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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 3
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Sorry to ask a newbie question, but can I use Secmod 3 with the recommended mods (the ones listed 1 (Vurt's Flora Overhaul) to 9 (SCP), on page:


)? I've set up my SS2 installation as advised on that page, with those mods in the DMM folder, and the fan missions in the FMs folder, and everything works, so if I put Secmod 3 into a folder in the FMs folder (say FMS\Secmod 3) then can I play Secmod 3 that way, the same as I'd play any other fan mission?

Also, regarding the mod Repairman, I know it can't be used with Secmod (as that incorporates it's own version of it), but to use it with other mods and fan missions, do I just put it as number 14 in the Blue Mod Manager (13 is SCP_Beta 3)?

And what's the difference between the mod at:




please, and which one should I use?

Thanks for any answers.


Please tell me you don't seriously think you can smash SCP and SecMod together and expect it to work.


funnily enough, having SCP and Secmod active in the manager at the same time will most likely not produce any critical issues, as the one with higher priority will override the other one pretty much completely. should not be tried just for the sake of common sense though, if for nothing else.

anyway, I think he's asking whether he can/should play Secmod as a fan mission, and the answer to that would be yes you can, but you shouldn't - if you wish to play Secmod with mods, just use the newbie guide, and replace SCP with Secmod at the lowest position (no 13 or whatever number ends up being at the very bottom).

if you want to use Repairman with SCP, vanilla or fan missions, just load it with the manager and give it the highest priority (no 1). this will make it work for vanilla, SCP or any fan mission you start via FMselect.

also, a few Secmod tweaks can be found here, might want to have a look at that.
« Last Edit: 25. September 2017, 11:36:49 by voodoo47 »


added a non-Rebirth version of Secmod RealSG. requires a SS2 install patched with SS2tool or newer.


Hey Guys,

I play the coop-mode with a friend and as soon as we enter the engineer stage, either he or me gets stuck and cant move anymore. Is there a thread about multiplayer problems or has someone a solution to this?
Secmod does not support multiplayer. Says so in the first post.


few random bits;
Quote by medsci1.mis.dml in Secmod root:

-ObjProp 75 "Logs2"
+ObjProp 2327 "Scripts"
   "Script 0" NVRelayTrap
+ObjProp 2327 "ObjList"
"" NVRelayTrapOn="Contained"; NVRelayTrapOnDelay=100; NVRelayTrapTCount=1; NVRelayTrapTOn="TurnOn"; NVRelayTrapTDest="228";
+ObjProp 228 "Scripts"
   "Script 0" TrapEmail
+ObjProp 228 "Logs2"
   "Emails" 9
this will play the Polito "this power cell is dead" email when the player actually loots the dead power cell, instead of playing it at the place where the vanilla cell used to be in vanilla.

also, Rebirth doesn't play too well with the shard hybrid, using the new empty handed grunt_ns model (included in Rebirth) helps a little;
Quote by gamesys.dml in Secmod_RebirthPatch root:

ObjProp -4812 "ModelName"
   "" grunt_ns
but the attach would probably be better off redone via detailattachment (also using the grunt_ns model).


I'll get at least some of this stuff into the update.

Meanwhile does anyone know what could possibly make it so that loading/unloading prisms from SFG/Fusion causes the prism count to increase in Secmod? Maybe something to do with the radprism ammo I added? I used to think it was related to applying the ammo usage reduction mods since that's what someone said was causing it but apparently it's not as it can happen with unmodded weapons, I really need to get it fixed anyway.


another small bit - using lower timewarp to make creatures more aggressive/dangerous is ok, however this also speeds up their death animation, probably not that desirable. NVscript to the rescue;
Code: [Select]
NVRemovePropertyTrapOn="Slain"; NVRemovePropertyTrapProp="TimeWarp";also, a small addition to notes.str, unavoidable if things are to play well with the latest tool dml set;
Code: [Select]
Note_5_10:"Found art code: [1."
Note_5_11:"Found art code: 4."
Note_5_12:"Found art code: 6]."
Note_5_13:"Found art code: 10."
just for the record, no idea about the prisms, but very sure it's not my fault for a change.

//also this: https://youtu.be/tTkuzPPJoaU?t=45
« Last Edit: 11. December 2017, 09:14:31 by voodoo47 »


Hello to everyone
Have a couple questions about melee attack - is right to left swing removed completely? Or it's been disabled for a while? I tried different key combinations but it did no good.


Yes, melee animations are used for collision checks, and there was no easy way to make the right swing collide with enemies as well as the original swing, so it was removed.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Nameless Voice, hemebond


Anyone else having an issue with the shotgunning hybrid being the normal low poly version? So far its the only one that reverts to the low poly version with this mod installed along side Rebirth.



if you want to help, tell us why you got the mod order wrong - we are running out of ideas trying to figure out how can people get three pictures wrong.



I would pay good money to anyone who figured out a way to get Secmod's gameplay enhancements to run alongside SCP's fixes.

I have been watching a playthrough, and opening unlocked crates seems to have a really nice animation. Is that part of secmod? Might be a cool feature for SCP? Same with hybrid organs making blood splatters when dropped, etc.

There are actually a lot of nice graphical features in secmod which would be cool to have like the blood splatters when you hit enemies, but are probably too much effort to implement.

If not, maybe I should post an exhaustive list in the SCP 4 thread?
« Last Edit: 01. February 2018, 10:55:38 by sarge945 »


with sufficient Shocked knowledge, transplanting parts from one mod to another is not too difficult.

the thing is, the request makes little sense - SCP is essentially vanilla with a ton of bugfixes, an insane amount of polish, and a few enhancements. Secmod is predominately new/enhanced/reworked mechanics. so you would like to have what, Secmod that is more vanilla?

lets maybe try to ask in a different way - which parts of SCP do you miss when playing Secmod?

//ah, so you actually want the opposite - some Secmod enhancements ported to SCP. sure, make a list if you want.
« Last Edit: 01. February 2018, 12:41:39 by voodoo47 »


I should have been more clear. I was talking about 2 different things. I kinda would like both.

On one hand, some of secmods niceties could be ported to SCP and IMO would enhance the experience without changing the gameplay. Things like blood splatters, etc.

I will post some secmod stuff that is non-gameplay related in the scp thread. are suggestions allowed in the "bug reporting" thread?

On the other hand, my dream version of secmod is a version using SCP as a base. I miss the map changes from SCP, and it would be nice to have some bugfixes in the few areas secmod doesn't make changes. Ideally everything secmod doesnt touch would use the SCP changes. It's the little things -  I miss SCP every time I see a help terminal in the game, an unaligned texture, or a camera that continues to rotate after the alarms have been shut off. It would be the same but with SCP. I hope that makes sense
« Last Edit: 01. February 2018, 16:11:39 by sarge945 »


yeah, the engineering topic is meant for absolutely anything, though a completely new topic might be a better idea in this case.


I will make a new topic. I just completely rewrote my last reply, hopefully it makes sense now

66fa0078d74bfNameless Voice

The problem is that SecMod and SCP are both widely divergent.
There are just way too many changes in both of them to easily copy all of the fixes from one into the other.

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