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Topic: SS2 Glitches & The Unliked Read 15308 times  

66f9395075991System Shocked

I'd like to bring to light some issues that I came across during parts of my last playthrough, that can hopefully be corrected and included in the pending release of the SCP:
1. Most are found in the earlier parts of the game.
2. Unfortunately, they are not in order of level progression.
3. Some may be known and already corrected.
4. Some may be unfixable and/or are caused by the limitations of the engine.
5. Hopefully, the specific area where the glitch occurs can be easily identified by the SCP devs. They must surely recognize every millimeter of both ships by now.  :lola:

I present all that I found, in hopes that SS2 will be the better for it.

So, off we go with PART 1...

1. Wall textures don't align http://i.imgur.com/uuKIPTZ.jpg
2. I'm sure you're aware of this one. Platform elevator shaft missing http://i.imgur.com/XRQWb4O.jpg. Here's the one at other end of room http://i.imgur.com/2QIOe9N.jpg
3. Different wall textures http://i.imgur.com/INgct0R.jpg. Across the aisle, although not perfect, it's considerably better http://i.imgur.com/tslWjxP.jpg. Search the general area for other instances of this. Also, take note of the messy floor textures and their misalignment.
4. This nacelle has no sounds http://i.imgur.com/vaRpAXM.jpg, but the other similar one does.
5. At the crosshair, pool table has an odd brown texture http://i.imgur.com/JMIgYtn.jpg. Only visible at certain angles.
6. A few issues here http://i.imgur.com/6poMH7L.jpg
a) Floor textures are different.
b) Egg fragment clips into body.
c) Other body floats above ground.
7. Wall sign floats in mid air http://i.imgur.com/pN6ncdo.jpg. Not viewable from the rear http://i.imgur.com/TPtFNv3.jpg
8. Body floats above floor http://i.imgur.com/OmQy7Pb.jpg
9. A couple of issues here http://i.imgur.com/8na0QNC.jpg
a) Lower plant leaves/boxes clip through windows/frame http://i.imgur.com/MCcJ7vf.jpg
b) Upper shelf clips through plant boxes http://i.imgur.com/TRnGX0q.jpg
10. All of these hanging plants are floating in mid air http://i.imgur.com/gBDorns.jpg. There are no wires to the ceiling. In one case there's a wall hook, but still no wire(s) http://i.imgur.com/0EkDKfj.jpg
11. Ceiling grate clips body and adjacent grate http://i.imgur.com/JZzGBT5.jpg
12. Body parts clip into grave walls http://i.imgur.com/jttaUOV.jpg. There may be more instances of this.
13. Glass has visual glitch http://i.imgur.com/qGWcpGC.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/WGocWz3.jpg
14. A purple texture on floor http://i.imgur.com/G4wXWap.jpg dependent on viewing angle.
15. Wall texture appears to have another semi-transparent texture over it http://i.imgur.com/D397hb8.png
16. Screen missing lost-signal noise, or is it just off/broken? http://i.imgur.com/WpUc4pb.jpg
17. A couple of issues at this location http://i.imgur.com/rsQoyuM.jpg
a) On left side of screenshot, wall texture has seam problem http://i.imgur.com/iwe1duI.jpg
b) Up above, outside the ship's hull, the wall texture is visible http://i.imgur.com/rLftBqY.jpg and a ceiling texture pops in/out of view http://i.imgur.com/lqn034I.jpg. Note in screenshots, texture is missing for backside of angled ceiling. It's visible from this viewpoint (badly misaligned) http://i.imgur.com/QeOem6N.jpg. Also, walls have different lighting.
18. Trim around door is incomplete http://i.imgur.com/Z8VBDj3.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/I349X3h.jpg and body floats above floor.
19. Blood decals disappear http://i.imgur.com/2wCqqqt.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/F6T1pDl.jpg
20. Visual glitch with grasses http://i.imgur.com/HfGf69d.jpg
21. Location http://i.imgur.com/n7TbWlv.jpg. Decals/textures not attached to equipment http://i.imgur.com/x5pgX5f.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/lXaW11C.jpg. There are other instances of this elsewhere.
22. Seat portion of chair has visual glitch http://i.imgur.com/dJL3lA6.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/LyWSAUM.jpg
