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Topic: GMDX: Deus Ex Mod.
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Re: GMDX v5 Release (Deus Ex Mod)
Did I say something funny?
considering the amount of stuff fixed on each map, yes.

6750a5e509612Primitive Primate

Re: GMDX v5 Release (Deus Ex Mod)
I like System Shock 2, for me it's perfect as it is. And fine tuning what's already perfect (for me) is like perfecting the already perfected. Sorry then.
« Last Edit: 05. June 2014, 22:08:38 by Primitive Primate »


Re: GMDX v5 Release (Deus Ex Mod)
I like System Shock 2, for me it's perfect as it is.
This is a ridiculous statement. It's entirely possible to really like something, yet at the same time acknowledge its flaws. "It's perfect just the way it is!" is the sort of vapid feel-good declaration normally reserved for things that can't be improved. Well, SS2 can be improved, and we're improving it.

Want an idea of how much stuff there is to be fixed in SS2? See this post.

6750a5e509a49Primitive Primate

Re: GMDX v5 Release (Deus Ex Mod)
I'm following your threads, I see what you guys do. I admire it, believe me I do.
Re: GMDX v5 Release (Deus Ex Mod)
The first 90% took 90% of our time. The last 10% is taking the other 90% of our time.

I'm not sure if you're allowed to hide behind that one as there is little coding involved with SCP (if I am not mistaken) ;)
But no, works in this context anyway as you are perfectionists. Looking forward to it. Need support for mine though, I'm doing big things too...

Edit: For those that don't know, what ZB said is an adage of some programmer, referring to software development/programming. Thought I'd state that because It looks like I'm being a dick to those that don't know.

Some notable things this minor update does:

-Redesigned the recoil system to be more realistic and have more depth.
-More bug fixes.
-Computer skill has a greater influence over the amount of cash that can be syphoned out of ATMs to further encourage taking the skill past trained, and now the skill description actually tells the player that it influences this to begin with (not pictured in the link below).
-More variation to faces of some NPC types. Currently Just the many HK Military Police (and making a good number of them actually look Chinese) but I'm adding more where suitable.
-More balancing.
-Player is no longer invisible when hacking (good for simulation and challenge).

But to get an idea the amount of work gone into the mod overall check out the skill system alone, though it still needs more done to achieve acceptable balance, but nearly there.

« Last Edit: 06. June 2014, 14:12:17 by Join usss! »
Re: GMDX v5 Release (Deus Ex Mod)

Section 4B: GMDX Weapon modifications


No submissions for playtesting v5.1 as of yet. The Deus Ex communities are practically dead/dormant.
« Last Edit: 06. June 2014, 17:56:13 by Join usss! »
Re: GMDX v5 Release (Deus Ex Mod)
Great job with this mod, you and your team have really outdone yourselves. :thumb:
Perhaps if I get my Youtube channel going up again I'll do a playthrough of Deus Ex with this mod (that and System Shock Infinite as well)
Re: GMDX v5 Release (Deus Ex Mod)
Great job with this mod, you and your team have really outdone yourselves.

Thanks. More to come too I hope.

Perhaps if I get my Youtube channel going up again I'll do a playthrough of Deus Ex with this mod (that and System Shock Infinite as well)

If you do that please PM me so you can have this latest build. I think it would be valuable watching you play as everyone does certain things differently, and given Deus Ex's complexity the more perspective I get the better.
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
v6 public beta released: http://www.moddb.com/mods/gmdx/downloads

Feedback appreciated.

Includes a user-friendly installer courtesy of ggrotz which cuts the installation process in half.
And of course v6 contains further new features and refinements such as redesigned recoil systems, further balancing of overall gameplay, further map improvements (primarily a focus on adding aesthetic detail this time around) and bug fixes.

« Last Edit: 11. June 2014, 13:00:07 by Join usss! »

6750a5e50a4cePrimitive Primate

Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
More than kings. Gods.
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
Here's episode 1 of that walkthrough I promised. More to come :cyborg: The resolution seems a little low for what I expected, and its due to the fact that it was compressed from a "half size" video. In the future, it'll look nicer, I guarantee it.

« Last Edit: 11. June 2014, 22:55:14 by AP »
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
A young'un eh? I must admit I was a little disappointed upon first impressions, but it turned out to be very entertaining! You're smart and even funny at times, so your age is irrelevant. Good to see new blood playing the Immersive Sims. I'm only 23 myself mind you, but I feel like these games are forgotten/not honoured as they should be, and it's tragic.
« Last Edit: 08. August 2014, 21:43:28 by Join usss! »
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
Hmm, that gas grenade in the underground storage, I should add a corpse there so it gives the impression a guy was hiding there from the NSF, but got in a shootout or something. Everything must be logical, with few exceptions!
It would strengthen the simulation also as Alex says the machine got "damaged during the raid", but we see no logical means for it to have been damaged besides just taking what he says & what we see at face value.

As for the Statue pedestal entrance, that was originally based on the real world room, and I added more real world detail to it such as the desk, pillars, spherical lamps on the walls, and the torch monument is more true to real life. The boxes however are not, they are there to aid stealth.
« Last Edit: 12. June 2014, 03:34:02 by Join usss! »
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
Version 6 Trailer:


^I cannot remember if I fixed that vanilla misaligned tex or not. See it on the side of the crate?
Let's check...

