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Topic: SCP Issue Reporting
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67b515323c3d8System Shocked

1. In Med/Sci, for the raised floor here http://i.imgur.com/PD9EVJr.jpg align side texture with top texture http://i.imgur.com/QNuKxGG.jpg and other 3 sides of raised floor have different textures http://i.imgur.com/GsVrBqL.jpg
2. Change this wall texture http://i.imgur.com/qxKRNmu.jpg to match the opposite wall http://i.imgur.com/bByitQ3.jpg
3. The ceiling texture here http://i.imgur.com/DrEpzDX.jpg has a seam/spacing problem http://i.imgur.com/W4Pmh8w.jpg
4. In the morgue http://i.imgur.com/gIIIisg.jpg add warning stripes to ladder niche's 4 sides and change rear texture to better match/align with the wall http://i.imgur.com/4LKG7Wy.jpg
5. In the 2-level refrigerated area (in Hydroponics) add non-existent (???) control/function switches (defective ones) to this supposed platform elevator - upper level http://i.imgur.com/S0pRLUY.jpg and lower level http://i.imgur.com/ViXQ7EJ.jpg

More thanks.
« Last Edit: 23. April 2015, 11:14:04 by System Shocked »

67b515323c762System Shocked

Still diggin' and sniffin' around in Hydroponics  .  .  .  .  .

1. This corridor has a few issues http://i.imgur.com/ytgE4Cv.jpg
a) Several angled top textures on these 4 cabinets(?) don't match http://i.imgur.com/3aoP85w.jpg
- First pair - the front side http://i.imgur.com/Gjb6Xo7.jpg and the backside http://i.imgur.com/6TREqJK.jpg
- Second pair - the front side http://i.imgur.com/75Ym0T1.jpg and the backside http://i.imgur.com/lqxRblp.jpg
b) Add warning stripes to this ramp http://i.imgur.com/SIBCwTz.jpg like this other one nearby http://i.imgur.com/fl9dY39.jpg and these tiny ones around the corner http://i.imgur.com/c0vJgi6.jpg
2. In this room http://i.imgur.com/pNHNO0D.jpg
a) The right window has a deeper tint - maybe engine-related? http://i.imgur.com/IsUgkYU.jpg
b) Reposition these 2 lights above the angled wall and correct their clipping into the wall http://i.imgur.com/G13E58f.jpg
3. As here http://i.imgur.com/DakEgQc.jpg add warning stripe, so Goggles won't stub his toe http://i.imgur.com/HgGings.jpg
4. At this location http://i.imgur.com/HYUQdTr.jpg
a) Match the textures on the lower part of this display stand????? http://i.imgur.com/dsNwNt3.jpg
b) If doable, yank this severely sunken value rep out of the wall - there's plenty of space for it http://i.imgur.com/RdIfCiB.jpg
5. Can this blackened texture be fixed, or is this engine-related? http://i.imgur.com/oXggBh8.jpg

Even more thanks.
« Last Edit: 23. April 2015, 12:16:47 by System Shocked »

67b515323c9b5System Shocked

Now whistlin' an  walkin' in Hydroponics  .  .  .  .  .

In this room http://i.imgur.com/MmIyiHd.jpg
a) Extend texture to connected wall http://i.imgur.com/oTY7rRx.jpg like the one in next room http://i.imgur.com/VFOK3zo.jpg
b) For a better matching/refined appearance, continue texture around ends of support braces http://i.imgur.com/Qx1Gons.jpg and the 2 in the adjacent room http://i.imgur.com/mHcEhrT.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/8at3B3W.jpg
c) Change these door well textures http://i.imgur.com/mv9gMpf.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/4RWErai.jpg to match other 3 sides, like other doors have http://i.imgur.com/CrSmmKP.jpg
d) Lower grill texture so it doesn't overlap the perforated texture http://i.imgur.com/62uIXTh.jpg

Thankful thanks.
« Last Edit: 23. April 2015, 22:31:37 by System Shocked »

67b515323cb20System Shocked

Lighted decals on this door model http://i.imgur.com/QOZKtPi.jpg are way off of its surface http://i.imgur.com/n1KS1OQ.jpg

Please check similar double-door type model, in case they are different than the one above http://i.imgur.com/i6yWxtV.jpg

Thank you.
« Last Edit: 23. April 2015, 22:03:39 by System Shocked »

67b515323cf16Yankee Clipper

thought I've fixed that - guess not. loot list will be modified accordingly.