23. Glass has visual glitch http://i.imgur.com/39kExiH.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/ZQ3AbiQ.jpg
24. Location http://i.imgur.com/PDpL0N2.jpg. Light is not connected to anything http://i.imgur.com/CHFOEin.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/p5W2LOl.jpg
25. Plant in room http://i.imgur.com/H0fWt8K.jpg spawns clipped into wall http://i.imgur.com/haglhb1.jpg
26. There are some bathroom stall issues. Sorry I don't have more specific locations, but I think these are all in the two-level crew's quarters area:
a) The sides of the recessed opening for the fixture box above toilet is missing "wall tile" textures http://i.imgur.com/fGjwmMM.jpg. See screenshot in item #26c for more clarification.
b) Odd textures in this stall http://i.imgur.com/q4A9cmt.jpg
c) Top of light fixture's recessed box missing correct texture http://i.imgur.com/ZCdWza7.jpg
27. Off this hallway http://i.imgur.com/Nun06E7.jpg machinery has no sound http://i.imgur.com/DgHjGPz.jpg
28. Visual glitch on the tram http://i.imgur.com/kyuLPbw.jpg
29. In the air vent, one of the ceiling shaft's upper texture is missing http://i.imgur.com/y5L921F.jpg. There may be more that one instance. It should look like this http://i.imgur.com/uZ0tkjC.jpg
30. Another instance of wall texture appearing to have another semi-transparent texture over it http://i.imgur.com/yYo6jer.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/1jVnhXl.png
31. Misaligned wall textures http://i.imgur.com/lkOkjry.jpg
32. Keyboard unit on left, not attached to wall http://i.imgur.com/PCtFEbJ.jpg
33. Differing lower wall trims http://i.imgur.com/77AaEm1.jpg
34. More misaligned wall textures http://i.imgur.com/nK8YIdG.jpg
35. Shortly after the game's start, a power cell is needed to open a large blast door. Some of the sliding doors in the immediate area beyond this blast door have problems:
a) This door http://i.imgur.com/sdoKSW4.jpg slides open to the left, but the left side door frame has no opening for it to slide into http://i.imgur.com/MszsZGM.jpg, so it clips into the solid left side door frame. However, the right side door frame does have an opening http://i.imgur.com/Fviuy7b.jpg
b) This right side door frame opening http://i.imgur.com/BXeUKz3.jpg is not centered within the wall, so the door (which is centered) slides and clips through the wider solid portion of the door frame http://i.imgur.com/ka1seZt.jpg
c) This one http://i.imgur.com/zV6AjiZ.jpg has no right side door frame opening for it to slide into. It just clips through the solid door frame. Neglected to screenshot left side of door frame.
* Work on these doors was probable done on a Friday afternoon, after numerous cold beers were cracked open.  :lola:
38. This regen room has no wall display http://i.imgur.com/mcA6AI6.jpg. Maybe regen room is not functioning at all?
39. Location http://i.imgur.com/ikVSJGA.jpg. Inside, trim around door is incomplete http://i.imgur.com/I0H8I7m.jpg
40. Corner of desk clips into wall http://i.imgur.com/QkqxGMY.jpg
41. Corridor walls and floor have different coloring http://i.imgur.com/8Y6UD6i.jpg
42. On this side of door, floor trim is fine http://i.imgur.com/P0r9hL3.jpg but not when viewed from other side http://i.imgur.com/me2Dgcb.jpg
43. Lighting in this alcove is odd http://i.imgur.com/QzGUgps.jpg
44. IIRC, this running machinery makes no sound http://i.imgur.com/pGi2p4A.jpg
45. More instances of non-attached objects:
a) Wall sign http://i.imgur.com/cc3h5QF.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/d1dcuMd.jpg. I'm certain there are many others.
b) Security control station http://i.imgur.com/rP3vsL3.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/Uq6yr3K.jpg
c) Ramp handrail http://i.imgur.com/Ybhbc3o.jpg
d) Wall sign http://i.imgur.com/odQpmXG.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/KFru5t2.jpg
46. In an upper secluded area, IIRC running machinery makes no sound http://i.imgur.com/u3SX9hE.jpg
47. IIRC again, more running machinery makes no sound http://i.imgur.com/40soYYs.jpg
48. Regen room makes no sound http://i.imgur.com/5jhnkCl.jpg

That's all I have for now. I hope some of these are newly discovered problems. Do what you can with them.

