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Topic: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack 1.1 Read 155757 times  


Tags: °weapon °SS2

This is a package that replaces 7 weapons with high-poly, redecorated versions of them.  Included are the wrench, psi-amp (world model only, use with Eldron's Psi Amp), crystal shard, stasis field generator, the viral proliferator, the annelid launcher and the fusion cannon.  My intention was to honour the art style though they do look a bit (or a lot depending on your taste) different.  The wormy weapons and fusion cannon have animated textures.  The fusion cannon only REQUIRES the new unofficial SS2 patch because the textures are bigger than 256^2.

Install using zombe's mod manager or simply extract this archive into your mod-ready ss2 directory.  If you don't like the animated textures you can delete all textures with an _XX in the filename, where the XX is the frame number...just don't delete the first one that has no number after the _.  Some textures for these models repeat themselves and the odd texture is borrowed from another mod so you may get a conflict warning when using them in the Modmanager. Just ignore the warning.

ATTENTION:  If playing at 1280 x 1024 or higher, an HD2900 XT / 8800 GTS or better video card is recommended as frame rates can drop below 20 when viewing all weapons in this pack simultaneously, as typically might occur near an elevator if you store items there.  Many of these weapons have 1000+ polygons but more importantly they often use several 256 x 256 textures, which are sometimes tiled.  Add in the fact that the ss2 graphics engine is probably beyond shit and you'll understand why I'm warning about frame rates.


« Last Edit: 26. March 2016, 15:25:51 by voodoo47 »


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack
nice work..
if you want you may quote these screenshots in first post...and afterwards I'll remove them from this post.
« Last Edit: 01. November 2007, 14:41:17 by Nameless Voice »
Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack
The wormlauncher viral proliferator looks pretty good, but the viral proliferator wormlauncher needs more work. It looks very big (especially when equipped) and somewhat featureless.
« Last Edit: 01. November 2007, 15:51:16 by Kolya »


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack
Are you sure you're not confusing the names?  I would have thought the opposite.
Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack
Haha, got me there. I managed to switch the names, even after looking them up.  :shifty:


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack
Sorry about not providing the screenshots myself....and thanks for doing it for me.

Kolya I'll see what I can do to make the AL a bit spicier.  I have to redo the texture mapping anyway.  Hopefully the final rev is worth as a replacement.
Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack
The VP looks excellent, I would have to agree about the Wormlauncher however.  So big, kind of looks like a bow!  I'll probably use these anyway, since I'm wanting to have all higher quality models.  Also I was wondering if anyone knew where you can get the assault rifle /w a left arm gripping.


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack
Update!  Beta 2 of this pack includes an improved annelid launcher because ppl thought the first version sucked and I agree.  The new one is smaller, smoother, more animated, and better looking.  I will continue to fix the weapons in this pack as well as add new ones.....don't expect any of the typical weapons either.  I'm taking a detour from the intuitive path.

Could someone please provide a new screenshot for the AL?  I have that bug that new radeon cards have that makes everything look like garbage.

See the first post for the new weapons pack!
Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack
Great work RocketMan! The launcher looks really cool now. :thumb:

Edit: Maybe put these guns in more convenient separate mods?


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack
Thank you Kolya for the kind words and the screenshot....do you think its too bright or is it just in a bright room.  How does the anim look?

Sure I can make separate mods but ATM I'm reeeealy tired so maybe later :)

Probably the next weapon to come will be the stasis field generator FYI....and I am looking to fix the wrench up more as well.
Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
I upped the gamma of that screenshot because usually screens are too dark...  The animation looks great, that's one thing I really like about the new launcher. I'm looking forward to what you can come up with for the stasis generator.


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
Great stuff.
Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
they look like play dough now. i like the originals better


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
Looks like you made a wrong turn then....the originals are on the CD!  That's where you want to look.

The individual weapons have been split up for convenience.  See the first post.


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
Its says that they conflict with each other...
The Mod Manager that is... but they don't seem to.


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
You have to sort of use your judgement when you get that message.  If you are using another mod that has anything to do with the weapon textures or models that are part of THIS mod then you'll get that error.  All you need to keep in mind is that whichever mod you want in the end, make sure you enable that last.  If you do that, then the mod you want to have will give you that conflict message, you say yes its ok, and it will overwrite whatever was in the folder before it.  In this case if you want these weapons and textures, just enable this mod after all the other ones you have enabled.

By the way, are you using the original mod with all the weapons or the individual weapon packs...I'm curious which one is giving you that error.


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
I guess some are confused here because you have there the whole pack and then each piece again separately. You can untick the RocketGuns attachement in edit mode if you want to remove it.


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
Oh...is that what the problem was?  I totally missed that.  I guess I could remove it....or I could rename the individual packs to show that they are single weapon packs only.
Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
I renamed and reordered the downloads to clarify things a bit (and reset their old download-numbers). Hope this was in your interest, RocketMan.


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
Thanks Kolya.  I'm happy with this though I was gonna wait a bit because I just updated the wrench to a (hopefully) much better looking one but was going to wait for the SFG before making another update....what do you think?  Should I post the wrench now or later?
Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
I don't know, whatever you prefer. It's your work.


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 2
By the way, are you using the original mod with all the weapons or the individual weapon packs...I'm curious which one is giving you that error.
The individual Weapon Packs
« Last Edit: 21. February 2008, 02:41:49 by Kolya »


Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 3
UPDATE:  Beta 3 Released

New to this release are an improved wrench and a brand new stasis field generator


Head and teeth all modelled as separate pieces, faceplate added to thumbscrew area, more geometric detail and somewhat better texturing, changed wrench shaft shape to look flat like the original, minor changes to the proportions.

Stasis Field Generator:

I'm so glad I didn't texture this.  It would have been a disaster.  Fortunately it's anything but a disaster because I asked Assidragon to do it and he came through big time.  You'll notice the overall look is very familiar, with all the features you'd expect to be present on the SFG and a few others that you perhaps didn't expect.  I particularly like the vivid labelling and worn look that Assidragon gave to the weapon as well as the futuristic look given to the dish, with transluscent, self-illuminated glass.  I tried to make the model resemble the original and it does but unfortunately, save for the dish there wasn't a hell of a lot of potential for making it look "high poly" because the whole thing is rather boxy to begin with and that was also it's design intent.  Nevertheless it's kick-ass now and I speak for Assidragon and myself when I say I hope you enjoy it!



Re: SS2 RocketMan Alternative Weapons Pack Beta 3
Bravo, the SFG looks gorgeous. I've made some pics there... hope Kolya won't be pissed off they aren't as attachments.

However the wrench texture has somewhat noisy colours..doesn't look natural. Even on the dark screeny those colours of it look too garish. The model itself is fine thoigh.

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