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^^^^^^Another thing I've noticed:The sshock2.exe is still version, even after I've used Kolyas Tool to patch the game.
Take a look for Product version-field in version tab at file properties dialog. It should be 2.3.
Does the crash happens as soon as you try to run the game?If so, it's probably not finding required resources.Check that the paths in your install.cfg are correct.Have you tried reinstalling the game?
I have a suspision it may be problems with playing logo videos which is common if you have badly set ffdshow filter.Let's test it. Find file cam.cfg in your SHOCK2 dir and edit it with notepad for example. Add line "skip_intro" without quotes at the end of the file..just under all other and close. Now run shock2.exe. You should be brought directly into main menu. If that happens it is a good sign. Now when you click on CREDITS or INTRO and the game crashes the same way it is even better sign. Report back and I'll tell you more about solving your problem.update:If you are Czech and have problems understanding in English I'll explain in Slovak.
Rename the file LGVID.AX in your SS2 folder to something else. Then you should be able to play without videos though.Please check the SS2 videos/cutscenes guide.
Aye. I'm splitting this topic off from the FAQ now ... and move it to General Discussion.