The rumbler on recreation has the same defect.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47

67b515323d39eSystem Shocked

Winding my way through Hydroponics  .  .  .  .  .

1. If doable, add textures to these 2 texture-less panels http://i.imgur.com/tIdFnej.jpg
2. At this location http://i.imgur.com/8PKXLmD.jpg
a) Add some nice blood splatters here, to compliment the severed arm http://i.imgur.com/Q8daSG0.jpg
b) Extend the floor texture so it's fully underneath the recharging station http://i.imgur.com/XuwE5BN.jpg
3. In this corridor http://i.imgur.com/TmliGrl.jpg
a) Use a better quality texture here http://i.imgur.com/coVUAJ8.jpg and also on the one at other end of corridor.
b) For more dispersed lighting, center light on ceiling http://i.imgur.com/OQmWbSz.jpg and the light at corridor's other end.
c)  For a more refined look, use the bubbilicious texture on the raised platform http://i.imgur.com/txbqyco.jpg
4. For this corridor http://i.imgur.com/UsMG4yL.jpg
a) For more dispersed lighting, center light on ceiling http://i.imgur.com/BSUfUNT.jpg and the light at corridor's other end.
b) For a finer look, use bubbilicious texture on platform http://i.imgur.com/Y8y1bmu.jpg and the one at corridor's other end.
5. This room has 2 misaligned textures. Fixing one texture may automatically fix the other http://i.imgur.com/6nzP3bu.jpg
a) Textures are misaligned http://i.imgur.com/Ok0uIlm.jpg. ALL other rooms look like this http://i.imgur.com/vJ8JQoS.jpg
b) Textures are misaligned http://i.imgur.com/jmr7r8t.jpg. ALL other rooms look like this http://i.imgur.com/SD3cBM9.jpg
6. Design wise, add 2 defective lights in corridor http://i.imgur.com/on8I9FF.jpg and this one http://i.imgur.com/jWEYd6o.jpg
7. At this location http://i.imgur.com/ZOTOC8d.jpg
a) Safety design wise, little can be done with the lights, but raise computer unit so it's safely above pool's max water height http://i.imgur.com/oNE9M6u.jpg. To improve design/immersion, give pools overflow drain(s) http://i.imgur.com/007NAAe.jpg
b) Raise/center shower fixture so its head is above pool's max water height, in case of a flood http://i.imgur.com/qB3IsEF.jpg

Mucho thanks.
« Last Edit: 25. April 2015, 08:30:40 by System Shocked »

67b515323d644System Shocked

1. In lower area where ACR4 is located, move 2 lights to where they would do more good - what are they illuminating way up there? If it's for mood lighting, it's pretty much wasted http://i.imgur.com/Cz2hhTN.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/2cTXgB8.jpg
NOTE: These 2 are actually the only visible light fixtures (plus 1 flashing red light) in the entire vast area which, design wise, doesn't make any sense. Consider adding a few more working lights and several defective ones, provided level is unstripped.
2. Back in Sector B, move light, for better symmetry and illumination coverage/dispersion http://i.imgur.com/TKg3lpQ.jpg
3. Here http://i.imgur.com/Rjw2FXn.jpg remove odd green texture from cabinet's underside http://i.imgur.com/IQy05pN.jpg

At beginning of Operations B level
4. Ceiling textures are wonky/misaligned along this seam here http://i.imgur.com/zZRvzZz.jpg
5. Just beyond the door http://i.imgur.com/0DeZIZR.jpg is a lost n' lonely texture fragment http://i.imgur.com/P64HYQl.jpg

