected to the base of the turret] Olfred's)
  • tu_fdam.bin - Blast Turret Corpse (-1421) [broken parts of the turret not connected to the base of the turret] Olfred's)
  • railter.bin - Railing End 4x4 (-1023) [ends should match up with Railing 4x8 (-1016) railing2.bin] (fixed versions avalable: Olfred's, also includes the rest of the railing ends)
  • toilet.bin - Toilet (-1240) [missing back polys] (Olfred's)
  • fsn_h.bin - Fusion Cannon hand model [the player hand model has a bunch of see-through cracks, both on the torso and the barrel. the wires on the side are screwed up as well] (Olfred's)
  • gang.bin - Gang valve (-774) [bad texture mapping] (Olfred's)
  • gangf.bin - Broken gang valve (-1068) [bad texture mapping]
  • tramcar.bin (-2877) [multiple transparency and z issues] (Olfred's)
  • tramcar2.bin (-3432) [multiple transparency and z issues] (Olfred's)
  • termibox.bin - Junction Box (-760) [missing back side] (Olfred's)
  • termibof.bin - Junction Box broken (-1080) [missing back side] (Olfred's)
  • msd_b.bin (-2579) [broken medsci door, very weird stuff going on with the textures] (Olfred's)
  • tabledi.bin - Dinner Table #1 (-935) [z-fighting on one of the sides] (Olfred's)
  • ventfan.bin - vent fan (-2559) [fan can't spin]
  • shield.bin - Shuttle Shield (-3046) [way too low-poly for its in-game size]
  • malseat.bin - mall bench (-2934) [missing polys when viewed from below] (Olfred's)
  • resseat.bin - Residential Bench (-2932) [missing polys when viewed from below] (Olfred's)
  • code.bin - Binary_Code (-3651) [duplicate faces cause z-fighting within the model; could be improved by making the text read correctly from both sides] (Olfred's)
  • eggop.bin, eggcl_f.bin, eggop_f.bin - Floor egg that doesn't shift upward when opened, and flipped versions of open and closed models for use on ceilings (ZB)
  • air_re.bin - Air Recirculator (-932) [bad texture mapping, toxin canister model just a stub]
  • air_reof.bin - Air Recirc No Filter (-1151) [bad texture mapping]
  • bulkdown.bin - Bulk_On_Button (-3622) [missing back side] (link)
  • bulkup.bin - Bulk_Off_Button (-3623) [missing the bottom side of the handle] (link)
  • elbuton.bin - Button #1 (-201) [missing back side] (link)
  • elevbutn.bin - Elevator Button (-1778) [missing back side] (link)
  • filter.bin - The canister that appears in the regulator slot, used by the new regulator
  • hackcrat.bin - hackable crate (-1886) [missing the bottom] (link)
  • highsec.bin - supercrate (-420) [missing the bottom] (link)
  • light1.bin - Wedge Wall Light (-978) [missing back side] (link)
  • light2.bin - Engineering Wedge Light (-1135) [missing back side] (link)
  • mach_t.bin - Tall Machinery (-2454), [decals floating off the model] (link)
  • cpipe_01.bin - Pipe Bent (-495) [no ends on pipe] (link)
  • target.bin - (no object in gamesys) [strip on top, no sides] (link)
  • conduit1.bin/conduit2.bin/conduit3.bin - Conduit Parts (-1992) [don't match Conduit (-185)] (link)
  • botlevo.bin - Vodka bottle (-964), bad texture mapping on the bottom (link)
  • locker.bin - Locker (-1303) [surface normals of front messed up (link)
  • bodyb.bin (-3073), corpse bag, the green tag light floating off the surface (link)
  • cpipe_02.bin - Pipe Straight (-494) [no ends on pipe] (link)
  • cpipe_03.bin - Pipe T (-496) [no ends on pipe] (link)
  • banner.bin UNN Banner (-2687) [bad texturing on the sides] (link)
  • Wide Machinery (-100) mach_w.bin [decals floating off the model, texture with numbers and letters inverted] (link)
  • Wedge Wall Light (-978) light1.bin ["light" surface is dull grey, instead of full white like all other white lights] (link)
  • basket.bin - B-Ball Hoop (-1238) [net and hoop insides invisible]
  • audsign.bin - (no archetype) [Sandman Audio sign on Earth, sides textured wrong] link
  • ammoss.bin, ammohes.bin, ammoaps.bin - (all types of) bullets (-35) [shoddy mapping of the bullet texture at the open part of the clip, should be just one bullet with a properly textured tip] Olfred's
  • lift01.bin - Lift 1 (-237) [decals floating off the model] link
  • lift01_w.bin - Lift 1 Walls (-125) [decals floating off the model] link
  • hydo.bin, hydo2.bin, hydo3.bin, hydo4.bin, hydo5.bin - (all types of) New Hydro Doors (-3539) [decals float off the surface] link
  • acces_df.bin, acces_d.bin, acces_g.bin - Core Access (-2747) [all model variations have decals that float off the surface] link
  • consoleh.bin - Ceiling Console (-2450) [missing back polys] link
  • recwallb.bin - broken rec kool aid scene wall [incorrect textures mapped on the broken part] link
  • faucit.bin - Faucet (-1375) [poorly modelled, missing vhots] link
  • all shutle, and sh models - various issues on shuttles and shuttle parts link
  • comforce.bin - Comforce Door (-4791) [floating decals] link
  • simqua.bin - SimComp_1, simlin.bin - SimComp_2, simint.bin - SimComp_3, simover.bin - n/a [screen textures not tiled correctly] link
  • conduit.bin - Conduit (-185) [legs too short by 0.32 DromEd units, middle two white pipes clip into each other] link
  • conduitr.bin - Rick Conduit (-94) [same issues as conduit.bin] link
  • stellar.bin - Stellar Map (-3545) [binary code decal floating off the model] link
  • monbr.bin - Monkey_Brain (-148) [missing bottom polys]
  • rumbor.bin - Rumbler Organ (-220) [missing bottom polys. note - this is basically the head of the rumbler. it looks like it has been taken off an earlier, wip AI model, so it does not completely correspond to the final AI model. would be nice to rip the head off the final model and make it into an object, if possible]
  • opw1316, opw1317, opw1318, opw1433 [no DromEd objects, used only in ops1.mis for object walls; could use subdividing to reduce Gouraud shimmer]
  • debris_1.bin - Broken Conduit (-1481) [broken version of older version of conduit.bin]
  • cans.bin - Many Cans (-1393) [textures backward on some sides]
  • ductf.bin/ductfo.bin - Broken Duct (-1074) [side textures rotated 90 degrees from how they're oriented in base model (duct.bin)] link
  • compx.bin - no archetype [z-fighting on front panel, screen assembly needs to be moved down to connect with console, screen backwards] link
  • chair01.bin - Chair #1 (-115) / chair03.bin - Chair #3 (-1366) [distorted texturing on chair back] link
  • chair02.bin - Lounge Chair (-117) [seat/back texture seam; arm rest intersecting] link
  • nerveu.bin - U-Shaped Nerve (-3437) [one of the dendrites floating away from the nerve] link
  • vein.bin - Vein (-3133) [sloppy cylinder intersection] link