EDIT: May 17/14 at 8:25 pm EST - Amended descriptions for items #26a and #26c.
« Last Edit: 21. June 2014, 06:30:58 by System Shocked »
Acknowledged by 2 members: OneofTheMany, Primitive Primate


about 80% is already fixed, about 10% is cannot fix/no good fix available/not a bug but a feature, and about 10% is caused by overmodding/mod specific issues.

the purple floor texture stuff is really weird, and the lighting around that replicator as well, for now I will assume they fall into the last category (I plan to have a look at all the major mods once SCP is out, making sure they are fully SCP compatible, I've done it with Rebirth, Tacticool, and vurt's flora so far).

listing all used mods would be nice.
« Last Edit: 15. May 2014, 10:54:45 by voodoo47 »

66f9395075e8cSystem Shocked

@ voodoo47

Thanks for the prompt response. I've been meaning to post these screenshots for a while.

These screenshots were taken some time ago and I've since uninstalled SS2, in preparation for what I thought was the pending release of the SCP. I wanted to start anew with a fresh clean install. I visit this website often and am aware of incompatible mods. I was using all the popular "main stream" mods. If you're not seeing the graphical issues depicted in my screenshots while gaming in your SS2 install, then just ignore them. It's the result of an issue on my end.

I'm curious, which of the issues that I reported are newly discovered and are fixable, if any?

Can't wait for the release of the SCP. I hope it's soon. I'm itchin' to take on "the many" once again. 
« Last Edit: 15. May 2014, 11:32:28 by System Shocked »


couple of texture problems, the air vent for example, but not many - generally, if it's a texture or object placement problem, there is a 90% chance that it's already fixed in SCP.

yeeeah the release is getting closer with each day.


Jesus. That list would have been really useful about nine months ago, but by now we've pretty much gone over every square inch of the game with a fine-tooth comb.
Acknowledged by: OneofTheMany
It seems you've been more successful than some other guys.

66f9395076676System Shocked

It seems you've been more successful than some other guys.

Thanks for the  :lola: !

66f93950769a1System Shocked

Jesus. That list would have been really useful about nine months ago, but by now we've pretty much gone over every square inch of the game with a fine-tooth comb.
You obviously don't recognize the importance of the SCP. Forget about "going over every square inch of the game" - you need to take it down to every square millimeter.

Wait... on second thought, then we'd never see the release of the SCP. Never mind, carry on as usual.


The fact that I was able to bring to light at least a few new issues, makes the effort worthwhile.
« Last Edit: 17. May 2014, 10:58:24 by System Shocked »

66f9395078817System Shocked

Continuing on, here are some issues/suggestions for the area in and around Diego's bedroom on the UNN Rickenbacker. The last batch of screenshots were overly dark, so to avoid possible difficulties in determining/understanding the location and/or the issue/suggestion, these images have been brightened (what a bright idea!):


1. In Diego's bedroom
a) Raise the height of this MultiPicture, as it seems to be too low http://i.imgur.com/MvsicnC.jpg
b) Move the handrail to the left so that it's more centered on the ramp http://i.imgur.com/lGQR9Gz.jpg
2. The details on the slanted sides of these types of panels seem truncated, due to possibly being clipped into the wall http://i.imgur.com/r75x2Ll.jpg. If so, can they be unclipped?
3. For this support column http://i.imgur.com/8hrNchf.jpg
a) Lower the height of this "NO SMOKING" sign http://i.imgur.com/tIMnVYr.jpg
b) The light at its base floats in mid air http://i.imgur.com/eH0g9gF.png
4. Here http://i.imgur.com/j6Yor0j.jpg both lights don't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/o1BvLMj.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/rdYK28T.jpg
5. In this area http://i.imgur.com/GbGwyMO.jpg
a) The left light doesn't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/PCXAK7R.jpg
b) The right one clips into the wall http://i.imgur.com/trNmWdz.jpg
c) The light above the ladder clips into the wall http://i.imgur.com/5Z7C5yG.jpg
6. In this area http://i.imgur.com/K7puopz.jpg
a) Lights clip into wall http://i.imgur.com/kx7XLI3.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/jRxenTS.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/7yHx8nq.jpg
b) Some lights don't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/dsmMG3k.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/QVDCAQO.jpg
c) If not done already, I suggest scrutinizing the positioning of all of the lights.
7. These 2 flashing red lights may give a better/larger effect if centered on their walls http://i.imgur.com/DZccoJ1.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/BYZhak3.jpg
8. For this column structure http://i.imgur.com/qFNhgFv.jpg
a) Three base openings have flickering texture seams http://i.imgur.com/igMubOe.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/y8Q88fZ.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/fxTTLgc.jpg
b) The security panel floats in mid air http://i.imgur.com/HFe57Xs.jpg
c) Jumping spiders get stuck in upper recessed slots http://i.imgur.com/PH5hxoz.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/am4d6oT.jpg
9. For the lights on either side of this doorway http://i.imgur.com/BA7RAMk.jpg
a) One doesn't quite contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/WODeHu4.png
b) The other one clips into the wall http://i.imgur.com/xnZFOA3.jpg
10. In this area http://i.imgur.com/Hm4LOSh.jpg
a) Both lower lights on the right are positioned properly http://i.imgur.com/pFILr4w.jpg but the left ones clip into the wall http://i.imgur.com/WArmtVJ.jpg
b) The tops of both of the upper lights clip into the ceiling http://i.imgur.com/1yvDm7N.jpg and their backs clip into the wall http://i.imgur.com/OWqbzxx.jpg
11. Center this red flashing light on the window http://i.imgur.com/4cWPLCP.jpg
12. When the crates located here http://i.imgur.com/oUVOSBE.jpg are shot with the weapon in hand, they fall through the floor to the area below http://i.imgur.com/HV5lvxD.jpg. One ends up clipping into another crate. An example: Before http://i.imgur.com/NoceNfh.jpg then after being shot, it's gone http://i.imgur.com/3JEcD63.jpg to the area below, clipping into another crate and a dead body http://i.imgur.com/9y6c4mO.jpg

