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Topic: SS2 System Shock Infinite 2.4
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Thanks for the help, Haios!  :thumb:

The issue one with new emails being all in the same place is known: I haven't made new schemas after splitting the gamesys out of fear it would cause random instability. I.e. Shephard teleporting in the glass, Goggles not moving in the hybrid chase sequence, Marie showing "search corpse" don't show up when I try.

I will see to fix the rest in the next couple of days.


Where can I find a psi-amp? I've maxed out every last thing and thought meh why not give that a go since I have a good chunk of the game left (I'm up to the Rickenbacker).

Did a check of medsci and some of Ops and have yet to find one. Could have sworn there was one on Ops.

Never mind. I gave up and summoned one. Couldn't find one anywhere.
« Last Edit: 23. September 2015, 15:11:47 by icemann »
icemann: roger that, adding more psi amps! :D

Haios: I'll try to fix everything you've found, included the schemas\email locations. Not all are bugs however, here's my progress so far:

Fixed so far:
Some Quest notes did not complete when finished: Med/Sci - Get crew card from Grassi. Command – Hack or Destroy the shuttle replicator. Destroy or save the shuttles on this deck. Rickenbacker – Destroy or save all the eggs. (For the last two, I chose to destroy the replicator and save the eggs)
Using cigarettes at 1hp will bring you to 0 hp but not kill you
In Med / Sci Crew section in the room opposite of the QBR Machine, Log on the table should have the G in God capitalized.
Engineering Bulkhead towards the storage area shows blown off doors in the cargo section, but not in the main section. (Consistancy for Bulkheads)
The Ghost Log inside the tears disappears too quickly
Bulkhead 32 in Hydroponics between Sector D and the main area shows biomass on the floor in the main area, but none in the sector D area. (Consistancy for Bulkheads)
Ops Bulkhead 43 has a worm pile in the main area, but none in the transitioned area. (Consistancy for Bulkheads)
Cutscene from end of Hydroponics Goggles in the elevator - 2nd line subtitle should read "I can't shut her down" but it says I can't shut it down
Cutscene "the mind probe" subtitles should read "...but you do not match any employee file." instead of " employee's file."
Rec Bulkhead 51 is normal next to the movie theatre, but has a dead body in the main area. (Consistancy for Bulkheads)
Rec Bulkhead 52 is normal in the main area, but is destroyed in the next area. (Consistancy for Bulkheads)
Security Officers spawned from Shepard option tears do not seem to drop extra loot from the OS upgrade Scavenger
Cutscene Command Cyberspace subtitle should read "Her will is only matched by her imagination" instead of "Her will is matched only..."
Cutscene Command Cyberspace subtitle should read "Sarah! I know: we've done wrong" instead of "we have"
Cutscene Rickenbacker Cyberspace subtitle should read "How dare you, insect." instead of "...insect?" (Or use an exclamation point)
Cutscene Rickenbacker Cyberspace subtitle should read "How dare you interrupt my ascendance." instead of "...ascendance?" (Or use an exclamation point)
Music cut out on the bottom of the tear on the Rickenbacker
Plasma grenades will still do damage to you with the OS upgrade Blast Proof
Cutscene Rickenbacker Cyberspace subtitle should read "How dare you, insect." instead of "...insect?" (Or use an exclamation point)
Cutscene Rickenbacker Cyberspace subtitle should read "How dare you interrupt my ascendance." instead of "...ascendance?" (Or use an exclamation point)
The shuttle door before the BotM needs to close faster since the shuttle doesn't actually move.
Most security crates tooltip hover difficulty does not match the actual hack difficulty (Maybe related to game difficulty?)
William Diego Log at the end of cyberspace should read " ...but neither I nor my crew ..." instead of " ... but neither I or my crew... "
Still waiting on a credits cutscene where it says "Brought to you by xdiesp. Voices by... etc"
Custom laser rifle, Custom Wrench, Custom Power Armor, RunFast Implant, and Custom Assault Rifle still have placeholder descriptions
Unique wormskin armor's description still says it requires 6 strength to equip.

Random bugs I can't replicate:
Deck 3 Shepard Teleported into a window and started clipping it.
Security Crate in Ops lower level insert 5 only has 1 cybermodule in it
Rec deck tear for Marie has tooltip "search corpse"
The annelid conduit before the big drop has tooltip "press button" after the cutscene.