Again, many thanks.
« Last Edit: 24. April 2015, 22:22:02 by System Shocked »

67b515323dab4System Shocked

Continuing on in Operations level

1. In this chemical storeroom http://i.imgur.com/QhwpVSi.jpg match ramp's side texture to the wall http://i.imgur.com/AJGr1Mn.jpg like the opposite side http://i.imgur.com/S2qp314.jpg
2. In this room http://i.imgur.com/ggCrhm5.jpg trim this grill texture http://i.imgur.com/D6xzR02.jpg so it matches the opposite side http://i.imgur.com/u3OVrYR.jpg
3. For a more polished/uniform appearance, extend ceiling texture over the sim unit http://i.imgur.com/N8HSTL1.jpg
4. Would make sense to position computer console away from possible volatile pipes http://i.imgur.com/zDfGOVV.jpg
5. There are 4 instances of misaligned textures in area outside Mess Hall. First one http://i.imgur.com/0SOYUgP.jpg second one http://i.imgur.com/xDMH2dj.jpg third one http://i.imgur.com/9LpyqpY.jpg fourth one http://i.imgur.com/7kE1qqR.jpg
6. Don't know if this is within Dev team's capabilities - left gauge's position is at model's edge http://i.imgur.com/itx7uEO.jpg
7. Here http://i.imgur.com/fplIEjv.jpg at both ends of piping, maintain the same texture http://i.imgur.com/63DpTb3.jpg
8. The ceiling textures here are in need of alignment http://i.imgur.com/WcO1xUG.jpg
9. In this area http://i.imgur.com/aZpU4yu.jpg the conduits/tubing texture ends abruptly and looks odd. Using the adjacent wall texture would look far better and believable http://i.imgur.com/6o8FNvH.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/OLiTGxa.jpg
10. In the alcove http://i.imgur.com/vL8sZ4o.jpg change some perforated textures to solid http://i.imgur.com/ba18QUO.jpg
11. A couple of texture alignment issues exist here http://i.imgur.com/G4Bue4u.jpg
a) There are 2 instances where ceiling textures are misaligned http://i.imgur.com/GWhQezC.jpg
b) Floor textures aren't aligned along here http://i.imgur.com/2eSsWuB.jpg
12. In this upper area http://i.imgur.com/HFWhXqh.jpg upgrade unit set too deep into wall http://i.imgur.com/uqS0NwY.jpg

As usual, my many thanks.
« Last Edit: 25. April 2015, 09:41:07 by System Shocked »

67b515323de79System Shocked

Still Rummaging About In Operations

1. In keeping with the 3 other Mess Hall ramps, extend the tile-type texture onto these http://i.imgur.com/45ZVPNC.jpg
2. Wrap the wall-type texture around the corner to mimic all the other ramps http://i.imgur.com/4T2C3Ne.jpg
3. Just past the doors to the washrooms, floor textures need fixing http://i.imgur.com/hZBbr2q.jpg
4. In the Mess Hall washrooms, the tops of some of the dividing walls have incorrect textures :
a) Mens - Dividing wall between toilets http://i.imgur.com/5U294z8.jpg
b) Ladies - Dividing wall for sinks http://i.imgur.com/mMFNOwx.jpg - this is Mens version http://i.imgur.com/9vs99GQ.jpg
5. For more uniformity, use tile-type texture for ceiling above recharging station http://i.imgur.com/PyahvUR.jpg
6. This freezer in the supplies cold storage area has a couple of issues http://i.imgur.com/Nnz14SI.jpg
a) The freezer's ceiling has misaligned textures http://i.imgur.com/2ZQa4Xf.jpg
b) There is this odd grey triangle texture here http://i.imgur.com/ADLQivW.jpg
7. Ceiling textures are misaligned here http://i.imgur.com/nhnJHYn.jpg and further ahead http://i.imgur.com/ityfkZ4.jpg
8. These doors close onto the player http://i.imgur.com/F4YHtmm.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/3TSTkAb.jpg
9. This security room has a couple of issues http://i.imgur.com/PtWwM5X.jpg
a) Trim textures around window look wrong http://i.imgur.com/AdBCYvt.jpg
b) Wall textures are badly out of alignment http://i.imgur.com/6JVtOxF.jpg
10. In lower area where security cells are, textures differ between identical objects http://i.imgur.com/40eKGLG.jpg
11) Textures for security cell's overhead chute are out of alignment http://i.imgur.com/wd9UEZg.jpg
12. This flashing red light is sunk too deep into the wall http://i.imgur.com/YVUZpHz.jpg

