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Topic: SS2 Shevers' Deaths Guide (SPOILERS) Read 66527 times  

"Anyone can make a list." - Bob Dylan
"Morbid sightseeing..." - Shevers

Dies in Cryo Recovery A, you find a log on his body with a code to open a door.

Dies in the Rickenbacker chapel, apparently fending off cyborg assassins.

Turned into a midwife. Killed by you.

Dies on Ops deck after a final firefight with the Many.

Killed by an exploding meson acceleration coil on the Rickenbacker. Mentioned only in one of Croker's logs.

Killed in the Crew Quarters on the Recreation deck by a robot after mistaking you for Delacroix.

Unknown causes.

Dies of radiation poisoning in Engineering. May also have been attacked by a hybrid.

Left for dead by SHODAN. Dies in the VB cargo bays on Command deck.

Killed by a combination of self-surgery, gravity reversing on him, and spiders eating him.

Falls from a height onto a railing, where he dies. Has multiple "ghost" apparitions in different places.

Becomes a Psi Reaver working for the Many. Killed by you.

Possibly killed by Miller for learning of the Cyborg Midwives.

Killed by Bronson and her security team for joining the Many.

Killed by a cyborg, killed again by a shotgun hybrid, and killed again when a resonator blows up on the Rickenbacker. Possibly used the QBRM, or was mistaken for his identical twin McKay, or there were just several guys named Malone on board.

Killed trying to find his comrades in the engine nacelles.

Killed while trying to reach the shuttle bay control chamber. He looks exactly like Malone.

Killed in the frozen area of Hydroponics where the environmental regulator can be found.

Not mentioned anywhere in the final game. Was originally the character who attacked Bronson with a crystal shard.

Killed by the Many in a firefight, after her gun jammed.

Unknown causes.

Slowly becomes one of the Many. Possibly killed by you.

Killed by an exploding meson acceleration coil on the Rickenbacker. Mentioned only in one of Croker's logs.

Commits suicide in her office after realizing she unleashed SHODAN.

Eaten by the Many. Keeps his role as a scientist until the end.

Killed by the Many when attempting to prevent replicator theft.

Locks herself in the cargo bays after Malone dies in front of her. Could have died of many causes.

Makes it onto an escape pod with Tommy Suarez, and is taken over by SHODAN.

Killed by an exploding meson acceleration coil on the Rickenbacker. Mentioned only in one of Croker's logs.

Makes it onto an escape pod with Rebecca Siddons, who is then taken over by SHODAN.

Becomes a hybrid. Killed by you.

Probably died on Engineering deck. Mentioned only in one of Curtiz's logs.

Killed by the hybrid Watson, whom he believed to be dead and was performing an autopsy on.

Joins the Many. Goes to share his sharp gift with Bronson. May have been killed by her.

While going to set a distress signal to Earth, he is killed by an assault bot.

Killed in the Ops deck mess hall massacre by Bronson and her men.

With friendly permission by Shevers and Timmy Magic. First published on: 2004-04-05
« Last Edit: 08. October 2017, 14:24:50 by Moderator »
Acknowledged by: knifeandko
Thanks for the correction by Nameless Voice about Delacroix, Marie:
"there are no cargo bays on the Rick, those are on the VB, deck 6"
Two questions I have for you :

1. How do we know that Polito comitted suicide and wasn't killed?

2. I got an email from Diego at some point telling me to meet him somewhere on the UNN Rickenbacker (don't remember exactly where anymore). I never saw him or heard from him again until the game was over. Was there anything to discover that I missed?
« Last Edit: 22. March 2010, 11:01:07 by Kolya »


We know that polito killed her self because she left a suicide-ish note in the log. Also, there is a pistol next to her dead body on Ops.
« Last Edit: 22. March 2010, 11:00:26 by Kolya »
I was just browsing through some audiologs and I just heard that too. Yeah it's pretty apparent that she committed suicide.
I'm still looking for an answer to my other questin though :)
« Last Edit: 22. March 2010, 11:00:38 by Kolya »


You'll find Diego's dead body somewhere on second Rickenbacker deck IIRC. He has some unique bioimplant on his body there.
« Last Edit: 22. March 2010, 11:00:50 by Kolya »


I'm not quite sure, that Bronson took out her guts to avenge being transformed into a cyborg. For me it sounds as if she was wounded and knows now that she's finished, because shel holds her guts in her hands.


I doubt she was transformed into cyborg. But I think the same as you. She has to hold her guts not to lose them. I don't even think she was infested at all.


I copy/paste the text from the original Log-Text-File in the SS2 archive so that everyone can make up his own mind (I think it makes a difference, whether you think she committed suicide or not):
re: Resist
"They've killed my men and now they've killed me.  I'm holding my guts inside of me with both hands.  I'm almost done... resist.  This is bigger than my little life, the lives of my men and the lives of the people I was forced to kill.  Resist.  Humanity demands it!  Resist!"

