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Topic: SS2 Czech Translation Read 71415 times  


Tags: °translation °SS2

System Shock 2 Čeština fixed by miracle.freak, maarten93 and voodoo47

Presnost prekladu aktualnej verzie by sa mala pohybovat vyrazne nad 90% (na porovnanie, presnost povodnej verzie by bola niekde tesne pod 50%). Preklad na spravne fungovanie vyzaduje aktivovany SCP a SHTUP-ND (pozor na prioritu, SCP vzdy najnizsia). Pouzitie bez tychto dvoch modifikacii bude viest k vizualnym a inym problemom.

Instalacia: Preklad predpoklada mod-ready instalaciu SS2 (pouzite SS2tool), a aktivovany SCP aj SHTUP-ND (pozor na prioritu, SCP vzdy najnizsia). Natiahnite preklad cez modmanager a dajte mu maximalnu prioritu.

The current translation should fix all (I hope) anomalies, discrepancies and outright bugs (pun intended) of the old one from WEX. Use of SCP and SHTUP-ND is mandatory.

Install: The translation assumes you have a mod ready install of SS2 (use SS2tool), and SCP and SHTUP-ND installed. Load the translation with the modmanager, max priority.
« Last Edit: 04. September 2024, 14:30:40 by Moderator »
the file seems to be missing (error 404)..


kratka story:
opravil som cestinu od WEXe,gramatika asi nebude prilis slavna (cesky jazyk som ako predmet nikdy nemal),ale presnost prekladu by sa mala pohybovat vyrazne nad 90% (na porovnanie,presnost povodnej verzie by som odhadoval niekde tesne pod 50%).

short story: I took the original czech translation from WEX,and fixed all (I hope) anomalies,disrepancies and outright bugs (pun intended).the resulting translation may not be perfect grammar-wise,but should be extremely accurate content-wise.


dlha story (blaboly,necitajte ak neradi pocuvate osobne vylevy):
WEXovu cestinu som stiahol pre synovca (no,nie presne synovca,ale to je jedno),pretoze som mu chcel ukazat ss2 (nemozeme predsa dovolit aby nam tu vyrastla generacia hracov ktora tuto hru nepozna),ale po ked som po instalaci uvidel prvych par textov,tak som sa zhrozil,kvalita prekladu bola otrasna,samy blabol,chyba,preklep,a pomerne casto uplne zle prelozeny obsah (zvycajne tak,ze vyznam informacie sa otocil o 180 stupnov).v tomto stave to nebolo pouzitelne,a tak som si (blbec jeden) povedal,ze si to otvorim v notepade2,a narychlo vystrielam aspon tie najvacsie hrozy..skoncilo to tak ze som opravil/upravil vlastne takmer uplne vsetko.slusne povedane,bol to sku*vene velky kus prace-ohavne som podcenil kolko tam toho textu je..ale je to hotove,a tak si teraz kazdy cechoslovak nevladnuci anglictinou prvy krat v historii moze vychutnat ss2 na plne pecky.

par slov pre WEXa (ak nahodou objavi tento preklad): chlape,jednu vec ti musim nechat,vrhnut sa na taky projekt chce peknu davku odvahy a vytrvalosti (vyskusane na vlastnej kozi),za to respekt,ale tie preklady si zufalo,zufalo nedaval.predtym nez ma zacnes kamenovat ti sem prilozim jednu perlu z tvojho prekladu (je z logu MARTIN 10.JUL.14\nre: Ambush\n):

"Then it unloaded both barrels into his stomach."

korektny preklad je:

"potom mu ta vec vypalila obe hlavne rovno do brucha"

a ty si to prelozil ako (teraz sa drzte,ludkovia):

"Pak se mu uvolnily oba sverace."

sorry,ale ked som si toto precital,sverace se skoro uvolnili mne (od smiechu,priznavam sa)..sorry,ak si schopny vyprodukovat nieco taketo,nemas pri serioznom preklade co robit.

long story (blahblah,do not read unless you don't have anything better to do):
I have downloaded the original translation for my nephew (well,not really a nephew,but that doesn't really matter),'cause I wanted to introduce him to the world of system shock (we can't have the new generation of gamers growing up without playing sshock,now can we?),but when I saw the first translations,I was terrified,the quality was beyond awful,mistakes,typos,borked text,incorrect translations that have changed the content of the message(s) significantly (usually turning the meaning 180 degrees around).it was not usable in this state,and the good uncle I was (am?),I had a brilliant (stupid me) idea-I will edit the texts,and fix the most awful stuff,making the translation at least somewhat usable..ended up redoing almost everything essentially out of scratch.politely said,a sh!tload of work-I have underestimated just how much text is in this game..one way or another,it is done,and now every czechoslovakian person with no english skills can play ss2 with full flavor,for the first time in history.

few words for the original author (in case he ends up reading this): guy,I really have to give you one thing,doing such a big project requires a lot of courage and patience,and you have my respect for that,but those translations were totally,totally out of your league.before you start tearing me apart,allow me to present one gem of a translation,taken directly from your texts (log MARTIN 10.JUL.14\nre: Ambush\n):

"Then it unloaded both barrels into his stomach."

you have translated this as:

"Pak se mu uvolnily oba sverace."

now allow me to translate your translation back to english,so everybody can enjoy it:

"and then both of his anuses have loosened."

reading that,my own anus has almost given away as well (yeah,from laughing,I admit it)..sorry,if you are able to produce something like that,you should not try to seriously translate something.


