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steel elevators are missing back texture, this can cause minor visual anomalies at some places. Olfred, if you have bit of time, please have a look. also, if you don't have a TG install set up, it should be perfectly ok to load the objects into SS2 as well.



small bump into the vators - I'm thinking of an extremely tiny silent update of TFix 1.23 (found a way of making the Watchman's Grave coin setup in mis7 peeerfect), would be nice if I could throw the vators in as well.
One of the models is animateable, so check in Thief if it's still working properly.
« Last Edit: 29. March 2016, 17:21:55 by voodoo47 »


if you mean the middle gear, yeah, still spinning. wouldn't really matter as LGS never got them to work right for the OMs in the first place (and I didn't get to fixing this just yet, mostly because I'm unable to reliably detect whether the lift is moving up or down).

so all's good, thanks.


thief rotisserie chicken - the object needs to be fixed so that the iron skewer would go directly through the center of the object to allow it to spin (and not look dumb), please.
[rotchick.7z expired]
Like this?
Beware, new origin and boundig box.
« Last Edit: 10. April 2016, 19:25:54 by voodoo47 »


shouldn't really matter - and working perfectly (even the ends of the rod are fixed). lord Bafford shall be pleased.
even the ends of the rod are fixed
of course, they are


not really broken, but would be handy for a small FM patch I've made - please scale the model up *2.3, all axes (it's too tiny when displayed in the inventory windows, and as I'm already scaling it in the world, the easiest thing to do is to forget about scale in editor and blow the object instead), thanks.
[nail.7z expired]
here it is
« Last Edit: 10. February 2018, 22:15:48 by Moderator »
Oh hammering would have been level editing ;)
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Olfred, vhot 0 at the tip of the wick if you have the time, please.
[trcandle.rar expired]
Yeah, I have a bit of time right now. More than usual, at least.
Is this how you wanted it?
« Last Edit: 12. February 2018, 07:20:04 by Moderator »


this one is probably going to be annoying (as these are meshes), but lets try anyway - the hires sword hands have some problems going on at the hilt and fingers. would be great if they could be made less pronounced.
[swordcrack.jpg expired]
I see the problem. But currently I'm super busy so it needs to wait till next month.
Best to remind me.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
I just saw this. Sorry for the necromancy, but for guaranteed compatibility, add vhots, don't replace them. If it already had vhot 0 and you want vhot 1, just add vhot 1. If it has vhot 1 and you need vhot 0, add vhot 0. There is no issue with overlapping vhots. 
the classic - part of the texture is stretched on the door surface in a bad way (noticeable on the screenshot, just look at the thin tall metal slab with no bolts right under the door vhots). tends to twitch around as you move.

CANDLE2 vhot needs to be moved up a bit, HLAMP even more (old model has no wick, but whatever). also, because of an existing hipoly resource that has been circling around for quite a while now, please make the HLAMP vhot 1 (instead of 0). attaching two more models that have the opposite problem, to make things consistent, their already existing vhot 1 needs to be set to 0.

the rest of the models are looking good.
Yeah, I wouldn't remove any vhots, that would be kind of, stupid.


rise from your grave, topic of old. @Olfred can you pop the bow sight to the other side of the bow please? should be on the left side, not right. thanks as always.

//fixed by NV, now available in EP2.
[wrongbow.JPG expired]
« Last Edit: 18. March 2023, 17:19:50 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: Nameless Voice


..it's been a while. @Olfred can you fix the stretched bottom texture on the lantern please?
[lantern.jpg expired]
[lantern.7z expired]


When Looking Glass models do this, it's because there IS NO texture for that surface. Like how all SS2's turrets have no top texture. So they just stretch the adjacent texture edge across it.

So what exactly is it you're wanting Olfred to do?


whatever will make the bottom texture NOT look like that. I'm not picky - all brown? sure. pitch black? still better than stretched stripes.

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