Working as intended:
In the Body of the Many, ACR #2 and #5 do nothing? (These kill rumblers and psi-reaver brains.)
Kinda weird hearing a different voice for some of the end cutscenes. (It's not too evident, but Marie in the finale is real and not ghostly)

Possibly caused by loading a pre-patch savegame:
Shepard Log in the Command showers area is empty
Shepard Log in the Command escape shuttles area is empty
On the Rickenbacker, in the hallway between the torpedo launching room and the laser turret + crate room there is a Shepard Log that is identical to one of the previous ones. (If I remember correctly)
« Last Edit: 23. September 2015, 20:16:24 by xdiesp »


Ok just finished it. Got a couple of endings all after each other (I think).

Got Delacroix and Shephard's endings. Plus Shodan's prior to that (then I reloaded and got the other 2). I'll start with the negatives since I have more positives to say, and would rather end it on that.

Negatives: Some of the Delacroix logs go for a little too long and in hearing some of the stories within them, it's like listening to a relative tell you some old story they've told a thousand times over. There was one particular one when you first get to the Rickenbacker. Really felt like that. Only analogy I can think of. And no offense intended to the voice person for it, it just went on and on.

The Goggles logs need some paragraphing, rather than just one big mass of text.

Neutral: One puzzle towards the very end absolutely stumped me. Where you had to go through each portal and activate stuff. It took me something like 30 minutes to think to hit the red wall with the green laser.

Postives: HOLY CRAP. This is the best FM I've EVER played for SS2. And that's a hard choice to make as Christine's FMs were all excellent, but this was just on an even higher level. Was an absolute mountain of fun to play, and the majority of it I can't believe you were able to pull off. Multiple endings, cyberspace, the new ways weapons work, the new OS upgrades. God damn. I take my hat off to you. This was just fantastic. I had trouble pulling myself away from the PC over the past 3 days. Just been playing it for many many many hours. Then I'd realize it was nearly 6 in the morning and be like ah crap better get to bed.

The cyberspace, tear bits and all of the end were the main highlights for me. Hell, the final boss battle was just awesome. Kinda reminded me of the SNES game "Starfox". Before this I was completely of the opinion that SS1 style cyberspace could NOT be done in the Dark engine. I now stand corrected.

The cutscenes were exceptionally well done. I've never seen anything even REMOTELY on that level done in SS2 before. Wow. Just wow.

And worm armor is worth wearing now. Yay :). The weapon changes were all good and welcome. Made me hold onto more weapons than I usually do in playthroughs.

Some people may not like the amount of modules given out total, but I quite liked it.

So in closing I absolutely loved this. It's fantastic.
icemann: The amount of cybermodules you get can vary by quite a bit because of your decisions and the game difficulty. By going through all of the cyberspaces and ignoring all of the Shepard tears there's something like a 400 cybermodule difference. I personally like that you have direct control over so much of your character build.

And if we're talking about the logs and story in general, Cantor and Sarah seems to be introduced a bit late, and could use some more spelled out backstory.

xdiesp: Keep up the good work. The mod is already perfect in its core, so its just a hand full of minor details now. I figured there was some sort of reason for not having the e-mail organized since so many of them out of place couldn't have been an oversight.

Unrepeatable bugs sure are a nuisance. They might be linked to engine bugs like the vanishing nanites, and item stacks resetting.
One of the final cutscenes clearly had a different Voice Actor for Goggles too. That was the most noticeable, but probably not something that can be easily fixed.

So, I forgot to include some general comments on the OS changes and other additions from 2.4, so here we go. I really liked the OS changes in general, but some of them might need a little more tuning. I took the additional armor one at the start, and have to say it seemed a little too powerful by the end of the game. The Scavanger mod text probably needs to be better stated as every single enemy is given a 100% drop, which is a really nice benefit.
The infinite memory chips are usable, but they don't look like they serve a purpose anymore. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hold on to them or use them or whatever.
The knockdown stun on heavy weapons might last too long.

Here is my take on the custom weapons:
The fusion cannon seemed fine (higher capacity, faster fire rate, more ammo consumption).
The custom wrench didn't seem like it was worth using compared to a standard crystal shard, but that might be intentional, so the wrench is only useful for the engineering level.
The custom assault rifle didn't seem any better than the normal one in use, except for looking cooler. The overall fire rate and damage seemed about the same, the ammo capacity was slightly lower. It didn't really seem better.
The custom powered armor has an extended battery life and seemed good.
The custom wormskin armor has no requirements, but is also the last thing you find. It is too late in the game to introduce a no requirements item and also does not have a purpose for everyone who has 5 or 6 strength at that point.
The custom laser rifle I did not test since I didn't have enough CM to max out agi or energy.

