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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 3
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Guys I'm really sorry if this has been answered but I scoured the thread and haven't found anything.

The "Local Feedback Loop" issue on Ops-- am I doing something wrong?  I can't quite get the meter on the wire puzzle all the way to the top, and I have no idea what else to do.  I'm looking around for clues and whatnot, I smashed three computer consoles.  Is there something I'm supposed to be doing that I'm not getting? 


it bugs and sometimes even crashes at that part. i recommend saving before ops deck, doing that part first, or having a save before you ever go to ops deck.

you solve puzzle, shoot the thing, and then the doors should open. not necessary for game play but you get access to the broken replicator that is very nice


but if you just can't solve the puzzle, chances are you are missing a detail. it remind me of polynomial equation with 2 solutions, there seems to be a wrong one that is very close. it will make a noise when you finish the puzzle, but there is a chance after doing it, the trigger will bug. but I only had that on the 3rd playthrough.


share crashdumps and logs should that happen.


the other puzzle that can break is on the ricken backer, also involving the wire puzzle. It happened in the same run through that the local feedback puzzle broke and I had to go back a deck in saves.

on the rickenbacker
when you need to raise the med bed. fortunately you can jump on a large armor to grapple to the next level. its where diego died


Another idea for tinker

For all those useless weapons lying on the ship, what if you could combine a weapon and a turret to make a turret of your choice?
laser turret = phaser + turret
rocket turret = grenade launcher + turret
fast machine gun turret = machine gun or smart gun

And of course you could do something even more evil and have turret that use ammo. So you could collect ammo and certain weapons outside of your class range to be able to make turrets of a certain type if you run out of whatever ammo you want.


and a wrench or saber turret that engages enemies with melee. or pool cue


  • Company: I freaking wish
Even with NewDark, it would be easier to fix the later levels of the game itself rather than the absolute nightmare of enabling something like that within the limitations of the Dark Engine.

We're pretty lucky to even have turret repair at all.


who know what kind of stuff a smart person can come up with to fix the game engine, don't fall into old dogma . now there is AI coding tools and all sorts of aids for modders


Are you implying that the technical limitations of the Dark engine can be overcome by sheer willpower?

I'm pretty sure that's not how software development works. If there's any emotional process involved, progress in software is powered by pain and suffering.


I think with engineering its often hard to tell what's what because most of it is negotiated around stable jobs, reasonable pay for possibly unreasonable jobs (difficult jobs come and go but your salary needs to stay constant) and hard projects are not considered unless their framed as being easy to finish.

you can always have hope


It's okay to admit that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


This isn't some organisational problem or mismanagement preventing progress. The Dark Engine is pretty well understood at this point. Some things are hardcoded, some things are not, and there's nothing preventing making any mod to do anything, unless it's hardcoded. A "creatable" turret might actually be possible in some circumstances, but would be a lot of work and may not work and would likely have problems (like enemies trying to path through it). But full-on turret customisation is absolutely impossible. It doesn't matter how much you BELIEVE it's possible, the engine is just the way it is.

67b8c4bfac96fNameless Voice

Not so much impossible as it would be a lot of work to make the models, rig everything up, and most of all to make an interface for controlling all of this.

I don't think that would be worth it for a feature that doesn't even sound that useful and which almost no one would use.


One feature that would be simpler AND maybe useful, would be if you could use a certain item on a hacked turret to "replace" it with a version of the appropriate type.

This could probably be done with Squirrel, and wouldn't have issues with things like AI pathing.

But honestly, I don't really play Secmod and wouldn't really know much about what's best for the mod gameplay-wise.


Hmm when you hear 'hardcoded' too many times, it means its time for OpenSS2.

That's what I saw other communities do when they had their hopes and dreams keep running into hardcoded.


Hmm when you hear 'hardcoded' too many times, it means its time for OpenSS2.
Okay, let us know when you're done!
Acknowledged by: Chandlermaki


Hopefully night dive actually releases the source when SS2:EE comes out, so that the probability of getting a community source port increases from 0% to approximately 0%

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