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Topic: Citadel - System Shock Fan Remake
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I didn't wanted to say that everyone or the majority acts under these reasons. But there are people who do this solely due to what I just stated.


I'm not sure I follow what all you are talking about?
Nothing to do with your project anyway. It was more a general observation that git sometimes gets used for stuff for which better alternatives already exist.
Any updates, JosiahJack?

BTW, please don't think that we're looking forward to your version any the less since we discovered about the new commercial remake. I'm still really excited to play it, and I don't doubt the other SS fanatics feel the same!
Acknowledged by 6 members: ThiefsieFool, RocketMan, Hikari, K-Bone, JosiahJack, Gawain


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
 I'm kicking this back up because reasons.
Acknowledged by: JosiahJack


Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF


Well...it might be a while before I have time to post a video.  So a text update will do.

Inventory: Pick-up, drop, and select functional for patches, grenades, and weapons.  Double click written but use functions not yet created (e.g. medipatch apply or weapon select+mfd tab change).

Levels: Lighting complete for 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Partial for R, 5, 6, 8, 9.  Doors partial here and there--need to make 3d models for 4 or 5 types.  Static objects partial.  Placing dynamic objects only one or two.

Static Objects: Gratings done, energy charge station done (meh could use some enhancement), medical bed done, cabinet done, chair type pyramidal base done, science shelves done, console box type done, console trapezoid stand type done, animated screens partial (note, able to customize each frame for each screen), viewing screens of other areas functional but only partially done, elevator linking partially done.

Dynamic Objects: Patches and grenade prefabs done.  Generic items partially done such as paper wad, warecasing, beaker, etc.

Switches/Puzzles: Generic switch done, Keycode keypad done, Elevator keypad done (Note: Elevators work by enabling the next level's container gameobject,  teleporting the player from one level to another, then disabling the previous level's container object and this works currently).

Enemies: Invisible mutant somewhat functional, 3d models created for about 8 more thanks to bastardrodent's great work (images on github under each model's issue).  LOTS of work required in this area.

Alpha,Beta,Final Release Plan:  Alpha releases 0.10, 0.20, etc. to be done as soon as elevators are all linked, then all doors added, then at other stages as I feel make sense.  Beta release 1.00 when all enemies are functional.  Subsequent betas 1.10, 1.20, etc. to be released as details are completed and other enhancements.

There yall go.  Lots of progress!
Acknowledged by 6 members: Colonel SFF, Marvin, unn_atropos, voodoo47, Join usss!, Learonys
Have you considered using UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager instead of enabling and disabling root GameObjects?

How you are serializing stuff (for save and load)?


For the sake of simplified object persistance and the hope of better performance when saving or loading the game, rather than serializing every object using the built-in serialization and having separate scenes for each level, I chose to have the main scene contain every level.  Also, I am serializing only the dynamic objects and states of doors and switches.  At game load, the objects need only the integer reference id, vector location, and vector rotation.  This minimizes save game file size and file saving time.  Each reference will correspond to an item in the item pool in which all dynamic objects belong.  At load, each object will be referrnced by its index then its location and rotation will be applied.  Any states will be applied as well.  Since each object uses a prefab, this simplifies this process.  The object pooling also el8minates the Instantiation and Destroying of objects which avoids the Unity GarbageCollector.  The GarbageCollector is of course evil because when it cleans up unused memory it can affect performance and happens at random.  This setup provides the best way imo to serialize everything without actually serializing it.  The drawback is that everytjing is allocated at start so the memory footprint is constant yet larger.  Most people have a few gig extra memory and since all game assets aren't breaking 3gb yet I consider this a low cost for high performance.


Rereading that, I didn't make it clear that I'm going to be using a custom serialization and loading to serialize just the data I need.  Also all objects are already in the scene, loading just moves them around to where they were located at game save and sets their states.
Briliant! Thanks for the update, it's making me look forward to it even more.
Acknowledged by: JosiahJack


Screenshots and videos require I take the precious little time I have away from getting stuff done towards a release.  I would rather get to the point of releasing a very early alpha to test the waters for feedback on obvious bugs I've been living with and to know if it runs slow on certain setups.  Plus then I will be at the result level (well more so than anyone actually) of TSSHP.


PrtSc -->Open  Paint-->Ctrl+V-->Save-->Systemshock.org-->Reply-->Browse Attachment



Exactly. Only takes 60 seconds, if that.


Or you could get 2 birds stoned at once and crank one out while on the toilet (a screenshot that is).  Now that's the smell of PROGRESS!
I hope you were really wearing a fly while posting that. Because if you didn't you're just a filthy filthy man.

With the fly it's cool tho.


...something about a fly...

This is one of those moments where I have absolutely no clue what's going on.

...and apparently chose the wrong random google image.
Ah crap, false translation. Replace "fly" with bow tie. That makes everything classic.


Phew... crisis averted.

Wait.  You use a translator?  Your english is too good for that I thought.
The German word for "bow tie" is "Fliege" which is the literal translation of "fly". I guess it's called "Fliege" because it's appearance kinda resembles a flying insect.
Acknowledged by: Kolya

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