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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 3
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:cthulhu: I saw someone use a scramble grenade on  a replicator and cyber modules became available. However buying them didn't actually spawn the CMs for the player to pickup.
Updated, all bugs we talked about so far should be fixed


 :cthulhu: The feedback loop bug (where solving the wire puzzle doesn't open the doors) can still be an issue but doesn't consistently fail.
Updated, all bugs we talked about so far should be fixed
Awesome, thank you.
So, as I understand it, each weapon can take three mods. Is there a way to remove a mod from a weapon once it's on there, in case you later unlock a more preferable mod?

Also, does the fire rate mod for the Laser Pistol also reduce the Overcharge Shot cooldown time? Don't much care for rapid fire laser pistol, but having to duck behind cover for less time before the next shot would be handy.

P.S. As a side note, let me say that putting the Laser Pistol in the game before you get to engineering is the most wonderful thing ever done. I'm rating this mod a 10 out of 10 just for giving me that thing before you get to the cargo bays.
« Last Edit: 18. October 2016, 04:48:50 by Sines »


So, as I understand it, each weapon can take three mods. Is there a way to remove a mod from a weapon once it's on there, in case you later unlock a more preferable mod?

Also, does the fire rate mod for the Laser Pistol also reduce the Overcharge Shot cooldown time? Don't much care for rapid fire laser pistol, but having to duck behind cover for less time before the next shot would be handy.

P.S. As a side note, let me say that putting the Laser Pistol in the game before you get to engineering is the most wonderful thing ever done. I'm rating this mod a 10 out of 10 just for giving me that thing before you get to the cargo bays.

1. Nope, you'll have to use a savegame to experiment with mods, this saves you from wasting nanites also.
2. I believe it does, if not the rapidfire is still very useful as you can reach very high fire rates if you add the burst fire mod.
3. No problem, you certainly need it in this mod, besides if you like energy weapons just wait til you find the Plasma Uzi.

66f970be12a5cNameless Voice

I'm still confused as to why you wouldn't just start with the laser pistol (through the Marine path in character creation) if you really want one?
I did start with the Marines Laser Pistol in this run. However, there are a couple of cases where that isn't ideal in the base game.

First, playing on a higher difficulty requires really scrimping on cyber modules. And the OSA path gives you 25% more cyber modules than the Marine path. So, if you were planning on using Psi at all, you'd be better off starting there. Further, if you intended to avoid using Standard weapons because of how OP they are in the base game, then you semi-waste the free Marine point in Standard, meaning you've now got 36 modules to the OSA 60, for Normal difficulty (and even more so on higher difficulties). Granted, it's not a complete waste, as that 1 point allows you to use the pistol and bullets, and do a bit more wrench damage, but it becomes more or less obsolete once you get weapons better than the pistol and wrench.

It's a bit more OCD on my part, but I also find that the start of an unmodded SS2 playthrough feels very much the same regardless of your choices. Cryoblast, Pistol, Shotgun and Wrench for the first 20% of the game. If you want to do anything else, then you have no choice but to go for the Marine extra weapon paths, which restricts your ability to do other things, and gives you less overall cyber modules.

It's not a terrible restriction or anything. I do love the unmodded game, but while it's not a huge problem, it's been enough of a niggling nuisance. Especially on Impossible difficulty, where the wasted cyber modules hurts really bad, and I have to make the choice to go through Engineering with only Cryoblast, or waste 21 Modules (and another 21 if I started as a Marine instead of OSA) in Standard Weapons that I won't use after Engineering. To be fair, this kind of problem is a result of the self-imposed "Don't use Standard Weapons" restriction I put myself under, so I can't complain if the game didn't encourage it. But it's nice to have a game mod that both brings Standard Weapons down from their lofty perch, and makes it easier to avoid them anyway.
« Last Edit: 19. October 2016, 07:53:07 by Sines »
Acknowledged by: callum13117
Had to take a break for a while, but now that I've got time again, I've picked things back up.

I think I've found a bug about portable batteries. I've got two in my inventory. Using the stack to recharge an item will drop one broken battery, but use up both batteries. Splitting them into two stacks and using them independently will cause neither one to drop a broken battery.

