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Note to modelers.
bouncing breasts are just 2 bones away.
Note to programmers. Bouncing breasts are just 2 years' worth of custom creature type coding away.
Acknowledged by: OmegaDeath


the sights are in no way involved in aiming, we have the crosshair for that. it's just a thing that sits on the model, and the idea is to try out some stuff to see whether it could be used for mode setting indication. I think it could be pulled off without difficult stuff, so why not try it?


There are other weapons that lend themselves to mode flipping animations too like the fusion canon for example.  Might be easier and more intuitive there.
For testing purposes I made two grenade launcher models for now.
One is simply with a flipped down sight, the other one is with the sight attached to a joint.
Somehow the grenade launcher barrel was already fitted with a joint so you can rotate it. So keep in mind that the sight will be joint two for that reason.

About the shotguns. I somehow missed that you edited your post. For cases like this it's better to make a new post. Otherwise I might miss it again.
Yeah, I somehow messed up the vhots for the assidragon shotgun (it had none), so here is a fixed one.
The seb shotgun is set up like the normal shotgun. It might look a bit strange because the shotgun itself has a strange barrel setup (the magazine is longer than the actual barrel), so the muzzle looks a bit out of place, but it really is at the end of the barrel.
I could move it away a bit further if you think that might look better.


assidragon's shotty is good to go, but seb's doom3 shotgun will definitely need the vhot moved further away.

grenade launcher model alternating seems to be working, but the new model does seem to have the drum at a slightly different position;


the joint is probably the way to go in this case, but I need to learn how to set it up.

I suck at learning new stuff. that old dog thing.
Oh, yeah. Seems like I've accidentally moved it a bit.
Just play around with the models you currently have and tell me which one you want for final. I will make a fixed one then. Along with a tacticool because you will ask for that anyway.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
It looks like the list in the first post is all done, except gizzard.bin. Is this it then?
It looks like the list in the first post is all done, except gizzard.bin. Is this it then?
The gizzard.bin is not bugged in a sense that it would need a fix.
ZylonBane just wanted to test if you get better lighting with an increased number of polygons.
Sadly the lighting system of the Engine makes it look at jitty and not smooth at all.
Yes, I remember the gizzard dilemma. But is there any other model update work left?
As long as we are talking only about broken/bugged vanilla models which need a fixed version, no.
When it comes to updating models to a high resolution there would be a lot. But that would belong to another thread (which doesn't exist).


that reminds me, I think the vanilla pistol (and the SCP vhotted pistol as well) has transparency issues. will recheck soon.


see through cracks on the model, just like on the orig fusion cannon. but I was really tired yesterday, so I have to double check, maybe I was just hallucinating.

//yup, the crack is there, now I only need to check whether this is a model thing, or a texture thing.
« Last Edit: 24. November 2014, 18:12:40 by voodoo47 »


For that matter, the psi amp (Eldron's) has the same issue.  It's barely noticeable but some pixels are transparent.  At least they were a while ago... maybe it's been fixed by now.
I don't see any crack, can you take a picture and circle the area?


I don't see any crack, can you take a picture?

Be careful what you wish for  :/


disable multisampling and view the gun against a light source. it's not big, but it's there.

//confirming, it's a model issue (atek_h.bin).
« Last Edit: 24. November 2014, 18:56:47 by voodoo47 »
I took a look at it and I know why this is happening. The model isn't cleanly made and at that point it's not fused together but disconnected.
Fixing this would require some modifications on the model.
You said it's the same for the tacticool one? Same location?


no, the Tacticool model is fine as far as I can see, it's just the orig one (and its vhotted SCP version).


recwallb.bin (no archetype) - this is the broken wall object from the rec2 koolaid scene, and the broken parts of the wall should be textured differently for it to make sense. the fam/shared/damage texture would do nicely.
[walldamage.jpg expired]
To be honest, I hardly remember anything from the game. And the little stuff I do, it's not related to the level architecture.
I searched around in ShockEd and couldn't locate it. So here it goes untested.

I also tweaked the pisto a bit. Should be a bit better now but not totally fixed. That would require too much meddling with the model.


It's close to the bullhead to rec1. (The "X" marks the spot)
[rec2.jpg expired]
Ah thanks.
OK, it's tested now and I would say it passes as good enough.

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