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list of the fixed models in v01:[*]truck.bin - (no archetype) [the truck on Earth; z-fighting on right side above rear wheel][*]railp4.bin - Purple Railing 4 (-2928) [z-fighting diagonal artifacts][*]railp8.bin - Purple Railing 8 (-2929) [ditto][*]railp12.bin - Purple Railing 12 (-2930) [ditto][*]railp24.bin - Purple Railing 24 (-2931) [ditto][*]railp62r.bin - Railing_for_Ramp (-3657) [ditto][*]railw4.bin - Purple Wood Rail 4 (-3042) [ditto][*]railw8.bin - Purple Wood Rail 8 (-3043) [ditto][*]railw12.bin - Purple Wood Rail 12 (-3044) [ditto][*]railw24.bin - Purple Wood Rail 24 (-3045) [ditto][*]rrail4-.bin - Red Railing 4x4 (-2592) [ditto][*]rrail48.bin - Red Railing 4x8 (-1153) [ditto][*]rrail12.bin - Red Railing 4x12 (-2598) [ditto][*]rrail16.bin - Red Railing 4x16 (-3062) [ditto][*]rrail20.bin - Red Railing 4x20 (-3127) [ditto][*]rrail24.bin - Red Railing 4x24 (-3063) [ditto][*]rrail28.bin - Red Railing 4x28 (-3064) [ditto][*]rrail32.bin - Red Railing 4x32 (-3065) [ditto][*]rrail36.bin - Red Railing 4x36 (-2599) [ditto][*]rrail40.bin - Red Railing 4x40 (-3066) [ditto][*]rrail52.bin - Red Railing 4x52 (-3067) [ditto][*]rrails12.bin - Red Ang Railing 4x12 (-3077) [ditto][*]rrails82.bin - Red Ang Railing 4x8 (-3078) [ditto][*]rrails83.bin - Red Ang Railing 3x8 (-3079) [ditto, plus not textured properly][*]lite_f0.bin - Fluor. Light (-488) [missing back polys][*]gurney.bin - Gurney (-3000) [z-fighting on sides][*]sarclose.bin - Closed Protocol Box (-2545) [backward warped texture on back; back transparent when looking from front; protocol droid obviously only half there][*]nanocan.bin - 20 Nanites (-89) [no bottom; wires render backwards from one side][*]brl_expg.bin - Four_Explosive_Barrels (-2301) [this is the "Bulk Hazmat Containment" obstacle on the Rickenbacker; needs the warning sign UV mapping cleaned up][*]fsn_w.bin - Fusion Cannon (-26) [has missing polys on the bottom side of the barrel, also the wires on the side are screwed up, and the fusion barrel is not connected to the rest of the gun][*]crate01.bin - Crate #1(-122) [visible line at the top of the crate][*]secd01.bin - Sec Station Door (-1403) [z-fighting]added in v02:[*]poddoor.bin - Cryo Tube door (-462) [z-fighting on the lower right edge when viewed from inside][*]Rick001.bin - RD_Door_1 (-2682) [slight z-fighting where the glass meets the metal][*]botleju.bin - Juice bottle (-966) [when looking through the transparent bottom of the bottle, the sticker on the bottle is invisible/see through][*]botleli.bin - Liquor bottle (-967) [when looking through the transparent bottom of the bottle, the sticker on the bottle is invisible/see through][*]botlevo.bin - Vodka bottle (-964) [when looking through the transparent top of the bottle, the sticker on the bottle is invisible/see through. also the neck does not look quite right when alpha 1 is enabled, which is required to avoid even worse transparency issues][*]botlech.bin - Champagne bottle (-965) [when looking through the transparent top of the bottle, the sticker on the bottle is invisible/see through. also the neck does not look quite right when alpha 1 is enabled, which is required to avoid even worse transparency issues][*]tu_sdam.bin - Slug Turret Corpse (-380) [broken parts of the turret not connected to the base of the turret][*]tu_ldam.bin - Laser Turret Corpse (-1419) [broken parts of the turret not connected to the base of the turret][*]tu_fdam.bin - Blast Turret Corpse (-1421) [broken parts of the turret not connected to the base of the turret][*]railter.bin - Railing End 4x4 (-1023) [ends should