I'm guessing I'm supposed to get a broken battery for each one used, correct? Or is it just luck and I happen to be rolling oddly. Even then, shouldn't use up two batteries at once while they're stacked together. Since I want to use energy weapons heavily, and invest into repair for turrets, I'd love to see this functioning properly so I can spam my energy weapons without having to take Electron Cascade.

A few other comments, while I'm here.

Have you considered increasing the minimum difficulty for repairing turrets? It shows as 1, but in practice you're going to need 3 for it to even be possible in the early game. While I do intend to increase it later, the initial expense I paid on it isn't paying off right now, and I'll be waiting until later to increase it. Rank 3 or 4 is more realistic and gives players a proper idea of what they'll need in practice to fix a turret.

Using the Tinker talent for item crafting seems cool, but most recipes require some elements, and those are in limited supply on the ship. Especially since I don't know what I need to research now, it seems like using up the very rare Yttrium or Arsenic supply on the ship just to make some rad and toxin hypos isn't worth it. I'm not sure if enemies drop those components, but even if they do, those bits are rarer that the hypos themselves.

I do love the Chemical Grafters though, those alone make the Tinker skill worth taking. If you're going to be putting points into Modify, then you don't need the F-E devices, so getting half off modification and having something to do with the spare F-E devices is a great deal. I just wish I knew ahead of time what items I'll use enough to warrant their grafting :D
« Last Edit: 26. October 2016, 05:46:26 by Sines »
TF/NV: how do you feel about adding armor degradation? Would make repair skill and repair kits yet more useful, and all those excess armors you come across would see much more use. It would be consistent with the concept of equipped things degrading (and armor of all things should be something that degrades), and lastly it would just be more fun, in my opinion.

It shouldn't even add convolution to inventory management either, as frobbing armor while you have an empty armor slot automatically places the armor in said slot.
Will throw more ideas about from time to time.

How about a more accessible way to view object information descriptions. Using the question mark icon all the time is a pain in the ass. It would be nice if simply clicking on objects brought up their info window, but of course left click is used for drag and drop (double clicking suspends the object in drag mode without having to hold LMB, you may or may not know), and right click is use. Hovering on an object for a second or two is probably not ideal either. Shame really.

Also if you're reading my SCP feedback/reports there may be some things worth looking into, such as a movement animation for melee weapons (done via rendering location interpolation I assume, same as other weapon animations like reload).
You can use a hotkey instead of the question mark, Ctrl+Leftclick.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!

66f970be1364eNameless Voice

I certainly remember talking about degrading armour (and mêlée weapons) back in the day, though more with a new campaign in mind than in SS2 itself.

Forgetting the technical troubles for a moment, it would lead to a bunch of balance problems.  Would armour's protection degrade along with its quality (it should, really), or would it just go instantly from fully functional to fully broken?
If it did degrade, then armour would be much weaker - would armour have to be made stronger (when fully maintained) to compensate?

Also, maintaining the armour would be a new drain on resources, so players would need more maintenance tools, etc.
Acknowledged by 2 members: ThiefsieFool, Dj 127
Would armour's protection degrade along with its quality (it should, really), or would it just go instantly from fully functional to fully broken?

The latter. Same as weapons. Not least because of this:

If it did degrade, then armour would be much weaker - would armour have to be made stronger (when fully maintained) to compensate?

...and consistency with the weapon system, and because it simply will be a hassle for the player by encouraging switching out armors more frequently than the alternative.

Also, maintaining the armour would be a new drain on resources, so players would need more maintenance tools, etc.

Yes, that would be a problem. Needing more maintenance tools I don't take issue with (could always add an extra small handful to the levels, after all), but increasing the skill's worth I do, as it already is a very good skill.