That's all for now.


EDITED - Friday, May 30/14 - Added the following items.

These are all in Engineering B areas:

13. In this area http://i.imgur.com/W22O6zn.jpg the lens on the light fixture above the security room door is fairly bright. The 2 lights above the large doors are illuminated, but their lenses are far dimmer in comparison http://i.imgur.com/2rNqfP5.jpg. However, the same light fixture model in Engineering Control looks perfectly fine http://i.imgur.com/0bI9HqZ.jpg
14. In this area here http://i.imgur.com/JK2YJPG.jpg and the connecting upper rooms:
a) This wall sign http://i.imgur.com/uAOb5Rt.jpg floats in mid air http://i.imgur.com/dVNp9Dk.jpg
b) Similar to item #13, the lenses for these 5 ceiling lights are very dim, considering they are illuminated and projecting light http://i.imgur.com/qREwBdi.jpg
c) For an added detail, if possible, place a sign on this grate (eg. "Authorized Personnel Only") to infer it's the access hatch for the maintenance area below http://i.imgur.com/p6TeH4a.jpg. Consider doing this for all other similar instances in the game.
d) These 3 switches http://i.imgur.com/ktDOHbN.jpg are wider than the pole http://i.imgur.com/1fzyVZ1.jpg. As a result, you can see that they have no rear texture http://i.imgur.com/123ifJ6.jpg. If possible, rotate them 90°.
e) In the upper Shuttle Control room, this light is centered on the window http://i.imgur.com/cwYhu4B.jpg but the adjacent light isn't http://i.imgur.com/sE2QGMl.jpg
f) In the upper Command Control room, these 2 upgrade units appear to be way too high http://i.imgur.com/RKhkepg.jpg
15. Further on the issue of the switches mentioned in item #14d, it's odd that the original Devs routinely placed these types of switches in a horizontal position http://i.imgur.com/0o3xv1B.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/IxFqOd3.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/AIQ9LVL.jpg rather than vertically. It makes more sense functionally and, IMHO, would look far better if they were positioned vertically, with the brand name being easily readable, as would be intended by the switch's manufacturer. Does it have something to do with the graphic that appears when in close proximity to the switch? http://i.imgur.com/xeUQGC2.png. In any event, if they can all be rotated 90°, I think it would be for the better. This may be an issue for the ones in the Cargo Bays for the platform lifts. They are already nearly at the player's maximum reach for activation (makes no real design sense whatsoever) unless this was a specific game mechanic peril the Devs wanted for the Cargo Bay's lifts. If not, place them closer to the lift. 
16. On the way to Cargo Bay 2, lower this sign so that its upper left corner isn't hidden http://i.imgur.com/LwLXeki.jpg
17. In Cargo Bay 2B, on the third floor of Nutritional Matter Storage, this support column doesn't contact the ceiling http://i.imgur.com/LYLY7WA.jpg
18. For this large apparatus http://i.imgur.com/1eZvaZG.jpg only 2 of its 4 pipe connectors contact the main body. The other 2 don't http://i.imgur.com/FAXtIM8.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/MRlzfq8.jpg
19. The backside of this switch's raised cover http://i.imgur.com/I6nROcl.jpg has no texture http://i.imgur.com/TlAGt0y.jpg
20. At Engineering Control http://i.imgur.com/agjjA6F.jpg body's legs clip through pipe debris http://i.imgur.com/A3J0I1q.jpg
21. In this area http://i.imgur.com/oR7PN0h.jpg
a) As with items #13 & #14b, lenses for the 3 lights of this type, don't have proper brightness http://i.imgur.com/zn5w23f.jpg
b) This light clips into the ceiling http://i.imgur.com/BmWBhL6.jpg
c) This one floats in mid air http://i.imgur.com/Dkwxyy8.jpg. Confirm this light is anchored http://i.imgur.com/pvos30B.jpg
22. At 2 locations in both the port and starboard engine nacelle areas, there are handrail posts that pop in/out of view. Since both nacelle areas are identical, these issues occur at the same places. These screenshots are from the port engine nacelle:
- Right of entrance door http://i.imgur.com/T2CaRob.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/g3FWrBJ.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/9HMwMVk.jpg
- On opposite side http://i.imgur.com/Uab0okY.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/tXUsFVo.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/GZATqsw.jpg