Ultra-lowpoly AIs (I know, hard to believe, but these have even less detail than the regular set, so technically, one could actually "upgrade" them to the standard of the regular lowpoly set, if so desired):
  • corpmal1.bin - Male Corpses (-449)
  • corpfem1.bin - Female Corpses (-450)
  • headle.bin - Headless Corpse (-1009)

Objects that are matching the ultra-lowpoly bodies:
  • cutarm.bin - Cut Arm (-914)
  • cutleg.bin - Cut Leg (-915)
  • head5.bin - Cut Head (-916)
  • heart.bin - Heart (-1225) (Olfred's)
  • stomach.bin - Stomach (-1226) (Olfred's, and its texture)
  • bonus: carcass.bin - Human Carcass (-1224), an unfinished model of a decomposed torso, probably meant to be used in Body of the Many and then abandoned (actually only needs a texture to be renamed to work properly).

Lowpoly AIs:
  • male corpses - any dead male model, for example MS Male Corpse corm_med.bin -1872 (the rest differ only by the texture)
  • female corpses - any dead female model, for example MS Female Corpse corf_med.bin -1873 (the rest differ only by the texture)
  • diego.bin - Diego corpse (-3008)
  • grunt_s.bin - Shotgun hybrid (-175)
  • grunt_p.bin - Pipe hybrid (-397)
  • grunt_g.bin - Grenade hybrid (-176)
  • fembot.bin - Midwife (-179)
  • assassin.bin - Assassin (-1541)
  • player.bin - Player1 (-973)
  • gunghost.bin - suicide ghost
Note: when creating the male/female crewmember models, they should be universal enough to be used for dead, living, and ghosts with just a switch of the texture.

