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Topic: Difficulty Index in System Shock Read 6116 times  



Well finally I got to finish my System Shock game. I tried a few times in past years, but I couldn't get it to work well and with the choppy gameplay it wasn't fun. Well not until System Shock Portable came out ^^.

I wanted to ask a question. I played SS on 2 2 3 3 (mission, plot, puzzle, cyber) difficulty and all I got was this lousy shirt... I mean screen:

Image: http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/4328/dsc00172pv8.jpg

It says Difficulty Index: 18

My question is. How do you rate the difficulty?

Btw. The game rocked my socks off even more than System Shock 2.  :borg:
I'm pretty sure the difficulty is calculated from the settings you mentioned (mission, plot, puzzle, cyber). Don't ask me for the algorithm though...


Do you know maybe the highest possible Difficulty index? I dont feel like finishing the game on masochist difficulty just to find out :P.
I don't know the highest difficulty index, but this post by Vrap gives a hint that it must be around 30.

67510c3ad15adNameless Voice

Higher than that.

Quote by Stats screen:
Time: 8:24:01
Kills: 827
Regenerations: 158
Difficulty Index: 31
Score: 2313686

Strange that the score is much lower, though bear in mind that was a mêlée-only game.  Difficulty was 3 for everything except for Plot, which was 2.


Interesting. And I thought I had a high difficulty rating.

It's weird that there is no info in the manual or anywhere. Guess we won't find out till some genious gives the formula.

Hmm... or maybe there is a way to hack the game and look for it in the source code?
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