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Wasn't exactly hard, but would have been a bit easier if I would know how the game does the aiming stuff.

Somehow I have a strange bug running ShockEd on my other PC (yeah, it's finally back).
In the top 1/3 of the screen the cursor disappears. This is only on the integrated Intel HD Graphics 4000 (CPU is Intel i7-3610QM), when I run ShockEd on my nvidia card it's fine. So this is a minor thing, I was just wondering if this is known and if there is a possible fix.


yeah, seems to be enough to get it working properly (did only a very brief test, will have a proper look later today). aiming is controlled by scripts if memory serves, something that we do not want to touch unless absolutely necessary.

the same thing needs to be done with the grub egg (eggcl.bin, -1335), both the original and vurt's updated one. this will probably work better than the current SCP solution of spawning the grubs via tweq traps when the eggs are placed on the ceiling.

//the problem with Shocked and the intel gpu is probably happening because of the intel driver doing something screwy. not running the editor in the hw mode may fix this. also, make sure you have not enabled anti-aliasing in dromed.cfg (d3d_disp_hw2d_msaa needs to be commented out).
« Last Edit: 04. December 2013, 10:46:33 by voodoo47 »
What about the opened eggs? (eggop.bin)?

And disabling hw mode really fixed it. Ah well, I just set it to run with my nvidia card.


correct, a flipped eggop.bin (both orig and vurt's) will be needed to have this resource complete.

the first release of SCP will still ship with the originals (as I've mentioned, painstakingly fixed by adding switchlinks and tweq traps for every single ceiling egg), but the second release will probably make use of these new and proper "grub ceiling pods". worm lovers rejoice! properly spawned annelid grubs for everybody.

well, intels certainly are the best free gpus to run all the internets, movies, and offices on, but when it comes to games.. not as much. and the hardware is not all that bad, it's just the drivers that are lousy, most of the time. kind of surprising, intel certainly has enough money to hire a capable driver team.. maybe they just don't care.
« Last Edit: 04. December 2013, 18:22:03 by voodoo47 »
Don't feel like working it all over again? :p

The intel drivers aren't that bad. I guess they just don't care at all about games.
It's not like people are going to buy an Intel CPU because they want to game on the GPU.
Even Intel advertises the GPU as something like "do everything with it, except gaming"


actually, I do - but I have to restrain myself, as every new round of fixes will delay the first release more and more. and I don't want to make you guys cry (more than necessary, anyway).

the problem is, a lot of people will end up using intels for gaming, and then cry out rivers when something does not work properly. and while I'm fully aware that there is no such thing as perfect drivers, it's only intel that does crazy stuff like reporting a feature to the engine as supported, even though it isn't (the infamous intel black screen when running NewDark). and trying to explain this to someone who does not want to listen can be painful.
« Last Edit: 04. December 2013, 18:54:02 by voodoo47 »
Anyone who thinks playing games on an Intel GPU is a good idea shouldn't be taken serious anyway :P


..I knew there was something obvious I was forgetting;

hackcrat.bin (hackable crate, -1886) [missing the bottom]
highsec.bin (supercrate, -420) [missing the bottom]
hackcrat for now
Worked a bit on the UV map, please tell me if you like the changes or not.

Adding the other one later.

« Last Edit: 05. December 2013, 17:46:30 by Olfred »


ok, something went wrong - the model has moved up along the z axis for some reason. the black edge removal is nice, but the middle section seems a bit too bright.
what middle section?

And the moving up alont the z axis is something which is produced by the dark engine. Don't know if I can do much about it but I'll look into it.
Somehow it calculates some kind of box around the model in a way I don't really understand and can't affect much.
You can see this relatively good when you place this inside ShockEd


probably related to the fact the obj has joints. hopefully someone else will be able to explain this. maybe the model needs to be modified when the joint is in the other (fully opened) position?

the part in the middle (where the yellow/black stripe is) seems to be quite brighter for some reason, see the second pic.
Oh yeah, hmm.. but I didn't do much on that which would make it brighter. Probably some light is hitting it now cause it is raised or something.

When I compare the box of the old model and the new one you can clearly see that the old box is bigger (like it was created when the box was opened).
So that's there the raise is coming from.

made a new model. The bracets are still a bit different than the original model, but now it should be on the ground.
I could make the bracets be a bit more wider if that it needed/wanted.
« Last Edit: 05. December 2013, 22:58:02 by Olfred »


this fixes the Z shift problem. however, the middle part still appears to be quite a bit brighter. not a big problem though.

[orig.jpg expired]

[new.jpg expired]
I did some testing myself, and yeah, it is a bit brighter, but for me it is not that much.
And I don't have a clue why it is doing that.

When I enter through starting the game and not through the editor I also have this bright version of the middle part.
I played around a bit, but still don't get it why this is happening. Maybe someone with more insight to dark engine wonkyness does have an idea?

[dump132.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 06. December 2013, 00:25:04 by Olfred »


well, I certainly don't. anyway, it's not a show stopper (there is almost no way of noticing unless both models are compared side by side), but I agree it would be nice to know why it's happening.


ok, one more custom resource request; the earth's noodle shop could use some actual noodles - any chance you could make a full model (texture included) of a bowl with noodles? maybe chopsticks sticking out of it?


Dude... to make that room look like an actual noodle shop we'd have to change almost everything about it.


we've pretty much done that already. one or two noodle bowls wouldn't make a big difference.
ok, one more custom resource request; the earth's noodle shop could use some actual noodles - any chance you could make a full model (texture included) of a bowl with noodles? maybe chopsticks sticking out of it?
I could do a model, but I don't think I can make an appropriate texture for it.
Maybe try to do something really simple

Do you have a screenshot of the shop so I can see what "style" the bowls should be?


just google "noodle bowl" and click pictures, anything would do.

the current noodle shop:
Oh, that noodle bar. So you want some ramen?
let's see if I can scramble something together. But I'm kinda busy at the moment

Better put everything on the list so I don't forget something along the way.


aren't we all. added to the first post.

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