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I can't see my companions weapons in hand and I saw some screenshots from the game that says the otherwise. What can I do ?
Try dropping one of your own weapons. Can you see it on the floor before you?

6750b01bb8d86Nameless Voice

Which mods/FMs are you using?
I know that the current version of SecMod has the avatar weapons not working in it; perhaps others have the same problem.


Were using 4 mods.

Ejecting brass v1
SHTUP Beta 6

We can see droppable stuff and all seems working fine, but I see my buddy shooting with his open fist and he sees me as I am karate chopping every bad guy.
Kinda funny but in the end we'd like to see it.

Maybe its the problem with SHTUP and the thing that the new hi res models of game weapons arent "attached" to the hands of avatars.

We didnt try it without the mod so maybe its the problem.
SHTUP is unlikely to be at fault here. Try without "Ejecting brass".


Deactivating helped halfway.

My buddy can see my weapons but I cant his... weird. Anyway were playing on Lan and we have exactly the same files (because i copied them to the other computer) and the only difference in them is the keybinds and his character.

Oh and whats wrong with the friggin' Mosqitous/Bugs/Flies. Were playing multi on Hard and they just don't die! When i played on normal, they died after about 30 seconds and now were running around the mall with 3 swarms at our tails biting us even behind walls and on different floors.  :dropsdead:
« Last Edit: 11. September 2007, 13:59:33 by Kolya »
It really sounds like you have (rests of) a gameplay mod going there. If you're using the Modmanager, try a cleanup.


I only installed these 4 mods so it cant be it. Ill skip that anyway, because we almost finished the game, but ill make a clean install and then probably play with the adaob mod because it sounds nice :).
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