Yes. In the latest version currently released that texture is fixed.
« Last Edit: 13. June 2014, 12:52:28 by Join usss! »
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
Thanks for all your feedback on the video :thumb: I'm taking everything you said into account, and will be starting the next episode on Friday. I'll do my best to find that pistol :P
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
By the way that little box you threw in the ocean at the start had a multitool or lockpick in it, I forget which :p It's there right at the start, right next to the crowbar in place of the boxes that were there vanilla because it is the introduction of a new game rule of sorts: sometimes those tiny boxes have items in them (far more realistic than those giant boxes that only contain 1 item each). Though it is quite rare. It's meant to be intuitive when they have items or not also, but it failed to be intuitive for you :p.

Also another thing: the UMP36.7c is NOT better than the Assault Gun. Assault gun performs much better (it's improved over vanilla) but UMP is smaller in the inventory. A tough choice. The UMP has more kick with the redesigned recoil systems in v6 also.

Be sure to explore everywhere or you'll be putting yourself at a disadvantage, more so than vanilla. It's more like SS2 in that regard; If you don't scavenge & play smart you're gonna have a bad time on hardcore. But like I said, despite your lack of scavenging you're a decent enough player so you'll likely beat it just fine.
« Last Edit: 12. June 2014, 23:11:25 by Join usss! »
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
Episode two is being processed now and should be live in 30 minutes or so (at the time of this writing). Now with better audio and visual quality! XD

Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
Not sure what happened with the subway hostage situation, I'll have to look into that. Perhaps a vanilla bug, perhaps not.
About making AI throw grenades in the vents if you are hiding in there, it would be awesome but with the shitty pathfinding I can see all kinds of accidents happening. Not sure what to do to make that bit more engaging, it does suck that vent rats get immunity.


Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
remembered one old weirdness - when escaping from Unatco, you can have a chat with Manderley. he turns hostile even when you choose to be non-aggressive in the dialog.

is there a full changelog somewhere? would like to see what has been done with skills and augs.
« Last Edit: 14. June 2014, 20:34:17 by voodoo47 »
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
remembered one old weirdness - when escaping from Unatco, you can have a chat with Manderley. he turns hostile even when you choose to be non-aggressive in the dialog.

That's not a bug but intentional. He wants you dead no matter what is said.

is there a full changelog somewhere? would like to see what has been done with skills and augs.

For the augs I recommend watching this video.

For the skills I recommend reading this first (essentially the summary): http://www.moddb.com/mods/gmdx/features/list-of-gmdxs-features.
And then watching this for elaboration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p8z4axsrIQ

But as requested here is the full feature list, but it's quite long and perhaps needs updating for content to be properly categorized by modification type rather than release version number. I'll do two separate feature lists perhaps as both approaches are important.

With the augs most changes are just for balancing. the only truly new and big things about them is the much improved microfibral muscle which lets you throw shit at people which is a ton of fun, and the cloak aug having visual feedback (we see the First person model turn invisible/transparent, when vanilla there was no effect at all).

Much more work went into the weapons and skills, because augs for the most part were easy to provide better balance to and didn't need many improvements, unlike the unpolished behaviour of the weapons for example, though they were for the most part nicely balanced, the devs just didn't spend a lot of time making them up to standards for the time because they went for gameplay depth/complexity instead (ammo types, mods, scopes, lasers etc), which naturally is preferable for us.
With HDTP and GMDX the guns are a lot nicer and handle good, in addition to said depth.
« Last Edit: 14. June 2014, 21:47:41 by Join usss! »


Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
he turns hostile only after you leave the office, if memory serves - again, weird. anyway, if choosing the non-aggressive dialogue, he definitely doesn't sound like he's going to go for his gun - even offers some advice. made me go wtf and tried to replay the scene to make sure I didn't screw up somewhere (when I've played the game for the first time). specially because the dialogue that will piss him off is there, if I remember correctly.

so basically, you can choose to make him hostile, or to make him hostile. me no like.

//passive augs means only draining power when doing something, or completely passive (no drain ever)?
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
he turns hostile only after you leave the office, if memory serves - again, weird. anyway, if choosing the non-aggressive dialogue, he definitely doesn't sound like he's going to go for his gun - even offers some advice. made me go wtf and tried to replay the scene to make sure I didn't screw up somewhere (when I've played the game for the first time). specially because the dialogue that will piss him off is there, if I remember correctly.

If I remember correctly he is just set to turn hostile 5 or so secs after the conversation. He is a crooked bureaucrat, he will say what is necessary only to shoot you when your back is turned/you are relaxed. At least that's what I think the devs were going for there.

so basically, you can choose to make him hostile, or to make him hostile. me no like.

Nope there's a few options story-wise:

1. As you described; talk to him and get a gun pulled on you.
2. Shoot him before even walking into the room and an entirely different conversation with Simons happens.
3. Don't even go to Manderley's office. instead just leave and later you can read in a datacube or some such that Simons had him killed, or was it a conversation I don't remember. 

//passive augs means only draining power when doing something, or completely passive (no drain ever)?

Like Invisible War and most of Human Revolution's augs, no drain. That probably sounds bad but it was necessary for balance as there was some major issues. There are 5 passive in total of the 20 or so augs.
« Last Edit: 14. June 2014, 21:40:48 by Join usss! »

6750a5e50bb72Primitive Primate

Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
The "run aug" should be passive, always turned on and not draining energy. Imo ofc.
Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
If you want to completely break game balance & pacing, sure. It already is the best aug alongside regen, it absolutely needs to be an active/energy draining aug.
I can see you wanting it for high speed fun though. It is a very fun aug.

The augs I made passive were the absolute trash for the most part, such as aqualung.
« Last Edit: 14. June 2014, 22:27:21 by Join usss! »
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