EDITED - Saturday, May 31/14 - Added the following items.

These are all in Med-Sci areas:

23. The backside of light above window is facing forward http://i.imgur.com/UX1bNQO.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/GKutBFP.jpg. As a result, there are no end-cap textures http://i.imgur.com/knF5XaD.jpg. Here's a properly oriented one http://i.imgur.com/PNfeSIS.jpg
24. The light above the door http://i.imgur.com/UiBOTL2.jpg doesn't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/UwrJJaV.jpg
25. The angled position of this damaged light http://i.imgur.com/TNgzHPn.jpg exposes its backside which has no texture http://i.imgur.com/iyIvguR.jpg. It also doesn't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/FlHu9YA.png
26. This light http://i.imgur.com/JUwee8i.jpg clips into the wall http://i.imgur.com/KG2X5HG.jpg. On same wall, this one's fine http://i.imgur.com/g7Op6HC.jpg
27. Here http://i.imgur.com/NvDVUUU.jpg air ducts have 2 texture z-fighting issues. 1) http://i.imgur.com/ckomWvO.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/QrVIUY9.jpg and 2) http://i.imgur.com/AABRCip.png , http://i.imgur.com/0m6iRa8.png
28. Here http://i.imgur.com/DWPkyF2.jpg tuck this pipe http://i.imgur.com/GoaSPkv.jpg more into the corner, to provide a little more reasonable space down below http://i.imgur.com/iKZHAtg.jpg. Also, the pipe doesn't extend to the ceiling???
29. In this area and the adjoining rooms http://i.imgur.com/SGMunXJ.jpg
a) Extend this handrail all the way to the wall http://i.imgur.com/TpBHLIV.jpg
b) Slide this handrail to the right, to eliminate its overhang http://i.imgur.com/ElX7WRG.jpg - clip it.
c) Odd that there are no wall or ceiling lights in these 3 connected areas http://i.imgur.com/idfp5ui.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/j8bsMsv.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/XpGe7Qv.jpg yet there is ample light. From a proper design aspect, consider adding some. They don't all have to be on, just represented. Or 1 or 2 light poles http://i.imgur.com/cVFFOqB.jpg
d) In this room http://i.imgur.com/5zJKlxF.jpg
- Get me the contractor on the line... we're missing a bloody sliding door http://i.imgur.com/WzOvSRc.jpg
- Position this table closer to the center of the room http://i.imgur.com/sQFDwpT.jpg
- Center machine on the wall http://i.imgur.com/zj1WKtg.jpg to fix clipping the left wall http://i.imgur.com/hvSQq6c.png
- Ample part of machine clips into wall http://i.imgur.com/Uu0OM2Q.jpg. Maybe a smaller machine, or put a desk there?
30. IIRC this type of light is usually affixed to the wall and not the ceiling http://i.imgur.com/K7NpVXB.jpg. If changed, lower it.
31. Position light above door http://i.imgur.com/xGtm7Tv.jpg to match other one in corridor http://i.imgur.com/QINnRWh.jpg
32. This damaged panel floats above the floor http://i.imgur.com/7y5Z0AH.jpg
33. As an added touch, some protective/safety handrails would be appropriate here http://i.imgur.com/UveSWpi.jpg
34. Center this "High Radiation Area" sign between the 2 horizontal lines http://i.imgur.com/7qess6A.jpg in order to match these across from it http://i.imgur.com/UwYGKFj.jpg
35. The rear of these ceiling bulkheads can be easily seen through the window http://i.imgur.com/rC6UVrr.jpg. Can the groove textures on the right one be changed and then aligned to better match the left one? http://i.imgur.com/6NBwMEs.jpg
36. At and in these radiation/decontamination rooms http://i.imgur.com/Bj27aGG.jpg
a) This light clips into the right wall http://i.imgur.com/p9i69DA.jpg
b) Remove the left "High Radiation Area" sign - it's too crammed in http://i.imgur.com/UwYGKFj.jpg. It kept, it doesn't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/HGfjlPK.jpg
c) Center the light on the door http://i.imgur.com/oJd8Fyt.jpg
d) These wall textures need far better alignment http://i.imgur.com/jF6V0nI.jpg
e) Decontamination shower sound is heard here http://i.imgur.com/Ye5Y0Vs.jpg but not here http://i.imgur.com/3U95shT.jpg. However, when this sliding door is open http://i.imgur.com/X5MXpy4.jpg the shower sound can be heard, but disappears again after the door closes.
f) These 2 wall decals don't play nice with each other http://i.imgur.com/e9SSmr4.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/9MHofAZ.jpg
