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Topic: SCP Issue Reporting
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i'm not 100% positive about this, as i played ss2 a long ago, but as if autosaves - e.g. entering into a new area - overrided quicksaves, thus quickloading would put you in the start of the new area - if entered ofc. can anything be done about this?


ss2tool, steam build and GOG build will set the quicksave slot to save_13, so quicksaves and autosaves will not overwrite each another.
ss2tool, steam build and GOG build will set the quicksave slot to save_13, so quicksaves and autosaves will not overwrite each another.


Uh, yes, you have indeed copied the post directly above yours.

67cfc4da18225System Shocked

Wanted to get this in SCP Beta 2, since it may be a map bug, like another one I recently reported, concerning stuck enemies.

Shotgun hybrid got stuck, in a running motion, at railing's end http://i.imgur.com/vwKWcuw.jpg and closer http://i.imgur.com/7MRBqsN.jpg. He eventually got free, but not until I was nearer, and after he took a couple of shots at me http://i.imgur.com/4x0wEnl.jpg. We played tag for a while, and he then got stuck at the railing's other end http://i.imgur.com/RTeirsU.jpg. He circled back and forth between the railing and wall at the top of the ramp's landing, trying to reset his AI routine, I assume.
« Last Edit: 18. March 2015, 22:00:25 by System Shocked »

67cfc4da1843eYankee Clipper

Here's another game bug: there is a pipe hybrid on medsci1 who is guaranteed to drop an organ. But, he still has his 5% chance of dropping an organ as loot, so sometimes he will drop 2 of them. The genetic freak is object 596.

This bug is in the vanilla game and is thus far unchanged in the SCP.


thought I've fixed that - guess not. loot list will be modified accordingly.

67cfc4da18820System Shocked


this is something random - a save would be helpful.

Sorry, but I erased all previous saves and started a new game, searching solely for new graphical related issues.
« Last Edit: 26. March 2015, 23:46:29 by System Shocked »

67cfc4da1897eSystem Shocked

A simple issue - maybe you found this already or I previously reported it. I think I suggested that it be raised up, in one of my feedbacks, not realizing at the time that it was actually floating. In any event, I didn't want this left unfixed for SCP Beta 2.

Light in corridor leading to Dr. Watts's location  http://i.imgur.com/9x677F1.jpg  is floating  http://i.imgur.com/ucU13WU.jpg

« Last Edit: 21. April 2015, 08:27:01 by System Shocked »

67cfc4da18a8cSystem Shocked

While I'm at it, here's another, newly discovered, light issue:

As a result of the angled ceiling, one of the light's mounting rods doesn't contact the ceiling  http://i.imgur.com/KdYbOGp.jpg

Thanx again.


Thanx again.
If you really want to express gratitude, you can start by spelling "thanks" correctly.

67cfc4da190ceSystem Shocked

If you really want to express gratitude, you can start by spelling "thanks" correctly.

No need to because deep down inside you know that I'm really thanxful for all your efforts ! :thumb:


67cfc4da19210System Shocked

Here's a not so obvious, somewhat noticeable issue in Engineering's fluidic tunnels. Wanted to report while I was upon it:

Textures in ALL recessed areas are aligned like so http://i.imgur.com/K2nvpz1.jpg except here http://i.imgur.com/8yl247w.jpg


67cfc4da193dfSystem Shocked

1. This should hopefully be the last crate in Cargo Bays 1 and 2 that has a texture issue - In Cargo Bay 2A on the third level:
Texture on left side of this large crate   http://i.imgur.com/3XhlPRh.jpg   is incorrect   http://i.imgur.com/b2mvI5O.jpg

2. In this large Shuttle Bay   http://i.imgur.com/Yu4X2vp.jpg
a) This railing   http://i.imgur.com/sxtXI7h.jpg   doesn't contact the wall   http://i.imgur.com/aCba18L.jpg
b) Use this detailed texture http://i.imgur.com/NBJk7KE.jpg across opening of adjacent room http://i.imgur.com/mf42bhh.jpg

Thanks once more.
« Last Edit: 22. April 2015, 10:27:39 by System Shocked »
2 b.
That's a drainage for fluids. It probably isn't needed on the opposite side.
That corner is probably meant as something like a storage room/compartment for flameable fluids, so it is wise to have something to keep potential dripping fluids to enter the cargo area.

67cfc4da1998eSystem Shocked

2 b.
That's a drainage for fluids. It probably isn't needed on the opposite side.
That corner is probably meant as something like a storage room/compartment for flameable fluids, so it is wise to have something to keep potential dripping fluids to enter the cargo area.

I don't think you'd want fluids entering either of the rooms, especially the sunken one with the recharge station and other electronics in it.  Electricity + Fluids = BAD.  :)
« Last Edit: 27. April 2015, 12:10:12 by System Shocked »
So why don't we make a whole spaceship which is just one gigantic drain?

Obviously you only place something like that at places where you expect fluids. Or do you have a drain in your living room in case you spill your drink?


so much insanity everywhere today. wondering whether I should join in.

67cfc4da1a125System Shocked

so much insanity everywhere today. wondering whether I should join in.

Please do . . . pull up a chair and let me pour you a drink . . . but please, try not to SPEEL it . . . what'll ya have?
« Last Edit: 22. April 2015, 23:37:18 by System Shocked »

67cfc4da1a33fSystem Shocked

Still within the confines of the large shuttle bay http://i.imgur.com/jY9YBIS.jpg
1. For a more polished look/consistency, add warning stripes to the sides of the grav pad's recessed niche http://i.imgur.com/dXc7qxB.jpg to liken the one in the shuttle control room http://i.imgur.com/k7u5Mvs.jpg
2. Rotate this grav pad's floor texture 90° counterclockwise http://i.imgur.com/MIbj40i.jpg to match the orientation (looks better) of the grav pad in the shuttle control room http://i.imgur.com/k7u5Mvs.jpg and the 2 shuttle bay grav tubes.
3. Snug these lights up against the ceiling to avoid/minimize contact with shuttles coming/going http://i.imgur.com/F89rByH.jpg. For a better design and aesthetics, outfit all shuttle bays with flush-mount 4-tube fluorescent panels. Although these drop-down lights are suitable for other parts of the ships, they're really unsuitable for shuttle and cargo bays.

Consider adopting the grav pad parameters outlined in items 1 and 2, for the several other same-type ones in the game.

Thanks Devs.
« Last Edit: 23. April 2015, 03:00:27 by System Shocked »
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