I have some screenshots of other minor object clipping issues, and decals disappearing that I'll post once I resize them to something more reasonable.
My take is the wrench mainly is for those doing a no-weapons trainer run. Something nice enough to be worht hanging onto, but not so nice that those that are doing a weapons trainer thing would feel much need to keep it.


I'd prefer to see the pacifist approach videos get finished off :). Just with egg killing being allowed for.
icemann: well done! :D To see the rest of the endings, you can either dig in the \Cutscenes folder or pick up the OS Upgrade "Mnemonic". The latter won't show you the special endings however, as those are unlocked at various points in the game: but you can at least check the Hacker one, and its extra map, with this savegame (for 2.0, but should still work). Unlocking special endings and upping the difficulty would be the main goal of a second playthrough: not only does the number of cybermodules lower dramatically, but the endings' conditions require you to customize in ways that an average cautious player wouldn't. Like never using the weapon upgrade unit (an OSA run), or using an EMP Rifle by Deck 4 (using a build unbalanced toward a single type).

Haios: I built this mod like God built hell, in concentric circles, so indeed Sarah and Cantor feel like the late additions they are (even if they sneak up into the text logs earlier). About the unique weapons: other than the custom wrench which is a direct upgrade (if and when someone uses it), the others are mostly just alternatives. In example, the custom assault rifle can empty its clip faster than the normal one... but you'd be hard pressed to find a reason to. Presently, the Infinite Chips serve no other purpose but lore and a tangible proof of your actions. Yeah, I realize now about Goggles' voice in Marie's ending... if we manage to hire a new voice actress for Marie, we'd better fix that one as well. Feel free to post a zip of those screenshots: you're helping me a great deal here with the bug reports, and I will gladly examine all of it.  :thumb:
« Last Edit: 24. September 2015, 09:27:57 by xdiesp »
So if it uploads correctly, here are some of the other smaller issues I took pictures of.

1. Medsci gurney clipping a wall slightly by the broken bulkhead.
2-5. Decals in Hydro near an ACR that disappears as you move closer.
6. Picture of Shepard in Hydro clipping through a window.
7. This one is kinda funny. When you have friendly marines around, you can hit then to stun them and sometimes their legs go crazy and invert polygons.
8. One of the rad rooms in med/sci that has a crate clipping an MRI thing.
9&10. This set of furniture is not solid so you can walk through it in Rec above some pool tables.
11. In the garden in Rec there is a window that you can kinda walk through. Enough to have your head in space anyway.
12. Tear in Rick has a beam that rotates around and clips the floor.
13. A very strange graphical bug with the grub decal on the window, but the objects through the windows showing up in front.

And with that, I don't think I have anything else.
Haios: thank you very much, I could fix all but 6 and 7. It was nothing, compared to moving around all schemas, to make room for all emails! :headshot:


I had one question that only just occurred to me. In SS Infinite, if you were to kill another "you" from an alternate timeline/proto reality/parallel universe, then that somehow creates a time paradox.

But since your not from that timeline that the "you" is from, how is that a paradox?

I guess it goes by which movie/tv show/book etc theory of parallel universes you choose to go by. I've always looked at it, in more of the way that the tv show "Sliders" went by, where each universe is specific to itself. So if person A from universe A, were to go to alternate reality B and shoot "himself", that would have zero effect on him (other than him feeling bad) since that person was not him, but rather a different him. Hope that makes sense what I'm trying to say.

My thinking is that in-order to create a time paradox you would have had to encounter a future or earlier version of yourself from your own same time line, and then kill that version in-order for there to be one at all.

Just the same as you have cases where person A is alive in timeline A, but then not alive in timeline B. And were you to kill that person in a timeline, they could still be alive and well in another.
icemann: tough question! :P Marie asks you twice to avoid time paradoxes: first she says not to destroy the old rigs for cybermodules, then to avoid your double on the loose in Operations. She's really talking about gameplay elements: destroying the rigs bars you from the best ending, and offing the double also kills you in the resulting explosion. But if you want to go deeper, let's say that you are playing the final life of Goggles and all the others you meet are his past playthroughs. Marie knows they didn't end this way. That's the premise of the story, big technobabble to say that the game remembers your playthroughts. In the Paradox Ending, you do even worse: you not only push a guy off his path, but also shove him to the dark side for good measure.  :)
Back in 1.0 didn't you used to get a special ending if you killed the 'you' in ops? I figure this is just a leftover from that and it adds enough flavor to just be left in.
Yes, it's still the same stealth mission: it used to cause a gameover, now you just die.
We're almost done with the fixes requested by Haios and Icemann. Remaking all sound files locations took massive efforts, probably around 36 hours of work, so much that I had to call one of the old playtesters back to assist CaptainLKL. :what: But everything works better now that I've taken the clutter out, and I have a feeling this will help greatly against random bugs. Along the way I also changed a number of events, and added more references to Sarah and Cantor (and not just obscure logs). Tomorrow I will check the last reports and re-upload the mod in version 2.41.