g) These 2 wall signs are too high http://i.imgur.com/mqKKruh.jpg. Center them between the 2 horizontal lines.
h) The right window has a graphical issue across its top http://i.imgur.com/t8WT5rJ.jpg
37. Center the light and the "ICU" sign between the window frame and the angled corner http://i.imgur.com/IdfLUsk.jpg then center the "ICU" sign between the 2 horizontal lines.
38. Raise this "Storage 1A" sign and center it between the upper 2 horizontal lines http://i.imgur.com/JZxnars.jpg and place it in proximity to the door like the "Storage 2A" sign http://i.imgur.com/HoE40x9.jpg
39. The position of this black arrow looks weird http://i.imgur.com/CDWfj6B.jpg. Halve the distance between it and the "Science" sign. Move the sign so that no vertical wall lines pass through the letters.
40. At and in the "ICU" room http://i.imgur.com/VZpr706.jpg
a) Center the "ICU" sign on the light http://i.imgur.com/gNUNTah.jpg and between the 2 horizontal lines.
b) Similar to the sound issues in the "Radiation Decontamination" room (item #36e), anywhere in this area http://i.imgur.com/9FxppgQ.png the radiation/hum sounds are heard, whether the entrance door is open/closed. As I enter the adjacent room http://i.imgur.com/2g3cLKR.jpg the sounds disappear. I can only hear my footsteps. While the entrance door is open http://i.imgur.com/Ql3Lytn.jpg all sounds can be heard, until it closes. If I go back to the other room, the sounds return. 
c) This light floats in mid air http://i.imgur.com/ksFP5pa.jpg. When affixed, center it both horizontally and vertically.
d) Center the 2 "CPU" signs between the 2 horizontal lines http://i.imgur.com/NagM5LI.png and http://i.imgur.com/HAUB2K3.jpg
41. In "Storage 2A" http://i.imgur.com/wx5qqRr.jpg center the light within the recess http://i.imgur.com/5zHGtNY.jpg
42. This light http://i.imgur.com/sFJkBSp.jpg doesn't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/RazwfjX.jpg
43. There are numerous problems in the "Biopsy" multi-leveled area http://i.imgur.com/UMf32ce.jpg
a) Center these 2 "'Biopsy" signs between the 2 horizontal lines http://i.imgur.com/LrXONYR.jpg
b) Position light above door http://i.imgur.com/obFnJoV.jpg like the other one in corridor http://i.imgur.com/WPHhckC.jpg
c) The inner door http://i.imgur.com/T5QGoVs.jpg has a couple of issues:
- Light clips into wall http://i.imgur.com/LJRcVr8.jpg & lower part clips through door frame http://i.imgur.com/D2nYkV6.png
- The open/close trigger seems finicky. While standing in the doorway taking a screenshot of the light above, the door closed encasing me in it http://i.imgur.com/8kdPHOc.jpg. It didn't restrict my movement. I was able to do this repeatedly.
d) For the main floor:
- Raise this sign and center it between the 2 horizontal lines http://i.imgur.com/AJ2UtMI.jpg then center it on the column.
- Ladder has different lighting http://i.imgur.com/kTKVLKt.jpg
- Add a defective light to this room http://i.imgur.com/BkZKbZV.jpg
- Handrail alignments http://i.imgur.com/pjp3GYB.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/yNLAJk2.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/BAeXZTZ.jpg
e) For the upper floor:
- I strongly suspect this light doesn't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/SLNWIIb.jpg
- This light needs to be rotated to conceal its untextured parts (ooo...kinky) http://i.imgur.com/ae93ihJ.jpg 
- Handrail alignments http://i.imgur.com/If54Wck.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/zyJ9GHI.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/rOW9YgT.jpg
- These handrails have a gap in them http://i.imgur.com/v9c9wRg.jpg
f) For the lower floor:
- Light http://i.imgur.com/AVO5A2x.jpg needs to be rotated to hide its untextured rear end http://i.imgur.com/Fvk2tyX.jpg
- Handrail need better alignment http://i.imgur.com/PUfadL7.jpg
- Handrails need to be joined together http://i.imgur.com/Ged99yW.jpg
44. Center the "Science" sign on the wall and slightly raise the black arrow http://i.imgur.com/QRyyReC.jpg. I'm sure you've already fixed the badly mispositioned light above it. 
45. Center the light on the door http://i.imgur.com/phm1hw7.jpg
46. Center this air quasinator on the wall http://i.imgur.com/OC3jfLo.jpg
47. Here http://i.imgur.com/7MDr1TI.jpg center light (left-right) within the recessed area http://i.imgur.com/kFSMg5p.jpg

