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I wouldn't see this as a huge problem and maybe it's not even fixable but very large objects in SS2 seem to display warped textures when viewed from certain angles. See the Many brain as an example, but it also happens with the shuttle and the shuttle debris. See how the space between the red flesh and the darker stripe patterns in the bone structure changes.
Yeah, I was expecting that. Then again, "how Dark rolls" has changed a lot in the last few years so how would I know. :)


it may look all fluffy and cuddly now, but it's still teeth and thorns underneath.
What was it? "Nothing in life worth having ever comes easy".


"and the stuff not worth it either", I might add.


Has anyone tried PinkDot's animation tools yet?  I got it "kinda" working... in the sense that I could import a character and have it dance around on the screen using existing motion schemas and motion files.  However there appear to be some problems on my  end with adjusting all the joint parameters to edit or create new motions.  It doesn't work quite the same as the tutorial (ie. some stuff doesn't work).  If I can sort this out, the plugin shows great promise for model animation and rig troubleshooting.
What isn't working? Is the animation coming out wrong in-game?


No, it's in Max... the widgets aren't working as advertised (could be my fault somehow).  I can't translate any of the joints into new positions for example.  I also can't set anything via the viewport when I first import the AI.  The motion loads but doesn't look like it loads... stuff like that.  I'd say the functionality is all there but something is wrong with the interface and execution and I'm too stupid to figure out why.  Good news is, I can get the models in and make them dance around, so under the hood it seems to work.
What do you mean by joints? Are the bone transforms locked? Can't you move controls with IK on or rotate bones with FK on? Or are you trying to move bone pivots about (you shouldn't, because skeleton definitions aren't exportable yet AFAIK)?
Methinks this is a discussion for a separate topic.


I should be able to translate the knee for example in space and the rest of the model should go with it.  Whether FK or IK, it doesn't work.  The only thing I can actually "move" is the entire model or the torso or the feet.  I want to put the model in a custom pose though and this is proving impossible.
I should be able to translate the knee for example in space and the rest of the model should go with it.
It isn't rigged that way.

I want to put the model in a custom pose
Just pose it. People have been posing without full-body IK for millennia.


I'm probably not explaining it properly.  For whatever reason, I CAN'T pose it (btw I'm talking about posing for animation purposes, not modelling, that's easy).  The model isn't even clickable.  It will move and deform when the bones are manipulated but I can't manipulate all of them, only the ones for full body translation, feet and torso... and all rotations.  If I want to put the player into a crouched position with the knees slightly apart for example, I can't do it.  I can move the entire model into the floor with the feet glued down but that doesn't allow me any manipulation of the knee position.  I'm either not aware of how to do it or it's not working.  The reason I think it's possibly something wrong with the software, is that I can't set the joint size envelopes as demonstrated in the tutorial when I first bring the model in.  If I follow the video step by step, that part seems to be disabled.

Now, I'm sure if I didn't use PinkDot's tools, I'd be able to do all this normally using Max's native functions but since the whole point is to use his tools, I'd like to be able to work within the scope of his plugin. 
If I want to put the player into a crouched position with the knees slightly apart for example, I can't do it.
For knee adjustment in IK mode, use the Swivel parameter of the foot control. Or is it failing for you?
In FK mode, the rotations should work fine.
« Last Edit: 15. December 2015, 07:43:56 by nemyax »


Olfred, here's a fix request for a door model for The Minstrel. It uses the same texture for both sides of the door, but it's backwards on one side.
« Last Edit: 19. February 2016, 03:47:57 by ZylonBane »
I've been insane enough to update to windows 10 and now SS2 refuses to work. So I haven't been able to test this file.

Oh, and unlimited expiration date has been removed?
« Last Edit: 13. February 2016, 13:43:58 by voodoo47 »


set it to not expire. K has managed to fix an attachment bug recently, maybe this has affected the permissions (and only mods and admins can set it to infinite)?

also, pretty sure NewDark works on win10, any details on the problem? maybe create a dedicated topic at Helpdesk.


a couple of people have noticed now, so I guess minstrel cubdoor, holes in the object, please.
[cubdoor.7z expired]
« Last Edit: 10. April 2016, 19:09:19 by voodoo47 »


and again, something of not too big importance, but hey, why not - the original gore parts don't really fit the corpse sets used in the final build of the game. the hand is so-so, but the head and leg are not even close. not sure what to do with the leg, but head (head5.bin) should be easy enough - ripping off a head of any female corpse model should do just fine (corf_med.bin, for example). the gore texture can be reused from headle.bin neck (headless corpse). no need for the bony bits this time, we want to stay nice and lowres.

not sure what to do about the leg (cutleg.bin).
[whose_head_is_that.jpg expired]
[pain_in_the_neck.jpg expired]
[not_my_leg.jpg expired]


Just shrinking the leg in the editor doesn't work?


it's not (just) the size, it's that it doesn't really belong to any corpse available. anyway, it definitely is "so crap it can be considered broken", so why not log it, and let Olfred have a shot at it.


Eh, the only real problem I see with it is the default scale and the shoe texture. Other than that, it's intentionally generic so it could have come from either gender and any deck.

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