67d253d6bd256System Shocked

@ xdiesp

Good luck with your update to v2.41. It takes care of a lot of underlying issues, brought to light by the feedback community, which all mods depend upon for improvements. Well done to all involved. NEVER think that your efforts go unappreciated.
The new files will be up on Moddb in about 6 hours. (edit: done!) But you can already pick up the 2.41 patch on dropbox.

Changelog 2.41
Added more references to the Sarah and Cantor characters.
Fixed the missing quest notes in the GUI.
All emails are now filed correctly in the GUI.
Retuned all events around bulkheads for consistency.
Reshot the "Enter Cyberspace 3" cutscene in higher quality.
Removed the random delays in the window cutscene in MedSci.
Paragraphed the text logs for improved readability.
Added all missing forcefield locations to the map.
Sarah's logs in the tear maps now last longer.
Fixed a despawning door in Operations.
Marie's log in Recreational now teleports in with her.
Fixed the muted explosion in Cyberspace 2.
Added custom descriptions to all new weapons.
Static only logs are now much shorter.
Fixed some security crates which were incorrectly labeled.
Added minor adjustments and credits to the movie subtitles.
Removed outdated information from the Stats description.
The cigarettes item can no longer lower your health to zero.
Rewritten the soundfiles system for improved stability.
Fixed some furniture in Recreational which was not solid.
Added more Psionic Amplifiers to the lower decks.
Security Officers now benefit from the Scavenger talent.
Plasma grenades no longer hurt a player with the Blast Proof talent.
Music no longer cuts out on the bottom of the Rickenbacker tear.
Beams in the Rickenbacker tear no longer clip in the walls.
Moved around some items which clipped in the walls.
Fixed an issue with some turrets giving double hack messages.
Decals in Hydro near the ACR no longer disappear.
Fine tuned several events.

System Shocked: we spare no expense when it comes to our clients! And truth be told, that sound files fix is still being worked on, this time in the German translation.
« Last Edit: 01. October 2015, 16:18:36 by xdiesp »
Well I uninstalled the 2.4 full version and deleted the file and downloaded 2.41 full. I installed using fmsel and when I play it don't work. It launches the original game. I have never had this issue until now. I even tried dling several times thinking maybe the download was bad. But it still does the same thing.  Any help appreciated.

Update: I can run it through bmm. It just won't run through fmsel anymore. Other fm run fine in fmsel its just infinite that has the issue. If anyone knows how to fix this I would appreciate any help.
« Last Edit: 02. October 2015, 04:07:26 by Stingm »
Stingm: are you using the GOG version of SS2? If so, run SS2Tool once. Or if you are using Steam's, and the game is installed in ProgramFiles\Steam\etc, try moving the folder out and into C:\SS2. Using BMM is a good idea though, it saves one a lot of trouble when mixing mods.
Actually I have use my original cd copy and the ss2tool.  Its always been in another directory. Anything else I can do?
Actually I have use my original cd copy and the ss2tool.  Its always been in another directory. Anything else I can do?

Let's review the FMSel installation process for the cd version, step by step:

- Copy the "\SHOCK" directory from the CD, to your HD;
- Place SS2Tool there and run it;
- Extract the System_Shock_Infinite folder into \SHOCK\FMs;
- Run FMSel with either "Shock2.exe -fm", or through the start menu "System Shock 2\SS2 Fan Mission Selector".

Note that Infinite requires New Dark to work properly: so, double checking might actually save us an headache later.
« Last Edit: 02. October 2015, 19:05:54 by xdiesp »
Just as a note for steam users:

Moving the ss2 directory elsewhere then moving it back after patching is fine. I also use the standard FMSelect because convenience. BMM I use when installing mods, but that's a run-once and it's good kinda thing unless I want to swap or play with different mods.
Yeah I did all that. As I said infinite is the only fm that has this issue. The others run fine and I have had new dark since it came out. Any other ideas?
Yeah I did all that. As I said infinite is the only fm that has this issue. The others run fine and I have had new dark since it came out. Any other ideas?

When you open the FMs\System_Shock_Infinite\ folder, is there a duplicate folder inside or can you see the various *.mis files there? Is there a mod.ini file?

(problem solved)
« Last Edit: 04. October 2015, 20:19:28 by xdiesp »

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