Mille grazie.
« Last Edit: 26. April 2015, 04:42:35 by System Shocked »

67b515323e384System Shocked

Trippin' & Stumblin' Through Operations

1. Add splashes of blood in support of this severed arm http://i.imgur.com/hjyubYo.jpg
2. This spider's legs are moving feverishly, but it can't navigate past wall's corner http://i.imgur.com/jXpQDY5.jpg
3. Ceiling texture at ramp's base just ain't right http://i.imgur.com/z8Ura37.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/bkqMnTX.jpg
4. Not a single light (stripped level?) yet shooting range is illuminated. Maybe some recessed lights can be added in future. :D
5. There are 4 problems in this short corridor http://i.imgur.com/4ceXkCG.jpg
a) Change this texture so that it matches the ceiling, or to one that fits better http://i.imgur.com/AC1tPEa.jpg
b) Can better texture be used http://i.imgur.com/ev3dTnH.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/40RaMoT.jpg - notice they differ.
c) This part of the wall texture is washed out http://i.imgur.com/XzEKkG8.jpg
d) There's a gap in the walls in this corner http://i.imgur.com/XVNCH2w.jpg
6. There's a corner here with a gap http://i.imgur.com/RI3jpRp.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/RMsWDgC.jpg
7. There's a corner here with a gap http://i.imgur.com/4FW9NQ8.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/gc5GKW1.jpg
8. This wall has an additional texture, that none of the other walls in the vicinity have http://i.imgur.com/7Wwls7S.jpg
9. Reposition this conduit so that it matches the adjacent one http://i.imgur.com/9wdrbE6.jpg
10. For 2 ladders http://i.imgur.com/7rl2uVD.jpg shift textures to maintain full continuity http://i.imgur.com/Qa2Wk3B.jpg
11. Hopefully in future, these 2 textures can be matched http://i.imgur.com/YlChlZx.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/Du9dzJG.jpg
12. This computer console model has a numbering issue and floaty decals http://i.imgur.com/qtISeHH.jpg
13. Section of railing that's fallen doesn't reflect dimensions of railing that's missing http://i.imgur.com/b9SD6q2.jpg
14. System Ops area has 2 of these structures http://i.imgur.com/6Miz7uD.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/nVZ7QTQ.jpg. The one with a corpse in the room has the following issues :
a) Extend floor texture under structure http://i.imgur.com/Qg7q9Vl.jpg - Other structure http://i.imgur.com/baDW918.jpg
b) Upper side textures don't match structure http://i.imgur.com/UF5BaG6.jpg - Other structure http://i.imgur.com/kJlYikZ.jpg
c) Lights on structure without corpse in room, float http://i.imgur.com/c88NWc0.jpg - Please check other structure's lights.

That's it for the Operations Deck! I'm enroute to the Recreation Deck.

ynaM, ynam sknaht!
« Last Edit: 26. April 2015, 12:01:20 by System Shocked »

67b515323e51bSystem Shocked

@ voodoo47

I started playing the Recreation Deck and came across some obvious issues that, by now, should have been fixed. Thinking that there was a problem in my game setup, I started a new game. Here http://i.imgur.com/rg7pFeC.jpg I found that the back of the hanging computer console has no rear textures??? http://i.imgur.com/Uzx8alD.jpg

Just to confirm that my setup is okay, are you seeing this in your game or the editor? Maybe I already reported this and can't recall. If not, how the hell has this gone unnoticed for so long !  :stroke:
« Last Edit: 27. April 2015, 03:25:32 by System Shocked »


an object problem, something for Olfred to fix.
Acknowledged by: Kolya

67b515323ea5fSystem Shocked

an object problem, something for Olfred to fix.

