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the dml will be included in the next version of Rebirth, so it will only be active when the mod is active, as simple as that.
And what if the SCP also features some changes in the same area?
is it possible to have two dmls active?


I'm making sure that all the gears will be oiled and working properly (and SCP is not using any dmls, so in case something special needs to be done via dml*, there will be no conflicts). and yes, you can have multiple dmls, for example, if you have one eng1.mis.dml in DataTempMods folder and another one in DataPermMods folder, both will get loaded.

*for example, SCP modifies the position of pretty much all corpses, making sure they do not float, sink into ground, collide with chairs etc. most of these changes are universal enough to look ok with Rebirth active, however, there are some special cases (sitting in the chair, for example) where the Rebirth corpse needs to be repositioned further (as it has slightly different dimensions). that means these changes need to be applied only when the Rebirth mod is active - and this is exactly the situation where dmls shine.
« Last Edit: 03. November 2013, 23:23:04 by voodoo47 »
I guess when loading sveral dmls one of the new modmanagers would be really helpful then.

And here is the head, again, new texture file.
Is there any need for a left leg or do you just take it as universal?


the leg is universal enough, no need for another model. the head is pretty much perfect right on the first try - this makes the head throwing scene on eng2 look really smooth when Rebirth is active.


guess we are pretty much done here - I'll be running around making sure everything works properly for a day or two, and then it's time for Rebirth03 Olfred's gory objects edition.
« Last Edit: 03. November 2013, 23:52:34 by voodoo47 »
Haha, good.
If you need anything else just contact me.


actually, there is one last thing left - the suicide ghost mesh, but I have been told doing that without Cyberblutch's original resources is virtually impossible, as you wouldn't be able to restore the limit planes properly (whatever that means).

guess we'll be stuck with that toad eyed guy forever.
Well, restoring limit planes is pretty much like driving a nail through under your toenail, across your body, out of your eye.
But can't you just rename one of the models and that's it?
Or is there anything super special about that ghost model?


yeah, that's what I've thought.

and yes, the suicide ghost is special - it has the handgun. that pretty much means no matter what workaround you try (like using the regular Rebirth male model with the real handgun obj attached to the hand), it's not going to look right (he would have to hold the gun, and that would require editing the mesh = no go). I think the only way around this is to create the model from scratch and make it look similar to the Rebirth models so it would fit into the package, but that's not a trivial task either (as far as my very limited knowledge about this goes).

there is no such thing as perfection in this world.

//almost forgot, one original model is still left - fsn_w.bin Fusion Cannon (-26). this is the regular obj model, not the hand model, so you shouldn't have any problems with fixing it. it has missing polys on the bottom side of the barrel, also the wires on the side are screwed up (just like those on the nanite canister), and the fusion barrel is not connected to the rest of the gun.
« Last Edit: 04. November 2013, 01:15:31 by voodoo47 »
And there is no way to tell the game to attach the world model of the gun to the hand? Like it does with player in multiplayer games?
That would even ensure that he is really holding the right gun no matter which weapon pack is installed (given that a world model is provided).


that can be done, but it looks bad - without clenching the fist, the gun looks like it's just glued on the palm. we are better off with mr. Ugly - he is at least holding the gun properly.
Hm.... so a clenched fist on the model and adding the weapon through magic would be the best way?
Tell me the model names of original and rebirth you want and I'll might give it a try.


ghost is gunghost.bin, pistol is atek_w.bin - but I will have to ask around how to attach a gun to a model.
And what rebirth should it base on?
And again, some kind of savegame or map would be nice.

EDIT: Added the fusion cannon world model.
Normally I wouldn't mind as there is already a replacement for it, but thought this would be a quick thing to fix.
Yeah, it was not, the model was way more messed up than you described.
« Last Edit: 04. November 2013, 03:03:42 by Olfred »


Rebirth male ghost (ghost_m.bin). apart from the bump on the head (hair on the regular model), it fits ok. Muzman has made a proper texture for it - attaching to this post. will also make a testmap/save when I'll get back from work.

the fusion cannon is good to go - linked to the first post.
« Last Edit: 04. November 2013, 12:58:23 by voodoo47 »
Just in case I disappear or something.
I packed together all the source files if someone ever needs them again.


Olfred, where do I need to put the resource folder? I made a picture so you could see it clearly

on Arrow 1 the obj map ( all blends are just obj no subfolders like Limbs/nanotank etc)
on Arrow 2 just extracted the zip in the dataPermanentMods
or which way?

I'm not familiar with mods and fixes like this, so sorry if this was a stupid question.

[Naamloos.png expired]


the resources are meant for modders who would like to improve or modify the models further, they are useless for regular users. all fixed models are linked in the first post.
voodoo47, I'm currently working on rigging the rebirth ghost.

To be honest I would prefer to attach the gun afterwards so it would be "the right one" no matter which custom pistol was installed.
Would that be possible to work out, or are there any problems tied to it?


can't say for sure, it's been a while since I've been messing with this. if I remember correctly, I have just replaced the player model with the one from Rebirth, and that has spawned whatever weapon was currently selected in the model's hand. someone who actually knows how object attach works will have to step in, I'm afraid.

I would simply hardcode in the pistol model from the Tacticool mod - 99% of people will be using it anyway. this should make sure things won't look off when the model starts to play the motions. the scene is too short and dramatic for anyone to notice that the pistol model might be different from the one that is currently installed.
« Last Edit: 04. November 2013, 21:24:24 by voodoo47 »
Well, that's true.
My biggest concern would have been to get the ghosty look on the weapon or something.

And here is my first success on the sucide rebirth ghost.
At first I just tried to get the ghost_m working again after I touched it. The outcome isn't perfect yet (he kinda looks like he needs to pee  :D), but he isn't going all wonky jiggly or stuff. So what's left is hours of tweaking and hairpulling till it looks good.
But I would prefer to do the tweaking on the suicide guy. So I could really need a testsave/map for it.

So this is no replacement, just to show the progress.
DON'T IMPLEMENT INTO YOUR GAME!! (Just a reminder for everyone who doesn't follow)

[ghost_m_reimplemented_test.7z expired]


well, he kinda is in a situation where one would probably pee himself. but yeah, for some reason, the game does that weird thing with the legs when the rebirth model is used (probably because the motion has been created for the model with pistol in hand. the Rebirth model does not have it, so things are moved around slightly, deforming the model as result). attaching the map and save - one model added standing in the room, go back to the corridor to activate the sequence as always.

looking at the picture, I think you have downloaded and installed one of the testmaps I have made for Olfred (as the save_13 folder, which was included in the test package, is present in your DataPermMods folder). DO NOT DO THIS, the testmaps are made for testing purposes only, and they will break your game. reinstall ADaoB to fix this.

[eng2test.7z expired]
« Last Edit: 04. November 2013, 23:25:18 by voodoo47 »
Randomly downloading and installing things found at "Engineering" is never a good idea.

Thanks for the testmap.
Added a gurney with true to original lightning.
« Last Edit: 05. November 2013, 08:44:36 by Olfred »


looking good - linked in the first post as always. I'll pack all the fixed objects later today and make them available as a full bugfix mod in the SS2 modifications subforum, that should prevent people from getting unfinished stuff by accident.

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