The thing with Diego is right. He is lying on the ground (or ceiling), his corpse in a bad shape (full of blood because of the emergency operation) and there are some spiders around. The thing is that it is possible that you killed him by reversing the gravity!

BTW: did you notice that Bayliss, the guy who brought SHODAN to the ships (by taking the artifact with him), is the same guy who gives you the drill in the beginning of the game!
Here's the proof from the Level01.STR-file in the string.CRF-file:

LogName24:"TRAINER 02.06.11\nre: Test message\n"
LogText24:"This message is coming from the audio log you just picked up.  You can use your PDA at any time to play any audio-log or e-mail you've received.  In the field, the PDA is also used for keeping track of your current mission objectives and obtaining help information.\n"
« Last Edit: 10. April 2008, 16:19:39 by gameria »
Acknowledged by: knifeandko


A small question: If Morris is not metioned not a single time during the whole game, where did you see his name? Also, wasn't he that became a Reaver, apart from Korenchkin?


SS2: Re: SS2 Shevers' Deaths Guide (SPOILERS)
I thought that Korenchkin became the Brain of the many (the thing you destroy that calls you in the cargo bays in engineering), since one of his logs talks about SHODAN, referring to her as the machine-mother, and when you defeat the BOTM, it says: "Beware of the machine-mother..."
But checking again to the portrait that appears in late-game, it looks like a psi reaver.


Korenchkin is the first psi-reaver you encounter in game I guess - on the bridge of VB.

679f0fb42c848Miller, Marc

I don't know if anyone caught this ... but crewman Marc Miller is most likely an homage to the real-world Marc Miller http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_W._Miller who created the roleplaying game Traveller. Apparently, the character generation sequence of SS2 is very much based on Traveller.

That being said, I am finally finishing this game and plan to run a Traveller-based version of SS2 at upcoming game cneventiosn here in Michigan this year.
The game system introduced a unique character generation system that helped it to stand out from other Role-playing games of the time. Players took their characters through a career development path (usually in the military) where the character rolled for different assignments and gained extra skills, rank and retirement benefits.
This sounds indeed rather similar to SS2.

plan to run a Traveller-based version of SS2
I take it you mean you'll play the board game and add some SS2 influences, right?


At the moment I'm wasting my time by placing pictures of the crewmembers into the locations where they ended their lifes. This raised some questions:
- Are there any exact loactions for Norris, Myers and  Wood?
- Where excactley did Juan Curtiz die?
- Which Malone died where?

Then i wondered myself; if this is really Doctor Miller in the frozen area in hydroponics, then who killed him?
I personally always assumed that corpses where largely placed like in a "haunted house" amusement ride - for atmosphere, not so much to depict specific persons. When I learned that people actually managed to identify a lot of the former crew I was rather surprised.
Sorry, I guess that's not too helpful.

And what exactly are you doing again? Are you taking pictures of their corpses? I didn't quite get that.
And what exactly are you doing again? Are you taking pictures of their corpses? I didn't quite get that.
Inserting their log character pictures into the maps I guess.


And what exactly are you doing again? Are you taking pictures of their corpses? I didn't quite get that.

I think he's taking pictures of the locations where the corpses are found then placing their log pictures in a corner or something to signify whose body is found in the picture.


I'm placing the pictures into the map. But taking screenshots of the body ingame is a good idea too. Maybe I will do this :)



Norris joins the Many, so perhaps it is safe to assume that his death occured at the location of transformation into the mindless zombie (place of "A worm crawled up my arm and rested on my neck" audio log).

Myers has just a single log regarding the security station's doorlock on RecDeck. Are there any corpses nearby?

Wood joins the Many and enbarks on a quest to "share his crystal shardS with Bronson". If he was killed by her, then his death location could point to one of the weapons' location (Ops bar, if my memory serves me well)

Curtiz has probably been whacked by a hybrid (it may be heard in the log) while trying to "get past that damn turret". I'd vote for any corpse between his log's location and the single slug turret in long corridor under engineering control.

For sure Miller still had to be human to perform the "operation" on Bloome since the only "operation" a hybrid may perform is to crack somebody's skull open. Perhaps afterwards he was disposed of by her, however that's a "waste of a biomass", so maybe he went to the freezer to sabotage the environment regulator 'cause "The specimens are dying" and he felt "somehow compelled to protect them".

Quote by Kolya:
Unknown Causes.
Croker's constantly mentions that he has blown up the ladder to Pod 2 and that "they are cut off from Pod 2" (no wonder why) so for sure he died before the torpedo room. Also, in his last log you may find out he is trying to get to the opposite side of the hull breach to gain access to Nacelle B. Perhaps he was killed on the way or fell into the void down below?


norris was actually found dead. you pick up a log from his corupse he died before he turned into one of the many. why i dont know. and yeah i honestly found it a bit dissapointing we dont know where curtuz dies.

679f0fb42dee0Nathan D'Arcy

Morris Brocail was a Triop design engineer involved in Citadel development.

He tries to help "the hacker" to defeat SHODAN in SS1

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