match up with Railing 4x8 (-1016) railing2.bin][*]railing2.bin - Railing 4x8 (-1016)[*]railing.bin - Railing (-1015) [seems identical to railing2.bin, but scaled up][*]railingb.bin - Broken Railing (-1075) [bent version of railing.bin][*]railterm.bin - Railing Terminator (-602) [seems identical to railter.bin, but scaled up][*]brail12.bin - Railing 4x12 (-1720)[*]brail16.bin - Railing 4x16 (-1721)[*]brail32.bin - Railing 4x32 (-1718)[*]brail48.bin - Railing 4x48 (-1719)added in v03:[*]toilet.bin - Toilet (-1240) [missing back side][*]fsn_h.bin - Fusion Cannon hand model [the player hand model has a bunch of see-through cracks, both on the torso and the barrel. the wires on the side are screwed up as well] (also update to fsn_w.bin)[*]gang.bin - Gang valve (-774) [bad texture mapping][*]tramcar.bin (-2877) [multiple transparency and z issues][*]tramcar2.bin (-3432) [multiple transparency and z issues][*]AMMOTX.BIN - Toxin Grenade (-40) [one grenade missing the tip][*]termibox.bin - Junction Box (-760) [missing back side]added in v04:[*]termibof.bin - Junction Box broken (-1080) [missing back side][*]poddoor.bin - Cryo Tube door (-462) [additional fix to the model][*]msd_b.bin (-2579) [broken medsci door, very weird stuff going on with the textures]added in v05:[*]tabledi.bin - - Dinner Table #1 (-935) [z-fighting on one of the sides] added in v06:[*]ventfan.bin - Vent Fan (-2559) [original model can't rotate] [*]fsn_h.bin - Fusion Cannon hand model [now scales properly][*]fsn_w.bin - Fusion Cannon (-26) world model [now scales properly][*]shield.bin - Shuttle Shield (-3046) [original model is low-poly]added in v07:[*]air_re.bin - Air Recirculator (-932) [bad texture mapping, toxin canister model just a stub][*]air_reof.bin - Air Recirc No Filter (-1151) [bad texture mapping, canister hole just a fake][*]bulkdown.bin - Bulk_On_Button (-3622) [missing back side][*]bulkup.bin - Bulk_Off_Button (-3623) [missing the bottom side of the handle][*]code.bin - Binary_Code (-3651) [duplicate faces cause z-fighting within the model][*]conduit1.bin/conduit2.bin/conduit3.bin - Conduit Parts (-1992) [don't match Conduit (-185)] //deactivated, physdims do not match[*]cpipe_01.bin - Pipe Bent (-495) [no ends on pipe][*]elbuton.bin - Button #1 (-201) [missing back side][*]elevbutn.bin - Elevator Button (-1778) [missing back side][*]filter.bin - The canister that appears in the regulator slot, used by the fixed regulator[*]hackcrat.bin - hackable crate (-1886) [missing the bottom][*]highsec.bin - supercrate (-420) [missing the bottom][*]light1.bin - Wedge Wall Light (-978) [missing back side][*]light2.bin - Engineering Wedge Light (-1135) [missing back side][*]mach_t.bin - Tall Machinery (-2454), [decals floating off the model][*]malseat.bin - mall bench (-2934) [missing polys when viewed from below][*]resseat.bin - Residential Bench (-2932) [missing polys when viewed from below][*]locker.bin - Locker (-1303) [incorrect lighting]added in v08:[*]bodyb.bin (-3073), corpse bag, the green tag light floating off the surface[*]cpipe_02.bin - Pipe Straight (-494) [no ends on pipe][*]cpipe_03.bin - Pipe T (-496) [no ends on pipe][*]banner.bin UNN Banner (-2687) [bad texturing on the sides][*]Wide Machinery (-100) mach_w.bin [decals floating off the model, texture with numbers and letters inverted][*]Wedge Wall Light (-978) light1.bin ["light" surface is dull grey, instead of full white like all other white lights][*]conduit1.bin/conduit2.bin/conduit3.bin - Conduit Parts (-1992) [don't match Conduit (-185)] //dml fixed, and now activeadded in v08a:[*]light1.bin (incorrect version in 08)added in