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When I was testing them they were sinking into the ground to some degree.


liked the b version's bounding box better so it's in 07 for now, but it can be swapped if necessary. just to make sure we are talking about the same thing - this is just the bracket box, nothing to do with physics or anything (as far as I see/understand).
I see what you mean now, and I agree, the smaller bracket box is better. I actually think it could stand to be much smaller, so it only brackets the face of the locker. Unlike this:

No issues with the new locker disappearing when sunk in solid. I guess as long as the center of the bounding box is set forward just a bit so the center stays in the world, it will remain visible.
I actually think it could stand to be much smaller, so it only brackets the face of the locker.
Put it on the list, else I will surely forget it.


yeah, the conduits do not have matching physdims, and as this cannot be dml fixed, I had to deactivate them. guess they will remain just a resource (as a modified gamesys is required to make them work properly), for now.

or maybe you could z-offset the models manually?
I could try to do that now. But even the original models were having this issue IIRC so it will be a little guesswork kind of thing.
Can you read the physdims?


not sure what do you mean, but moving conduit1 35 pixels, conduit2 50 pixels, and conduit3 22 pixels up the z axis should do the trick, if I'm flooring things right..
can't do much with pixels to be honest.
Ingame units are fine, they are on par with blender units iirc
And you said you can edit the physdims. So there should be some way to read them, right?


one pixel would equal to 0.01 game units. physics/model/dimension/radius1 is what specifies the physdims size for this particular model.
Ah, I see.
Well, put it on the list and I will update it when I am back home.


will have to test it out a bit more tomorrow, really tired now and brain not functioning properly.
Well, you got a week, so no time to hurry.
(or any time you want, it's not like we are working on a deadline)


Finally looked at the shooting gallery target models. I vote for the target2.bin variation. It seems to play most nicely with the original texture.


added the request for the modified shooting range target. I do believe you already made a fixed version of target.bin for SCP, flip that one if possible (ZB says target2.bin looks the best, so let's go with that). if I understand correctly, you will need to flip the model 90 degrees clockwise (when looking at it from the front, like on that video), as I had to turn it 90 degrees counter clockwise to get the hinge to the correct place after adding door properties to the object.
I would like to test out something else.
Could you also upload something like a testlevel or the like where you have the flipped model and an upright standing one (which probably looks like a door then?) which do the fall over at hit?
Again, you got some time.
I will be at my work PC on monday, and I'm not sure when I will have time then.


I'd like to remind everyone that targets that flop down when shot then spring back up are what you see at a carnival shooting gallery, not a shooting range. Shooting range targets just stay where they are and accumulate holes.


The range I go to just has a hanger to suspend a paper target from on a rail that moves back and forth depending on how far you want to shoot from.


as mentioned, this is just for fun - if Olfred says he can flip the model while asleep, why not let him do it. attaching the testmap (you will need to type ubermensch to use the pistol).

[ops4_target_test.7z expired]
updated locker.bin

67b50a02db123Primitive Primate

As long as he doesn't flip the bird...


updated locker.bin
Standard locker works great and brackets nicely in-game. Broken locker has a couple of problems. It uses green instead of red, and the face isn't positioned the same as the original, throwing off the positioning. It isn't strictly needed anyway-- all instances of it in the game has already been positioned assuming that it has no sides.

67b50a02db491Yankee Clipper

On the Command Deck, up in the Security Room, there is a high security crate. Next to the crate, in the corner, is a chair. If you push the chair out of the corner, it goes inside the crate:

Standard locker works great and brackets nicely in-game. Broken locker has a couple of problems. It uses green instead of red, and the face isn't positioned the same as the original, throwing off the positioning. It isn't strictly needed anyway-- all instances of it in the game has already been positioned assuming that it has no sides.
If you tell me the filename and what exactly you want to be changed I could do it.


I'm talking about the lockerb model that you included in your last upload.

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