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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 3
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assuming he is using the mod manager, he will need to place the new gamesys into his Secmod folder (/DMM/Secmod), overwriting the old one for it to actually work.
I really am at a loss for words, here. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I downloaded the new shock2.gam file that TF posted, put it in my Secmod folder in the DMM folder, and started a new game because I figured that was necessary. No change, Hybrids die in 3 hits, grubs in 1, on Easy and Impossible.

I tried putting the shock2.gam file in the root folder, the data folder, tried moving Seecmod 3 to DataPermMods... nothing. This is quite annoying, if I may say! Any advice? Should I just reinstall everything? I mean, everything else from Secmod 3 is there, the new item placements, the wire puzzle, etc. I don't understand why the enemies' HP won't change, despite downloading TF's new .gam file.
When you have moved a mod to the DMM folder, you must run Blue Mod Manager(ss2bmm.exe), and activate the mod.

I see you have a DMM folder as well as a DataPermMods folder, which suggests to me that something is wrong.
If you have NOT been using the mod manager, but instead installed mods manually (I strongly advice against this), I have a suspicion that you have not done so correctly.

If all else fails, I would suggest trying something like this:
Download the latest SS2Tool, run it, select clean installation.
Download secmod, and unpack to the DMM folder.
Activate secmod trough Blue Mod Manager(ss2bmm.exe).

I think SS2Tool will back up all your old data, should you need it.
Prior to today, there was nothing in my DataPermMods folder... I just moved the Secmod stuff there as a last resort.

All my mods are listed as active in the Blue Mod Manager. Evidently they work, since I have all the reskins, texture stuff, the new additions to Secmod 3 are there... it's just that the enemy HP seems messed up. As I said, even with downloading TF's new shock2.gam file, they have the same HP on every difficulty, which doesn't make sense.

Also, when I started BMM, I saw a message from it that said something along the lines of removing DataTempMods and DataPermMods, but the folders are still there. This is so aggravating!
I just tested it myself. The number of hits seems to be as you wanted, but obviously depends on your standard weapon skill.

Tested with Secmod 3.12 + provided shock2.GAM
No other mods loaded, started new game obviously.

Impossible, OSA, 2 STR, 0 Standard - Grub 2 hits, Hybrid 4 hits.
Impossible Navy, 2 STR, 3 Standard - Grub 1 hit, Hybrid 3 Hits.

It could be that your mod is working correctly, but your testing environment(player stats) are not as you remember them?
Typically, I go Impossible > Navy > +1 Hacking & Strength > +2 Standard Weapons > +2 Agility/Endurance.

On Secmod 2.8, with those stats above and on Impossible, from the get-go Grubs go down with 2 hits, Hybrids with 4.

Secmod 3, same stats & difficulty, Hybrids 3 hits, Grubs 1 hit. What I would like is if the enemy HP or whatever is causing them to die quicker was the same as in Secmod 2.8, if that makes sense. I'm obviously not at all familiar with SS2 modding or I would test it myself, so I came to ask TF to check it out. I'm hoping that a version can be made where the enemies are as resilient in Secmod 3 as in Secmod 2.8.

Other than that, yeah, seems we have the same outcome, Fred. Thanks for testing!

What would it take for the enemies to have the same HP as in Secmod 2.8? Or is the HP even a factor? Did the Standard Weapons skill or Strength get a boost or something in Secmod 3?

All I know is that when I tested Secmod 2.8 to compare to 3, 2.8 was harder. And when enemies in Secmod 3 go down in the same amount of hits on Impossible as Easy, that tells me something isn't right.

66f88f668d3acNameless Voice

Are you sure you placed the gamesys in the same folder as the one from SecMod, replacing it?
Yes. I placed it in the Secmod folder in my DMM folder and replaced it. It's baffling.


I've double checked and everything looks the same, same base hp of 16 for the pipe hybrid and difficulty hp multiplier of 1.6 for Impossible, wrench is the same too.
So, I have no idea and can only assume it's something to do with different character builds since with low enough stats it takes 4 hits to wrench a pipe hybrid.
Could you look at the stats for Secmod 2.8? Because like I said, with the same build on Secmod 2.8 and 3, there's a difficulty difference, and Easy and Impossible offer the same enemy HP. It doesn't make sense, does it?
Couldn't find a way to edit, so sorry for the double post. I realize I'm asking for a lot, and I apologize... it's just Secmod 3 is so good and I don't want to have to go back and use 2.8, as good as that was as well.


you need to register to be able to edit your posts.
Ah, I see... well, I may do that. Do you have any ideas, voodoo? Like, why does enemy HP remain the same on Easy and Impossible?


well, the answer is quite obvious - because it's set up like that somewhere. no idea where though.

try using the 2.8 gamesys just to see whether something changes.
Wouldn't that change it into Secmod 2.8 and invalidate everything that Secmod 3 offers?


it would confirm that the problem is gamesys based.
it would confirm that the problem is gamesys based.
Good call! I used the gamesys file from Secmod 2.8 and the enemies had the HP that I remember on Impossible, so evidently it's something with Secmod 3.

But if TF says everything looks okay, I dunno. I would compare the two's HP and stats, but what do I know.


Okay I figured it out, the wrench does no extra damage from increasing the Standard weapons skill in 2.8, so the damage  it has is lower than it should be and it takes 4 hits to kill hybrids even with a Standard skill of 3. Thus the higher wrench damage is a bug fix and I don't want to mess with it or change the global HP increase to be higher for Impossible, so have a gamesys with extra hybrid base HP:
« Last Edit: 22. June 2015, 20:29:54 by ThiefsieFool »
Wouldn't the wrench bug fix also affect the HP of all enemies? Wouldn't all the enemies need a higher base HP?

Regardless, you rock!

I don't suppose you could do a global HP increase for me? :D


You're gonna feel it late game, but why not
[shock2.gam expired]
« Last Edit: 09. July 2015, 10:02:22 by Kolya »

I've been fiddling with this fucking game for about an hour or so...

I downloaded your new gamesys file, TF, and when I did it got rid of all my sound! So I've reinstalled about 3 or 4 times, re-activating my mods in BMM, and although the new HP works, when I download the gamesys you posted, it gets rid of my sound. How that makes sense, I don't know. I put the gamesys in my Secmod folder (even though there's one in my root folder, somehow, as well).

What do I do?


-download the gamesys TF posted today
-put it in my DMM > Secmod 3 folder, overwrite the shock2.gam file there
-my sound (footsteps, combat sounds, etc.) go away
-sound works when I either don't use Secmod 3 or use a different gamesys

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