Bonus - recreate the following objects from the already available Rebirth models to complete the Rebirth mod:
  • cutarm.bin - Cut Arm (-914) (Olfred's, left arm replaces the orig, right arm also available)
  • cutleg.bin - Cut Leg (-915) (Olfred's, the latest model, and its texture)
  • head5.bin - Cut Head (-916) (in Rebirth, this needs to be a female head, ripped off the Rebirth female corpse model) (Olfred's)
« Last Edit: 11. May 2024, 21:08:29 by Moderator »
nanocan & lite_f0
Why are the missing backfaces on the lite even a problem?

Can you provide me with saves for places with all the broken stuff so I can look it up in the game?
Or something else which will do the trick.
« Last Edit: 02. November 2013, 09:11:14 by voodoo47 »


because it limits you when placing the object - you need to make sure the flaws are not visible.

attaching a medsci1 map and save with all the flickery goodness in the first two rooms.

[all_the_flicker.7z expired]
« Last Edit: 01. November 2013, 19:14:17 by voodoo47 »
because it limits you when placing the object - you need to make sure the flaws are not visible.
Actually it's not really a "flaw" it was/is a common thing to do to save polygons.
Everything not visible will be deleted to save perfomance. Especially old engines still draw polygons even though they are not visible. Newer engines ignore everything not visible (if they are well made).

I will place all the broken stuff in some map and make it available.
Nice, thank you.

Oh and you should also check the stuff I do, maybe I fuck something up and don't see it.


Actually it's not really a "flaw" it was/is a common thing to do to save polygons.
It's a flaw if the model was made for a game where objects are regularly ripped off walls and tossed in smoking heaps.


indeed - also, other lights do have those back polys. the map/save is up.

will check the last two models in a minute. //nanites and fluor light, looking good. made the downloads in your post permanent and also added the truck, so it won't get lost.

also, Red Ang Railing 4x2 (-3515) is not loading for me.

//woah, look at that bump on the right side. also, the side lights are floating off the model.
« Last Edit: 01. November 2013, 19:46:17 by voodoo47 »
Zylon, in that case you are right.

voodoo, that are things which were already like that in the original version, just fixed the z fighting.
Well, fixed it now, hope you like it that way.

EDIT: I've take a look at the map you made. Not much room to look at all the stuff nicely, but from what I can see, the problems are only on the glass and nowhere else?
« Last Edit: 02. November 2013, 09:15:51 by voodoo47 »


yeah, the glass needs to be cleaned up, especially where it flickers.

as for the truck, the latest version has created an issue not present in the previous one:

Oh well, that has something to do with the illumination.
Because the surface where the light is supposed to be is not exactly flat and therefore you can't place the light as close as possible to it I made a box which goes into truck.
I'll try to just make it a flat thing again and get it as close as possible *sigh*

EDIT: Edited the truck.
Also first attempt at railing.
« Last Edit: 01. November 2013, 22:48:10 by Olfred »


strange thing that the other side is ok. ah well, whatever makes it work.
Image: http://cdn.meme.li/i/pdzm3.jpg

I just discovered that the glas from the purple and red rails doesn't show the model behind the glas. But on the other hand you see other models through the glas of the black rails.
What is the model name of the black rails so I can see into it?
« Last Edit: 02. November 2013, 00:09:41 by Olfred »


the black ones are called "red" for some reason, so;

rrail4-.bin - Red Railing 4x4 (-2592) [ditto]
rrail48.bin - Red Railing 4x8 (-1153) [ditto]
rrail12.bin - Red Railing 4x12 (-2598) [ditto]
rrail16.bin - Red Railing 4x16 (-3062) [ditto]
rrail20.bin - Red Railing 4x20 (-3127) [ditto]
rrail24.bin - Red Railing 4x24 (-3063) [ditto]
rrail28.bin - Red Railing 4x28 (-3064) [ditto]
rrail32.bin - Red Railing 4x32 (-3065) [ditto]
rrail36.bin - Red Railing 4x36 (-2599) [ditto]
rrail40.bin - Red Railing 4x40 (-3066) [ditto]
rrail52.bin - Red Railing 4x52 (-3067) [ditto]
rrails42.bin - Red Ang Railing 4x2 (-3515) [ditto] (model not loading ingame, rrails42.bin not in obj.crf)
rrails12.bin - Red Ang Railing 4x12 (-3077) [ditto]
rrails82.bin - Red Ang Railing 4x8 (-3078) [ditto]
rrails83.bin - Red Ang Railing 3x8 (-3079) [ditto] (unfinished model, not textured properly)

no idea what do you mean by the model not showing.

//the latest version of the truck is 100% ok. same goes for the railing.

//also, killed the previous versions of the truck so they won't start spreading by mistake, I have them backed up in case someone would need them for whatever odd reason.
« Last Edit: 02. November 2013, 09:15:34 by voodoo47 »
This is what I am talking about regarding the bug.