v09:[*]gang.bin - Gang valve (-774) [bad texture mapping][*]gangf.bin - Broken gang valve (-1068) [bad texture mapping][*]audsign.bin - (no archetype) [Sandman Audio sign on Earth, sides textured wrong][*]nanocan.bin - 20 Nanites (-89) [screen made fullbright][*]basket.bin - B-Ball Hoop (-1238) [net and hoop insides invisible]added in v10:[*]ammoss.bin, ammohes.bin, ammoaps.bin - (all types of) bullets (-35) [shoddy mapping of the bullet texture at the open part of the clip][*]lift01.bin - Lift 1 (-237) [decals floating off the model][*]lift01_w.bin - Lift 1 Walls (-125) [decals floating off the model][*]hydo.bin, hydo1.bin, hydo2.bin, hydo3.bin, hydo4.bin, hydo5.bin - (all types of) New Hydro Doors (-3539) [decals float off the surface][*]acces_df.bin, acces_d.bin, acces_g.bin - Core Access (-2747) [all model variations have decals that float off the surface][*]consoleh.bin - Ceiling Console (-2450) [missing back polys][*]recwallb.bin - broken rec kool aid scene wall [incorrect textures mapped on the broken part][*]all shutle, and sh models - [various issues on shuttles and shuttle parts][*]lightr.bin - Wedge Light (-1593) [object lit improperly][*]atek_h.bin - [cracks on the hand pistol model][*]comforce.bin - Comforce Door (-4791) [decals floating off the model slightly][*]conduit.bin, conduit1.bin, conduit2.bin, conduit3.bin - Conduit (-185) [legs too short by 0.32 DromEd units, middle two white pipes clip into each other][*]conduitr.bin - Rick Conduit (-94) [same issues as conduit.bin]added in v11:[*]confert.bin - conference table (-1307) [bright green squares aren't aligned with their spaces on the texture][*]monbr.bin - Monkey_Brain (-148) [missing the bottom part of the model][*]rumbor.bin - Rumbler Organ (-220) [missing the bottom part of the model][*]all chemical containers - (-128) [fixed transparency screwups][*]nacerev.bin - Nacelle_Reversed (-4153) [decals not aligned properly][*]naceron.bin - Nacelle_On (-4152) [decals not aligned properly][*]radar.bin - Radar_Dish (-4012) [decals not aligned properly]added in v12:[*]rckd001.bin - Rickenbacker Door (-3441) [decals not aligned properly][*]cutleg.bin - Cut Leg (-915) [shrunk down the model to fit the corpses somewhat, plus texture that would match a crewmember boot at least a bit][*]head5.bin - Cut Head (-916) [a regular female head with a corresponding texture, replaces the alpha original that doesn't fit to any body][*]brl_exp.bin - Explode Barrel (-498) [top texture repeated on bottom][*]cans.bin - Many Cans (-1393) [backward texturing on one side][*]debris1.bin - Broken Conduit (-1481) [broken version of older version of conduit.bin]added in v13:[*]ductf.bin - Broken Duct (-1074) [side textures rotated 90 degrees from how they're oriented in base model][*]chair01.bin - Chair #1 (-115) / chair03.bin - Chair #3 (-1366) [distorted texturing on chair back][*]chair02.bin - Lounge Chair (-117) [seat/back texture seam; arm rest intersecting][*]nerveu.bin - U-Shaped Nerve (-3437) [one of the dendrites floating away from the nerve][*]vein.bin - Vein (-3133) [sloppy cylinder intersection][*]repframe.bin - RepBase (-463) [stray polygons floating in air above, and some wrinkling on the front][*]bedb.bin - Bloody_Crew_Bed (-3016) [small issues with its blood decal]added in v14:[*]comdoor.bin - no archetype, command deck short doors [fixes floating light decals][*]cbdoor.bin - Cargo Bay (-208) texture stretching on the lock with the TriOp logo[*]door_m1.bin - Sci Med Door (-206) [fixes floating light decals][*]opw1316.bin, opw1317.bin, opw1318.bin, opw1433.bin - no archetype, ops1 object walls [fixes gouraud shimmer]