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Topic: System Shock 2, v2.43 Read 8091 times  


//Download: https://www.systemshock.org/?topic=4128.0 ~Kolya

Is this legit / Did anyone try this?

Edit: This is the SS2 specific changelog:
Code: [Select]
Changes and fixes for v2.43

 - fixed various smaller issues that could potentially affect stability
 - fixed light radius from dynamic lights on other objects so it matches light radius on terrain (instead of infinite)
 - fixed (or at least reduced) issue where on rare occasions it could turn AIs invulnerable and non-collidable after loading or level transition (fix may not apply to existing savegames where this already happened)
 - fixed bug with archive extraction failure not being detected properly in FMSel, at least for archives with unsupported compression method (like old zips using "Implode")
 - fixed some bugs in FMSel with localization, paths containing umlauts and other special characters, and added OGG to WAV conversion option
 - fixed DML parsing bug with link IDs
 - fixed bug with "d3d_disp_enable_atoc 1" on nVidia where it ended up using SSAA (if available) instead of ATOC
 - fixed bug where filtering was applied to even pixel scaled UI in DX9 on most resolutions even when it shouldn't have
 - added subtitle support
 - added support for mission DMLs to include so called fingerprints, data that can link a DML to a particular mission (because mission filenames are often the same for different OMs/FMs)
 - added support for mission DMLs to be bundled in dbmods subdirectories
 - added support for DMLs to request additional OSMs and to reference objects by name
 - and more...

 - fixed bug that reversed the OSM load order each time a mission was saved
 - fixed editor lockup when setting Texture Anim Data rate to 0
 - fixed updates after changing Texture Anim Data property in edit mode so it doesn't require reportalization
 - fixed bug with reconstruct_lights command, it falsely created a brush light for the first anim light object
 - fixed inconsistencies with "AI->Utility->Pathable object", it used the property value in some places but not others, now it always uses it
 - fixed bug with "Particle Launch Info" that caused "Loc unrotated?" to end up unchecked after each load
 - fixed bug with "Medium 5-pt" lightmaps that could cause additional artifacts/seams under certain circumstances
 - fixed inadequate handling of room EAX types where deleting/editing room brushes could mess up EAX assignments of a lot of rooms
 - fixed issue with pendulum tweq freezing with lower rotational speeds
 - fixed "skybox" and "envbox" commands when running in widescreen resolutions
 - fixed uvmap_cylinder bug when lightmap scale was not 1 and added option for automatic V tiling calculation
 - fixed bug with self-illum water (i.e. lava) not working when lightmapped water was enabled
 - fixed bug with mousewheel not working in mono console
 - fixed bug with darkdlgs Export function, it didn't always export all links
 - cleaned up metaproperty sub-menus in darkdlgs property popup menus
 - cleaned up the metaproperties tree dialog resolving some issues with delete, drag-and-drop and not being able to distinguish between metaproperties and regular archetypes using metaproperties
 - changed so object name properties in the obj properties dialog are displayed in bold if the object has an explicit name assigned (and not automatic parent name applied)
 - changed "lm32_params" defaults to 1 1 when creating new missions (see new_config_vars.txt)
 - added resize support for some dialogs
 - added a separate icon for metaproperties in dialogs
 - added Dynamic Light Radius property
 - added "object X is partially or completely out of world, physics deactivated" mono warnings for objects with physics shape not entirely inside world (only the message is new, the underlying deactivation has always happened)
 - added support for rotational tweqs to affect a DetailAttachement link's rotation
 - added option to CreatureAttachment links to select rotation behavior
 - added right-click support for filter buttons to quickly select solo filters
 - added more functions to Camera script service interface
 - added "CameraAttach" and "CameraDetach" script messages when player camera attachment changes
 - added option to customize the light intensity cutoff for anim lights
 - added functionality to "set_room_type" command so it displays selection dialog when no arguments are supplied
 - added support for down-tiling with material file param "tile_factor"
 - added "mono_quickedit" config var to enable QuickEdit in mono console
 - added "spew_relations" and "spew_metaprops" commands to monitor link and metaproperty add/remove events, useful to catch feedback loops that slow down framerate
 - added "rebuild" command that runs "build_dlg" with last used settings without displaying dialog
 - and more...

 - updated lgvid source with an added function to the decoder API to aid subtitle synchronization
 - new FMSel version with the latest fixes and additions (including some missed strings and an addition in localization file fmsel.po, do a diff for details)

Updated various documentation so it doesn't hurt to browse through it again even if you're familiar with it.
« Last Edit: 02. August 2014, 22:24:15 by Kolya »


It looks pretty much authentic.
It's the same user (Le Corbeau) who announces NewDark updates, and yes, the first announcement for NewDark always happens on the french forum.
Some people tried already on Thief - and it seems to be ok.
Guess the cutscene translators will be pretty happy about the movie subtitles. Nothing special otherwise, seems like cleanup (like the last one).


yup, another NewDark update, just going through the docs - good stuff, as always. also, everything can be subtitled, not just the movies.
yup, another NewDark update, just going through the docs - good stuff, as always. also, everything can be subtitled, not just the movies.
Just saw it ... seems like a lot of work though. Then again, System Shock could be doable - monster barks, Xerxes / Many announcements and the occasional NPC, that's it. gnartsch and unn_atropos are probably already halfway done with the German and French versions. :D


Always happy to see SS2 getting updated. Keep up the good work Le Corbeau. Whoever you are :).
I, for one, would love to have english subtitles for everything in the game!
Are you deaf, or why?

There isn't much in the game which is without any text to read on. So creating subtitles for anything without it should't be such a big task.


Not really, but it would be useful for audio transmissions talking over the Many for example.
I am not deaf but my hearing is not so great and I always watch movies and series with subtitles. It helps a lot. I play games with subtitles every time I can.
Are you deaf, or why?

There isn't much in the game which is without any text to read on. So creating subtitles for anything without it should't be such a big task.
I know a lot of people who like English language TV series or games but don't have a good listening comprehension.
Here's one. I usually watch English movies with subtitles because actors speak silently or slang or dialect. And I hate to miss anything. It's especially bad with comedy where the best punch lines are often delivered in quick offhand remarks that are easy to miss. Monty Python comes to mind.
That being said I never had much problems with the SS2 in that regard, maybe because I played the German version first.
I am not deaf but my hearing is not so great and I always watch movies and series with subtitles. It helps a lot. I play games with subtitles every time I can.
I see

Well, you could start working on a subtitle mod then. There probably would even be some people who would contribute to it if there is someone who starts it.

Just if you were deaf I would have transcribed anything which isn't already with a text yet.
Thank you for the thread! Time to have me some more NewDark!!!



It would be nice if that was an option tick-able for things like the Many sequences, the ghost apparition bits etc.
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