I now fiddled around for an hour and can't get the purple ones to behave correctly, don't know what the fuck is wrong with it. Maybe some kind of flag or whatever shit needs to be set in the map editor for it to work correctly? Never worked with it and don't intend to do.


ahh, that thing - now I remember, I did encounter this some time ago, and forgot about it completely. I will have a look around and see whether I can figure something out.

just ignore it for the time being - the priority is to fix the glass, sorting issues can be sorted out later (probably by adding some flags when building the map). //confirming - this is something the map builder needs to sort out using the render order prop (or transparency, just as ZB pointed out). so just ignore it, nothing to fix here.
« Last Edit: 02. November 2013, 18:53:16 by voodoo47 »


That's a gamesys issue, not a model issue. The engine needs to be told to treat those objects as transparent.
Ah, ok.
Well then fixing the glass thing is no big deal, just takes a bit of time.


that sounds great - releasing SCP with all those railings cleaned up would be really nice, as flickering textures or polygons are one of the biggest immersion breakers out there.
Here is a pack with all the rails. I even fixed some geometry issues like poles sticking out somewhere and rails not being centered and stuff.
Also couldn't find the rrails42.bin.

Regarding the resseat.bin. I can't see anything wrong with it, at least not anything which would cause a flickering on the seat.
Do you have any documentation where you discovered this problem? Maybe someone placed it 2 times in the map, or when it really is just the seat maybe someone placed resseat.bin and resseatb.bin at the same spot.

Can you provide me with another test map (or saves) with the remaining models which need to be fixed? (only the one with errors, not the low poly ones)


yeah, rrails42.bin seems to be missing. no matter, it's not used in any of the orig maps anyway. as for resseat.bin, yeah, I think that was just a map issue which got incorrectly reported as a model issue, so forget about that one as well (removing from the first post).

the rest of the problematic models are already in the second room of the medsci map I've shared, just go up the ladder. also added some descriptions into the first post (fusion cannon).

checked the railing pack, nice job.
Worked on the crates.
sarclose.bin was a total hassle and there is still some warping at the bottom, can't figure out how to fix it. Everything looks fine in Blender, but ingame it's warped. Somehow the dark engine messes something up there.
Also I took protonew.bin from the mesh folder to put in there (I hope it is the right one), so you need to copy the proto3.gif from there to obj/txt16 or just take the png in the zip.

Is there really a need to fix the fusion cannon? RocketMan already released some updated version of it and arm models are a total hassle to get working again.

And about the truck. I could probably lessen the visibility of the seam which goes through the middle of the side. Is that necessary or has this already been fixed through SHTUP?
« Last Edit: 03. November 2013, 21:17:15 by voodoo47 »


currently, SHTUP has no replacement texture for the truck, so if you want to improve it even further, don't let me stop you. the protocol droid crate looks good (there is no way anyone is going to notice that tiny bit of warping that's left). the fixed crate and the mega crate have issues though, looks like the lights and signs need to be moved a bit away from the model to prevent z-fighting;


as for the fusion cannon, it would be nice to have it fixed, but its priority is pretty low - unlike those railings and other flickery flickeries, the fusion cannon issues are much harder to notice. it's your choice, it's not like I'm going to complain or anything.
« Last Edit: 02. November 2013, 22:46:53 by voodoo47 »
Strange, was fine for me.
Is this any better?

Also includes the truck.
Better at some places, worse at another for the seam. But that could be ironed out through the texture. Could provide an UV map if somebody wants.

So I guess except the low poly stuff and the fusion cannon there is nothing left?


I'm deliberately using a gpu that makes all the flickering worse - if it works fine on this one, it will work fine everywhere. and yeah, with the exception of the fusion cannon, and the gurney (only StaticZ's version is available), that's it for the broken objects. one question though, can you check how hard would it be to create ripped off leg, arm, and head from the Rebirth models? this would practically complete the Rebirth mod, which would be a nice thing to have - AI mesh mods are not exactly plentiful in the SS2 modding world.

small crate is fine now, but one sign on the big one still flickers;

[last_flicker_standing.jpg expired]
Hmm... do you start the game normally or through some editor mode?
Everything looks so bright.
All the signs on one side have the same distance, so it's strange that it is just one.

As long as it is just some static creating ripped off limbs and stuff out of the rebirth models would be fairly easy.
Just copy it from the model and then close off the gaps, though, they would be needed to be textured then, might be possible to reuse the old textures, but not sure.
Just give me one example and I will look into it how "makeable" it is.

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