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Topic: SS2 Glitches & The Unliked
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see the sharp line on the ground? this has nothing to do with the brightness, and the place should definitely not look like that.

anyway, processed all the medsci2 input, approx 7 places were fixed (some lights and panels, and those rails) the rest is either already fixed, or not important enough (like some decals, aligning them with wall patterns and similar is of very low priority).
Not sure if this should be posted here or elsewhere.

Shortly after the game starts, in this area http://i.imgur.com/tf5au1Z.jpg there are 2 large wall protrusions http://i.imgur.com/v6wsMqC.jpg. There is a side texture here http://i.imgur.com/qBNsxQ4.jpg and side textures here http://i.imgur.com/6NegR5g.jpg but there's no side texture here http://i.imgur.com/4VTkiK6.jpg

wall texturing issue, actually not fixed yet.
« Last Edit: 01. June 2014, 12:38:47 by voodoo47 »

66f95510d1297System Shocked

Graphics wise, I'm looking into why my SS2 looks the way it does.

Thanks for the quick feedback, considering there was a lot to sort through. Hopefully you can eventually get to the "very low priority" items at a later date.



list all mods, that is always helpful. everything will be fixed eventually, but it might take a while, there is still a lot of more important stuff left.


Shortly after the game starts, in this area http://i.imgur.com/tf5au1Z.jpg there are 2 large wall protrusions http://i.imgur.com/v6wsMqC.jpg. There is a side texture here http://i.imgur.com/qBNsxQ4.jpg and side textures here http://i.imgur.com/6NegR5g.jpg but there's no side texture here http://i.imgur.com/4VTkiK6.jpg
Did you just post five screenshots to point out one missing texture?


whatever gets the job done is what I always say.


Perhaps, but when I click on a screenshot in a bug-reporting thread, I expect to see something wrong in every shot.

66f95510d1df9System Shocked


see the sharp line on the ground? this has nothing to do with the brightness, and the place should definitely not look like that.
Is this more like it http://i.imgur.com/ds3OFsB.jpg. It seems the culprit was the Med-Sci Changes mod by HiTorque.



yeah. slapping warning signs on all unfinished mods with known issues is something I plan to do very soon after the first SCP release.

66f95510d227dSystem Shocked

Did you just post five screenshots to point out one missing texture?
Yeah OK, maybe only 3 were necessary. It's part of giving Devs enough info to easily determine where the problem is situated without them guessing and running around searching for it. I suspect it's not a fun thing to do and minimizing the amount of time and frustration level is paramount in maximizing productivity. Heck, I'd love to post only one screenshot. It would make my life easier, but in all probability, not make it easier for the Dev. I think the potential for a lot of back and worth and delays would result in zeroing in as to exactly where the issue is located. I've seen this occur on other websites and learned from it. For my submissions, the number of screenshots per issue is determined by how recognizable the place where the problem exists is. If it's a vague locale, it merits an extra screenshot or two. Remember, this is ALL for your benefit. What's it take to click on a few links to see some screenshots? Nuthin', really.
Every unecessary link takes one click away from your 10 million clicks your mouse button have  :P


at this point, one screenshot should be enough in 90% of cases, as long as the minimap is enabled as well. two if you want to be extra safe.

66f95510d2881System Shocked

Every unecessary link takes one click away from your 10 million clicks your mouse button have  :P
:)  XD  :D  :lola:  :)  :D  XD  :lola:


If you open the console in-game and type "log_player_pos" it will record the player's current position in the game's .LOG file, like this:

Code: [Select]
PLAYER POS: -131.494 -51.2904 -20.9846 ; missing texture on side
The second part is an optional comment that you can type after the command.

66f95510d2ce1System Shocked

If you open the console in-game and type "log_player_pos" it will record the player's current position in the game's .LOG file, like this:

Code: [Select]
PLAYER POS: -131.494 -51.2904 -20.9846 ; missing texture on side
The second part is an optional comment that you can type after the command.
Thanks for this. It may be very useful for the obvious issues. But you know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Here's a test without the use of a screenshot:
PLAYER POS: -65.525 -199.818 -0.988906  -  Right side of overhead electronics panel clips into ceiling's dropped extension.
Did it work, huh, did it? This issue has probably already been fixed. If not, put it in the appropriate category for fixin'.