IG za ss2,par chalanom z nasho fora za pomoc s par ceskymi vyrazmi,chalanom zo systemshock.org za ich skvele mody (bez nich by tento preklad nikdy neexistoval),a nakoniec WEXovi,keby nebol jeho preklad taky zly,nikdy by som sa do toho nepustil. (ano,som hajzel,a vychutnavam si to,niektorymi castami mi pripravil pomerne horuce chvile.)

IG for making ss2,some guys from our forum for their help with some czech words,guys from systemshock.org (without their mods,this translation would never exist),and,last but not least,WEX,the poor quality of his translation being the main reason I have done a new one. (yeah,I'm a bastard,and I'm enjoying this,some of his texts were hard to fix.)

konec/end....or is it?

ak objavim nejake dalsie chyby,uploadnem opravenu verziu./if I manage to find more errors,I will upload a new version.
ale teraz uz nechcem vidiet v shockovi iny jazyk ako anglinu aspon mesiac./but right now,I do not want to see ss2 in any other language than english for at least a month.
« Last Edit: 27. May 2018, 12:26:58 by voodoo47 »


Tak musim povedat diky za snahu a celkove prinos... Priznam sa ze som nejaku velku pozornost nevenoval prekladu od WEXa...asi ako ziadnym inym prekladom a sprznovacom umenia. :)


zamalo/no problem.

heh,had a hunch that you are czech,guess I was right ;)


lol.yeah,of course,your first post was in slovak-and I was too tired to notice (with all the czech text I had to go through in the last few days,no wonder).well,my hunch was almost correct then.

off to get some sleep.


..updated to fit the latest SCP release, and added translated textures as a separate download.

//looks like there is some other translation floating around, with its textures based on SHTUP. lets see whether I can locate it.
« Last Edit: 09. October 2018, 11:28:14 by voodoo47 »


tracked down the translated SHTUP textures to a pretty horrible warez CZ release of SS2 (loaded with old mods and lacking updates as always), snipped the textures out of there, fixed a few bugs real quick and attached to the first post - if you are using SHTUP-ND, load the translated textures with higher priority and everything should work properly. note that not all textures are available.

//merged and cleaned the files up, so only two versions are available, regular and SHTUP.
« Last Edit: 15. October 2018, 22:51:58 by voodoo47 »


I was thinking about translating SS2 HUD Logs and SS2 Quest Note Notifiers to match this and even have it linked here. Do you think some of these strings could be easily copy-pasted to Quest Note Notifiers?


it should be easy, but time consuming - basically you just take the EN version of those mods and copy-paste the appropriate CZ strings.

subtitles are needed more though.


I am very much into translating/fixing obsolete or broken localization of older games and SS2 deserves it too. Speaking of which do you see deep enough into the mechanics to maybe extract the fonts into format that could be repainted? If utf8 or 1250 codetable is not currently supported for implementing accented characters my usual technique is to repaint some of the uncommon symbols into accented characters and then mass-find&replace those in strings to get it in game... This would need to be rewritten in the first place though. Maybe I will be able to convince some of my Czech colleagues to correct grammar.


I'm pretty sure NewDark would allow proper CZ characters, but no time to investigate in the next couple of weeks.

and yes, I would very much like to make this into a proper, complete CZ translation soonish, but help will be required.


took a quick shot at translating a SHTUP texture, and the result is acceptable (already added to the SHTUP package and reuploaded), so I actually can be the texture guy for this. so yeah, this project is a go - feel free to contact those CZ folks (we'll need them for the texts and testing), and we can start in about two weeks (once SCP beta5 is out).

I'll try to find out how to get proper CZ character support for the strings in the meantime. //looks like that part will be annoying.
[warning.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 18. October 2018, 11:43:34 by voodoo47 »


Does Czech need any characters not in the code page 850 character set? That's what Dark uses.



yes, and that means new font files will have to be created. was just about to ask whether someone could maybe post an idiot's guide to SS2 fonts - had a quick look at the thieffon tool, and I was able to create working fon files from already existing bmps, but not the other way around, the bmps (created from vanilla fon files) always come out garbled. this means if I had a bmp template I could just fill with the new characters, I could do it with ease.

//ok, I think I can just modify the existing bmp until it does what I want. anyway, pretty sure a proper guide would be useful sometime in the future.
[uuu.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 18. October 2018, 13:46:27 by voodoo47 »


Freakin' Czech alphabet. Circumflex wasn't good enough, they had to go with a caron.


yeah, slavic languages are very fond of adding weird crap to otherwise normal alphabet letters. anyway, hacking all the required stuff into the bmp provided by Chokboyz was easy enough, so now we have a CZ/SK mainaa and mainfont fonts, in a better-than-nothing™ quality - so technically, a CZ person could grab any string from the package, and start correcting right away (extract the font file to a FONTS folder in your CZ translation folder, and you can go ahead).

mainaa is needed for: traits, objname, level, hacktext, notes, objshort, objlooks, minigame, infocomp, all help, maptext, research, rsrchtxt, jargon, both shead, both modify, both sett, weapon.

mainfont for: hrm, misc, usemsg, huduse, lockmsg, invcursor, network.

blueaa for: chargen.
[traits_cz.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 21. October 2018, 19:55:53 by voodoo47 »


I don't think so? I mean the little edits to the already existing characters in the Chokboyz bmps are not a problem. anyway, added mainfont, so all the ingame stuff should now be translatable.


All game text must have smiley faces!


remember, better-than-nothing™, that's all.


It would be great if we could somehow develop a unified font set that covered all possible western languages. Then every translator wouldn't have to come up with their own fonts of varying quality. Looks like 8859-1 is the closest we could get, but even that's missing some characters.

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