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Topic: .ss2mod Read 3075 times  

6750aca7a172bThe Many

How can I convert file from SS2 Editor to ss2mod ? (DromEd Save files)
For example I have modified some armors, then it is possible to save it to *.cow,*mis,*gam, but no SS2 mod manager.
So what to do  :scratch:
You should save it to MIS files, if you made changes to the world, or a GAM file if you made changes to gameplay.
Then drop these files into your SS2 game folder for testing. If the changes are what you expected, see the Uploading Guide for how to create a ss2mod. Basically the process consists of zipping your changed files up, optionally adding a mod.ini file.

6750aca7a1a59The Many

ok, the mod is converted into .ss2mod, but there is no change! - I have made change in worm skin, save it, etc,.. but nothing! :puppydogeyes:
Does your mod work otherwise? Did you try dropping the modded files into a normal SS2 game installation?
To clear this up: The .ss2mod format is nothing but a renamed zip archive. Converting your mod to .ss2mod will do nothing if the mod didn't work in the first place.

6750aca7a1e5aThe Many

Does your mod work otherwise? Did you try dropping the modded files into a normal SS2 game installation?
To clear this up: The .ss2mod format is nothing but a renamed zip archive. Converting your mod to .ss2mod will do nothing if the mod didn't work in the first place.

ok, and how to drop the modded files into a normal SS2 game installation?  :scratch:
Well you save the files you changed and then put them into your SS2 folder, possibly backing up the originals before you do.


In ShockEd you can save .gam file if you alter object properties, .mis file if you alter map and .cow file which is combination of mis and gam files and can be used ONLY in shocked, not in game.

.ss2mod is simply .zip archive with renamed extension, nothing else. The extension is only used to associate with mod Manager which unpacks the files from inside zip to your game folder.

See this thread for more info about ss2 files.

You probably want to save .gam file and copy it directly to your SHOCK2 folder.
I have got a problem too... I have made a minor change to implants - just deleted energy properties, now they do not drain any energy, but this mod is not compatibile with Anomalies, Discrepancies, and outright Bugs (Beta 0.2.6).
How can I made it compatibile ?
And also how can I delete the 'drain points' and that lighting among them?
It is a .gam file...
There's no passable way to make it compatible afterwards. You have to apply your changes to a copy of ADaoB's gam file.
There's no passable way to make it compatible afterwards. You have to apply your changes to a copy of ADaoB's gam file.

I do not know much about computers, could you write me what to do, please ?
I do only more and more errors...
Load ADaoB's gam file into shocked, apply the same changes you did before, save.
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but once you get to the later stages of the game, and choose your psi disciplines right, you can walk around laughing while everything around you just whimpers and dies.
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