I think it is a worthwhile endeavor anyhow, if implemented right.
« Last Edit: 03. November 2016, 05:19:45 by Join usss! »


New version up, some minor fixes with the main thing being that the Protocol Droid's "rage mode" speed now scales with difficulty, it's slower on Normal and much slower on Easy, it was so fast because all it did before was switch animations to the Cyborg Assassin which has a very fast walking speed.
Reminder that backtracking in the Rick/BOTM works like it did before, did that last version or so.
Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF
It's cool that you're still maintaining this. I'm up to deck 5 on my first playthrough of it, as someone who can usually breeze through vanilla on impossible, I'm finding this a real challenge. I love the new mechanics, especially enemy AI behaviour, they're kicking my arse left and right.
I kinda think the sharpshooter upgrade should be applied from the start though, the enemies are really quite tough. Coupled with their increased speed and aggression, it can already be difficult to land shots nevermind to the head, and the risk/reward of being less likely to land a shot to the head vs the potential decreased ammo consumption and simply killing them quicker fits the game perfectly.
I hate to say it, but I didn't enjoy the additional hydro level. It doesn't fit the aesthetic or atmosphere, and is pretty much just a puzzle level with close enough to zero combat.

The Protocol Droids were the bane of my existence, even though it's befitting of the difficulty I think the threshold for activating their rage mode should be a fair bit lower, instead of the first point of damage they take.


It's cool that you're still maintaining this. I'm up to deck 5 on my first playthrough of it, as someone who can usually breeze through vanilla on impossible, I'm finding this a real challenge. I love the new mechanics, especially enemy AI behaviour, they're kicking my arse left and right.
I kinda think the sharpshooter upgrade should be applied from the start though, the enemies are really quite tough. Coupled with their increased speed and aggression, it can already be difficult to land shots nevermind to the head, and the risk/reward of being less likely to land a shot to the head vs the potential decreased ammo consumption and simply killing them quicker fits the game perfectly.
I hate to say it, but I didn't enjoy the additional hydro level. It doesn't fit the aesthetic or atmosphere, and is pretty much just a puzzle level with close enough to zero combat.

The Protocol Droids were the bane of my existence, even though it's befitting of the difficulty I think the threshold for activating their rage mode should be a fair bit lower, instead of the first point of damage they take.

The mod will probably keep getting small updates, always found it fun to tweak things.
I can't really change any of that balance stuff, the droids don't have too much HP to begin with and they shouldn't have too much either, and the ammo counts have already been balanced without headshots, so something (Sharpshooter) that lets you be 75% more efficient needs a price tag.
SECMOD3.1999+SHTUP-ND_beta1 :(
[SECMOD3.1999+SHTUP-ND_beta1 — копия.jpg expired]
[SECMOD3.1999+SHTUP-ND_beta1.jpg expired]


object location problem. fixed in SCP and SS2tool dml set, but if I remember correctly, Secmod currently rejects those dmls (as they are not fully compatible). as mentioned in the past, the only way of getting rid of these would be manually transferring all the SCP fixes into Secmod, and that's not a trivial task.


If there's a list I could probably review all the DMLs if they're descriptive enough and decide which are good to go with Secmod.


they should be - all can be found in the misdml folder after you patch up with the tool. if I remember correctly, some were causing certain doors to close, halting progress permanently, and certain objects position fixes were making thing look worse as Secmod had them moved elsewhere. there's also that thing with some Secmod maps having different filenames so the dmls won't load at all.

66f970be14628Nameless Voice

Is there an easy way to get those DMLs without using SS2Tool on an install?


it's in the SS2tool dev topic, you have access I believe - look (or search for attach) misdml_27nov2016.7z
Acknowledged by: Nameless Voice


Has there been any change on the melee right-to-left swing in the latest version?

Also, grenades seem quite weak. A handgrenade was thrown at two eggs and only one was destroyed. Another did no damage to the enemies it landed next to.

 :cthulhu: Spiders can see invisible players (version 199 I believe)
« Last Edit: 17. January 2017, 23:54:59 by hemebond »


Has there been any change on the melee right-to-left swing in the latest version?

Also, grenades seem quite weak. A handgrenade was thrown at two eggs and only one was destroyed. Another did no damage to the enemies it landed next to.

 :cthulhu: Spiders can see invisible players (version 199 I believe)
It's been removed for a while.
Handgrenades should have the same radius as normal grenades.
Last one needs checking.

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