I can see the player's position coordinates and a single screenshot being the best way to go, the majority of the time. Direct location access and a pic for the Dev to decide the priority for the disposition of the problem. Then the Dev doesn't have to go into the game.

Hurry up and get the #@&+%$ SCP out the door so that I can put this new method to good use.
« Last Edit: 01. June 2014, 21:22:20 by System Shocked »

66f95510d2e35System Shocked

@ voodoo47 and ZylonBane

Test for new issues. How does this work out for ya' ? http://i.imgur.com/xKZsBV4.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/63Ki5iz.jpg

Or would you prefer to be able to copy/paste the player position coordinates, instead of having to type them in?

« Last Edit: 01. June 2014, 22:33:26 by System Shocked »


pretty much as good as it gets. already fixed btw.

66f95510d32c1System Shocked

pretty much as good as it gets.
Yeah, a little more juggling and a couple of more steps at my end, but I'm doing the easy work compared to what you Devs are doing.

Take note that I added a second issue in my previous post re: a handrail with 2 issues. Probably already fixed too, but better to be safe than sorry.



it's up to you really - as Ive said before, one screenshot with a decent part of the scenery and with minimap enabled is perfectly enough in 90% of cases. if you specify the map as well, it will be close to 99%. the position is a nice bonus, but not essential.

66f95510d362dSystem Shocked

Since I don't know how often this could potentially occur and be seen by the player, I thought I should report this funny bug.

On the tram, returning to Shuttle Control, a robot and spider are on the tunnel floor http://i.imgur.com/YGkUmLF.jpg and this results http://i.imgur.com/SsrHa7N.jpg. The spider periodically jumps up to join the party http://i.imgur.com/TL8zsY2.jpg. Moments later a mid-wife arrives and dies in this position, while the robot does his best "heil Hitler" salute http://i.imgur.com/BC2rqw7.jpg (I think her and the tram should get a private room). If you didn't know that the mid-wife is actually dead in this screenshot, you'd think she was flying at you, attacking with her vagina or attempting a WWF flying scissors head lock.

This is the first time I've seen this, in all the times that I've played SS2 (except for enemies dying above the ground... but she's really up there... it's like she's doing the "Fosbury Flop" in the high-jump at a track meet http://i.imgur.com/mJACzGT.jpg).
« Last Edit: 03. June 2014, 18:00:06 by System Shocked »


yeah, that tram is evil, and if you screw around it too much weird things will happen.

66f95510d3a08System Shocked

yeah, that tram is evil, and if you screw around it too much weird things will happen.
When the tram approaches a station it doesn't gradually slow down before coming to a stop, it maintains its speed and just stops, jarringly throwing the player forward/backward. Ain't technology in the future grand. Don't go on the tram with a hot coffee or a sharp object. One worker to another "Hey, how'd you get stabbed, break your nose, chip your tooth and get coffee spilled on ya?"

In the event that this hasn't been addressed yet, I came across this obscure but necessary fix:

Door for Shuttle Bay 2 has a switch http://i.imgur.com/xNKyAYf.jpg - PLAYER POS: 736.173 128.744 -17.575
Damaged door for Shuttle Bay 1 doesn't http://i.imgur.com/ghHqORZ.jpg - PLAYER POS: 822.386 126.583 -17.1708

Prioritize this as you see fit.
« Last Edit: 04. June 2014, 12:52:53 by System Shocked »

66f95510d3ccbSystem Shocked

Already fixed.

Super! Thought that was a new one for sure. Good eyes guys. I'll get you next time.
« Last Edit: 04. June 2014, 12:53:40 by System Shocked »


the general rule is, if it's a bad object position, there is a 90% chance it's already fixed - those were the first in line.

and yeah, that tram is very evil. that type of evil that shouldn't be disturbed.
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