I'm off to hunt down s' more.............. sniff..... scratch.......... scratch.. sniff.......

Actually, I'll stop for now and wait for the release of the SCP and then provide feedback on it.

Ciao for now.
« Last Edit: 01. June 2014, 08:48:05 by System Shocked »

66f93950789b7Primitive Primeape

I love these reports for some reasons. It's kinda funny watching the error I've totally missed before.


All that, and he didn't notice that it's physically impossible to have gotten that crate into Diego's quarters.


it's an ikea crate. you can assemble it when and where necessary.

66f9395078e93System Shocked

All that, and he didn't notice that it's physically impossible to have gotten that crate into Diego's quarters.

I read somewhere that the ship was built around it.

66f939507909dSystem Shocked

it's an ikea crate. you can assemble it when and where necessary.

I prefer inflatable crates... you can make them any size you want.
« Last Edit: 30. May 2014, 18:32:25 by System Shocked »

66f939507919dSystem Shocked

Just a note that "SS2 Glitches & The Unlike - PART 2" has been dramatically updated, with (hopefully) more SS2 improvement goodness.



You reallly, really should wait until beta 1 is out. Going through that list and checking what's been already fixed (most of it) and what hasn't, is potentially a huge amount of extra work for us. And if you're serious about this, learn how to open the mission files in DromEd. That way you can supply object IDs and precise coordinates instead of relying on screenshots.


I will crunch through it - annoying, repetitive tasks are the one thing I'm really good at. obj ids are not really required, as I pretty much have the entire game burned into my brain by now. quick check - as before, most of that stuff is already fixed, but there is (and always will be) some that isn't (some would fit into "too insignificant and very annoying to fix", "not really an issue, whatever" and "cannot fix, as the level is stripped" categories).

but - those not bright enough lights is something I've noticed before, and completely forgotten about. had a quick look, and I have to say I don't know why they are so dim. maybe ZB will have an idea.

also, use Olfred's fixed objects, that will fix many objects with issues, and if you find some more (like that big switch and the bulkhead switch), report those here.
« Last Edit: 31. May 2014, 21:12:32 by voodoo47 »

66f93950796bbSystem Shocked

@ ZylonBane

Yeah, I'll wait for the release of SCP Beta 1 and then submit feedback on it. Concerning screenshots, I put a lot of thought in composing them. If the location is vague, I'll submit 1 or 2 area pics to help the Dev easily zero in on what/where I'm talking about. Also, I think the community enjoys being able to view screenshots of issues/problems, since they are in-game views. I might take a wack at DromEd.

@ voodoo47

I was going to install Olfred's fixed objects but neglected to do so. The talk at the time was that the SCP was due out before Xmas 2013, so I didn't bother with Olfred's fixed objects since it was going to be included in the SCP. I've now installed it and it did add the missing textures for the tube lights. Of course they aren't oriented correctly (they do have a front and a rear) and still need to be rotated, but that's your call.

Concerning the dim lights, maybe it's a case of having two different lighting types available to the original Devs, to allow them to create different lighting moods. The dimmer lighting being the dull yellow type and the brighter lighting being the cool white type. I prefer the brighter lighting, as I think lighting in the future would evolve towards a natural white lighting.