:happyjoy:  Another one down, and just 1,279 more to go.  :stroke:
just to get this straight: you guys really intend to fix all the misaligned textures and the likes? you might as well just give the whole game a remake on the dark mod's engine or unreal4 with polished shooting mechanics, hipoly models and all.


if it really poses a problem, and can be fixed, then yeah, it will get fixed eventually.

as for remaking - you are underestimating just how big of a project that would be. hammering on something that already exists is one thing, but recreating something from scratch is on a completely different level. that's why community remakes and similar only rarely get completed and released - check T2x, and see how many people have worked on it, and how many years it took.
i'm not underestimating anything. my point is that given your future plans (e.g. scp 2-3) you already dedicated yourselves to SS2 and  your efforts might be just enough to reach a higher end on the long run. besides, dark engine requires quite a specific knowledge (face it, it's archaic), meaining from now on you're most likely stuck at a fixed number of devs. if you went the unreal4 way (which gains pop by the sec), start a kickstarter with a trailer feat. medsci recreated for instance, i don't see why you couldn't raise a team of designers, artists, coders to rethink this game. even Levine himself might back it up in one way or another. i think it's worth consideration.


Acknowledged by: System Shocked
funny. the dark mod guys managed to fork idtech4 and build their thief remake on it. i don't get why it wouldn't work with ss2. codingwise ss2 isn't a terribly hard game to make imho. progression is rather linear, not much randomization going on, aside from stats, which calculated math-light, player-customization is basically nonexistent, ai either attacks on sight or just wanders around, etc


yeeah now I'm pretty sure you have very little idea about all these things.
well i'm more into mapping/modding for quake/hl stuff with a fair coding background in c++. if that counts.


funny. the dark mod guys managed to fork idtech4 and build their thief remake on it. i don't get why it wouldn't work with ss2.
First, the Dark Mod isn't a remake of Thief, it's a spiritual knockoff. We have no interest in making a Shock-"like" game. But years ago, some people did have an interest in that. It was called Sapphire Scar, and it crashed and burned for the reason such projects normally do-- the enormous challenge of keeping a team of volunteers focused and committed for the years it takes to actually complete.

Second, any effort to straight remake SS2 in another engine would be immediately shut down by Electronic Arts. The aforementioned Sapphire Scar project actually began as an SS2 remake, until they got a nasty cease-and-desist letter. This is why the Dark Mod can be no more than an homage to Thief.

Third, the history of SS2 is littered with failed attempts to remake the game in newer engines. Without exception, they never get further than partial remakes of the Med/Sci level. That's because making levels in modern engines is a lot more work than in older lo-fi engines like Dark, and coding all the game, interface, audio, and AI systems (especially the AI) is even more work than that. The Dark engine may be weak in the visual department, but in most other respects it's remarkably advanced, even by modern standards. Definitely not something that a weekend coder could replicate in his spare time.

Just look at the Black Mesa project. They took eight years to put together something publicly releasable, and that was with Valve's official blessing, a massive team (~40 volunteers), and an engine that already had 90% of the gameplay elements they needed. An SS2 remake, on the other hand, would have to be done in secret to avoid C&Ds, would have to implement vast swathes of functionality from scratch, and would have a much smaller fanbase to recruit volunteers from. Black Mesa had over a dozen modelers. We can barely hold onto two (and they're much-appreciated!).

So that's why your suggestion is hopelessly naive. The approach we've taken to SCP is tailored to the resources we have available, and it's worked for us-- we've released a product in a reasonable timeframe that people seem to enjoy.
Acknowledged by: Kolya
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