I just added item #47 to my feedback list. That will be my last entry for now. No sense in wasting the SCP team's time and my time. Man, I can hardly wait for the release of the SCP. That will surely be a MONUMENTAL day in the world of SS2. Just get it done already, will ya'.   :D

Wanted to know if the 2 sound related issues that I'm experiencing (items #36e and #40b) are known problems that have been fixed in the SCP? Is anyone else having the same sound problems?

I had a question. Why is it that the player can clip through all the stat upgrade, trait OS, security and computer info panels? That seems so strange, considering all of the other prop panels have collision detection. Just curious why that is. For me, it really breaks the immersion factor.
« Last Edit: 18. January 2015, 11:15:49 by System Shocked »


I had a question. Why is it that the player can clip through all the stat upgrade, trait OS, security and computer info panels?
Because those objects don't have a physics collision model assigned to them. As for why Irrational chose to do that, there's no way to know. Perhaps we should make them collidable.

66f9395079dacSystem Shocked

Because those objects don't have a physics collision model assigned to them. As for why Irrational chose to do that, there's no way to know. Perhaps we should make them collidable.

Thanks for the quick response.

I'm ALL for that, if it's not to difficult to accomplish and doesn't cause other problems (really, why should it). It makes no sense to have major props with and without collision detection. Two different panels side by side, one a solid object, the other basically a hologram with no substance, yet you can interact with it... HUH??? As I said, it rips my head right out of the game when it happens. I hope you SCP Devs take a serious look at incorporating this change. You wholeheartedly have my vote!   
« Last Edit: 01. June 2014, 08:54:18 by System Shocked »

66f9395079f7eSystem Shocked

Not sure if this should be posted here or elsewhere.

Shortly after the game starts, in this area http://i.imgur.com/tf5au1Z.jpg there are 2 large wall protrusions http://i.imgur.com/v6wsMqC.jpg. There is a side texture here http://i.imgur.com/qBNsxQ4.jpg and side textures here http://i.imgur.com/6NegR5g.jpg but there's no side texture here http://i.imgur.com/4VTkiK6.jpg



the upg units are small so adding a physmodel wouldn't accomplish much, apart from the player getting stuck on them from time to time, but I guess giving it to the infopanels would make sense - but on second thought, they are transparent, so the big front part may actually be a projection.

crunching through all the reports now, will be adding comments in the next couple of hours;

- the problem with the tram is a very evil thing. I can do another evil thing that will solve the first evil, but also create some more evil things. I can solve those by adding another evil thing, which will solve the second set of evil things, but create a third set of evil things. after 5th layer of evil, I have decided that we will have to live with the original evil. I've actually did the first evil thing on the tram on the Earth map, and got away with it, but only because there is no inventory, no items, no mobile AIs, and no access to rooms behind glass there.
- most, if not all "glitches inside objects" are already solved by Olfred's fix pack.
- you are using vurt's flora, that means all updated flora models will have odd/bad positions. the models need to be fixed to solve this.
- very weird lighting on many of your screenshots, way different from orig or SCP lighting. are you perhaps using some manually relit maps?

66f939507a345System Shocked

Re: The physmodels:
Try and see if all physmodels for the panels can be done. It wouldn't make sense to have some and not others, especially when they can ALL be interacted with.

Re: Crunching through all the reports:
Thanks for taking the time from your busy schedule. I'm anxious to see the results. Your comments will also give me some useful guidelines going forward, although I do prefer to "submit everything" and let you decide what's worth doing and when. Obviously, you would want to care of the more visually noticeable issues first. Later in time, through subsequent SCP releases, less important details can be addressed, and so on, and so on. Eventually you'll be left with tweaking the minute details. The key is gathering and having all the data amassed and organized to use as a checklist/reference and sorting through it efficiently. Nothing worse than having useful feedback that gets forgotten/lost and falls through the cracks and, as a result, never gets addressed. Unfortunately, when this happens, it's a great missed opportunity. Enough rambling...... 

Re: Very weird lighting in my screenshots:
I find that the screenshots I take are very dark (like the ones in my PART 1 report). To help you SCP Devs better grasp/understand the point I'm trying to make, I now edit my screenshots by adding brightness and contrast. I'm also experimenting with nVidia Inspector to tweak the graphics and such. Because of this, I stopped submitting any lighting related issues. There's no point since it's all my doing.

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